Archangel Gabriel - Keeper of which institution, what helps


In the Orthodox faith, three Archangel - Mikhail, Gabriel and Rafail are especially revered. Archangel Gabriel is he brought the good news of the Virgin Mary about the immaculate conception and birth of the Savior of all mankind. And if Archangel Mikhail is distinguished by militancy and active opposition to the forces of evil, then Gabriel is defined to be a messenger secrets.

What does the archangel helps modern people, what is his mission?

My cousin could not have children for a long time, although all the procedures appointed by doctors were held. She was already despair to give birth to a child even with the help of Eco, but Arkhangel Gabriel helped.

This wonderful Bulletin of God brought her the joy of motherhood - helped to make a healthy baby. Now she is happy mom. The sister went to his temple on pure ponds, ordered prayers. In the article, I will tell you about this wonderful angel, his mission on earth and prayers that need to read constantly for well-being in life.

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Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel in the Old and New Testament

The name of the Archangel is translated as "the power of God." Before this, God's Messenger appears in the New Testament, multiple mention of it in the Old Testament can be found:

  • spreads the prophet Daniel Revelation and Vision;
  • Opens the Prophet Daniel's secrets of a close and distant future;
  • Helps write Moses Book of Being.

If it were not for the knowledge that Archangel Gabriel shared with Moses, we would not have the books of being, which describes all the deeds of God from the beginning of the creation of the world.

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In the New Testament, he appears in front of a progressive Anna, which is mournful of his mindlessness. In those days, the lack of children in the pair was equated to the curse and disgraces of God.

Once in prayer, Archangel Gabriel came to her and brought joyful news that he would soon give birth to her daughter and calling her Maria. It will not be just a girl, but all the earth tribes will be blessed through it.

The Day of West Archangel Gabriel - April 8 and July 26. In November 21, the Cathedral of Archangel Michael, which includes Gabriel.

With the same news, Gabriel was also the father of the Virgin Mary, who prayed at that moment the desert. From the moment of conception, Archangel Gabriel defeated and patronized the Bogotrokovice of Mary, while maintaining it for the future mission.

Also Gabriel pleased the parents of John the Baptist, who lived to old years and did not have children. Archangel pleased the righteous Zharicia good news:

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But since the righteous husband doubted the truth of his vision, then Archangel deprived him of the gift of speech until the birth of John.

But the most important news of Gabriel was the birth of the life of the Savior of the world. At that time, Maria was engaged with the righteous Joseph, and the news of pregnancy was greatly embarrassed by an innocent soul. But Gabriel visited Joseph in a dream, calming his heart and opening the mystery about the birth of the Boggladère from the Holy Spirit.

Also, Archangel opened Joseph the name of the Bog Mountain - Jesus.

The next phenomenon of Gabriel was the shepherds: he informed them about the birth of the Bog Mountain. Next, Archangel warned Holy Family about the bloody plan of Herod to kill all newborns.

It was Gabriel that came to console the grieving Jesus in the Greater Garden in front of the crucifixion when he prayed to his father about his fate. He was the myrrheans wives with the news of the resurrection of Christ. Before the audit of the Virgin Gabriel came to her with the consolation and blessing of God.

So, we see that this archangel accompanied the virgin Mary and Christ from the moment of their conception until the last minutes of earthly life.

Archangel Gabriel Keeper of which institution

As it looks like, what helps

The saint is depicting a young man of pleasant outfice, with big wings behind his back. Sometimes he holds the paradise branch in his hand - White Lillia. For the church legend, it was her who brought the Virgin Mary on his phenomenon. In the place where Gabriel came the Mother of God, now the church is built in his honor. It is located in the city of Nazareth (Israel).

Every year in Nazareth in memory of the joyful leads a crowded procession. The pilgrims from all over the world are in a hurry to join the cross move in order to become a rusticity of this significant event in the life of humanity - the Annunciation of Saving Soul. On this day, nobody works in Nazaret.

