Prayer Archangel Rafail About Healing: Very Strong Protection


About the archangel of God heard all, many people they helped get rid of diseases, stand up true. To find faith and hope for a bright future. Archangels and Angels are messengers of God who bring messages from the throne of the Lord. But they can also teach handicrafts or open intimate knowledge.

The prayer of Archangel Rafail helps in healing from various ailments, since its main activity in the world of people is to treat and eliminate pain. My sister always prays Rafail if children are ill.

I have never left loose prayer. Archangel also blesses medicines, due to which the time of healing is noticeably reduced. In the article, I will tell you about this heavenly patron, prayers for him and how to ask the Holy Help.

Prayer Archangel Rafail

The image of Archangel Rafaila

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In Tobita's book, Rafail learned how Archangel Rafail taught people to heal blindness with the help of a fish bubble. Therefore, this Archangel is often depicted on the icons with fish.

There are also icons on which Archangel Rafail stands with a bowl filled with precious Mirrome - consecrated fragrant oil. Legends also told that Rafail used animal insides to expand the demons from the room - with the help of fusion smoke.

In the Christian Pantheon of the Holy Big Forces, Archangel Rafail is revered on a par with Archangel Mikhail. In jurisdiction, healing is healing from bodily infirm and mental illness. The word Rafail is translated from Aramaic as healing, cure.

This saint is honored not only in Christianity, but also in other branches of Abrahamic religions - Muslim, Judaism.

On a note! The Archangel Rafail icon helps everyone connected with healing and diseases - doctors, meanings, seriously ill people. Also Archangel patronizes environmentalists, environmentalists and animals.

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Rafail is a patron of medicine, it will lead to anesthesia and deliverance from diseases. However, you can heal not only the body with the soul, but also the relationship between people. All that requires correction (healing) is included in the competence of Rafail. Therefore, it can be asked about solving any problem in life.

Abrahamic religions define Rafail as an archangel approximated to the throne, along with Mikhail and Gabriel. In the apocryphal (not included in the canon), the book of Enha can find comprehensive information about this Archangel.

There is a story about the confrontation between Rafail and Azazel, whom he sharpened in the sands of the desert. Subsequently, Rafail was given an instruction to watch the fallen angels and their earthly wives.

Prayer Rafail

Assistance Archangel

In the prayer, there are several different prayers to holy, which are used for healing and assistance in other problems.

Archangel ask:

  • execute a secret desire;
  • help in a challenging life situation;
  • Give advice in difficult circumstances.

The help of the Heavenly Patron extends to all people who need it. Therefore, it can be asked to help any person cope with unsolvable problems, get healing or getting rid of something (harmful habit, difficult situation).

Angels and Archangels never act at their discretion, even if a person is engaged in uncomfortable affairs. They are silently watching sinners, not having the right to violate someone else's freedom. Therefore, you need to ask for help whenever it is necessary: ​​an angel will perform it.

Prayer Archangel will help:

  • restore sincere equilibrium;
  • eliminate the effects of stress;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • get rid of evil inclinations;
  • sanctify the room, drive demons;
  • Find a way out of a difficult life situation.

People's healers turn to Rafail with the question of choosing the right method of treating patients and susso.

On some icons, Archangel is depicted in the form of a traveler. This image will help everyone whose work is associated with frequent moves. Rafail guards travelers from unforeseen situations, protects from the troubles and adversity.

From a long time, the help of Archangel was used when meeting girls. This prayer Rafail will help to find a decent bride, and not be caught by external forms:

Prayer Archangel Rafail About Healing: Very Strong Protection 1001_3

It is important to understand that one-time pronunciation of prayer will not help. To get the effect of a prayer word, you need a regular practice. Teach yourself to start your day with prayers and finish it with Thanksgiving God for the last day.

Prayer Archangel Rafail about healing

How to read prayers archangel

Nowadays, many people need prayer support for heavenly patrons, despite developed medicine and many effective medicines. This is associated with low immunity and chronic stress: medications do not help, even the most expensive and strong.

This is a confirmation of the fact that the roots of any disease are in the spiritual sphere. If a person does not think about his soul and is busy only by body service, then sooner or later it is starting to attack various ailments.

This is stated in the Gospel. The apostles warn believe that diseases are sinful thoughts. Repentance and reinforced prayer of the righteous returning a person to life, restore sincere and bodily health.

Prayer Archangel Rafail About Healing: Very Strong Protection 1001_5

It is sins that are the source of all human problems, and bodily, too. To get healing, you need to realize your actions and repent in the deed. Is it possible to do without treatment and tablets?

Church against this approach to the case: Doctors are delivered by the Lord for the treatment of people. But with repentance and prayer the process of healing will accelerate. There are cases and recovery without drugs, but it depends on the special grace of God.

Nowadays, people are often sick of death-cancer. You can cure from this disease, but many still die. It is believed that unpredictable resentment is the spiritual root of cancer tumor.

This negative state of consciousness corps the soul of a person, reflected on the body with ulcers and tumors. Resentment must be forgiven, so taught people Jesus Christ. If the offense is not released, it will destroy a person from the inside.

Therapeutic procedures aimed at combating a tumor should be combined with the repeated prayers and prayers of forgiveness. Only prayers should go from a pure heart, and not for a tick. It is necessary to forgive sincerely and in sins also need sincere. The Lord sees the heart of a person, his inner state and thoughts: to deceive the creator of life is impossible.

Prayer Archangel Rafail about Healing:

Prayer Archangel Rafail About Healing: Very Strong Protection 1001_6

Heavy people need to be ordered in the monastery of Sorokousts about the health, a fierce psalter, prayers with prayer appeal to Archangel Rafail. At home you need to read the prayer rule and prayer to Archangel with a request to speed up healing.

Reading the holy texts has a beneficial effect on the soul and human body, fills every cell grace. Also blessing and listening to the prayers and akathist in audio recordings. Try to negotiate with your relatives so that they do not interfere with listening to the akathist, or put on the headphones.

Regular utterance of holy words frees not only from diseases, but also from bad inclinations or addictions. A man's soul drops the demonic shackles and puzzles, spreads spiritual wings for flight.

Prayer Rafail about healing (second):

Prayer Archangel Rafail About Healing: Very Strong Protection 1001_7

The sick person should understand that the prayer appeal does not guarantee instant healing. Sometimes it happens that man still does not recover. On all the will of God, and we are not given to know the reasons for such a relationship to requests. But you do not need to surrender and lose heart: the soul of man is immortal compared to the body.

Even if the body dies, then the soul is ascended to God. This fact should calm patients and tune in positive way. Much worse those who do not believe: they have nothing to hope for.

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