If Archangel Mikhail is depicted in armor and with a weapon, then Archangel Gabriel is depicted in Dyakonian clothes - to emphasize his mission of serving God. Previously, he was also depicted in the armor, but over time, the writing style of icons has changed.

In the hands of Archangel Gabriel may be:

  • White Lily - Paradise branch;
  • mirror of jasper, which reflects the secrets of God;
  • Wand - the symbol of power;
  • Ribbon on the forehead - the symbol of obedience to the Will of God;
  • Flashlight with burning candle, which symbolizes continuous prayer to the Lord.

Sometimes Gabriel is depicted with a mirror and a flashlight at the same time. Such an icon calls people to see their soul, as in the mirror, and incessantly follow the commandments of prayer.

The Museum is kept in the St. Petersburg Museum, the oldest icon called "Angel of Zlagy Vlasus", which depicts cereal gabriel. The icon is characterized by the fact that for each hairs the archangel was held a gold thread. From the face comes from a golden radiance, which symbolizes the endless grace of God.

Archangel Gabriel What helps

What does Archangel Gabriel help? His help lies in a prayer petition before the throne of God. Traditionally, they appeal in connection with the conception of children.

Also, Gabriel helps:

  • Get rid of Besysky puff, sinful thoughts and desires;
  • Remove the witch damage and spell;
  • protect against witchcraft naval, slander, reversals;
  • from mental ailments.

The girls appeal to him asking for a happy and blessed marriage. Married women ask Archangel Gabriel to preserve the fetus during pregnancy and about light childbirth. They ask Archangel about help in raising children and adoptive parents.

Archangel Gabriel Keeper What institution is? Traditionally, he is worshiped by a trustee writers, musicians, teachers and representatives of other creative professions.

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Archangel Gabriel - Keeper of which institution, what helps 1000_6
Archangel Gabriel - Keeper of which institution, what helps 1000_7

Messages Archangel Gabriel for every day

Archangels, angels and heavenly forces recognize not only in Arabian religions, but also in the occult teachings. Gabriel occupies one of the important places in the teachings of mystics and magicians. On the Internet there are information that the Holy Gabriel allegedly conveyed to people through "intermediaries", it is given guidance to people about the right thoughts and actions.

This information does not apply to the Orthodox tradition. Believe or not to believe such messages, decides everyone. The Orthodox Church adversely perceives such information, categorically prohibits Christians believe in such sources.

Archangel Gabriel Wikipedia

Gabriel in other religions

Three Avraamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) honor the uniform creator of the world, but differ from each other unique traditions. Seven (sometimes more) Archangels are mentioned in all those mentioned religions as the wills of the Wolley of God.

In Judaism Gabriel is called Gabriel. According to the religious representation of the Jews, he stands near the throne of the Creator together with the other three archangels: they guard 4 sides of the world. Jewish priests believe that it was Gabriel who is a defender and the Savior of the Jewish people from the persecutors, because it is he praying to the throne of the Creator about the fate of the people and the whole world.

Also, Jews believe that Gabriel comes to the dying righteous and carefully disconnects the soul from the body. To do this, he uses an ideal sharp knife, which does not cause suffering. Archangel Samael comes to sinners with a stupid rough knife. From this, their death becomes painful and painful.

In Islam Gabriel is called Jibril. According to Muslim priests, Djibril is an intermediary between Allah and his prophets. It was he who helped Prophet Muhammed Write Quran, discovering the secrets of the world for 23 years. According to Muslims, Gibril brought Muslims to Muslims, from which Adam was created. Also Archangel:

  • defeated Adam after expulsion from paradise;
  • patronized Noah and Ismail;
  • helped Joseph to master foreign languages;
  • defeated the king of David from death;
  • Informed the righteous Zechariah about the birth of the Son - John the Baptist.

However, in the Jewish and Muslim religious tradition, it is not customary to depict Angels and Archangels, as in Orthodoxy. But according to some data, it looks like a man of huge sizes: his head concerns the clouds.

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