Archangel Chamuel - What is responsible for what helps


Angels and Archangels are divine creatures consisting of affordable energy and bearing protection, patronage, happiness and harmony to people. There is a huge amount, and each of God's assistant has specific tasks, spheres of influence and tools.

Today we will remember one of them, the name to him - Archangel Chamiw. For what he answers, with what problems you can contact - everyone will learn about this from the following material.

Archangel Chamiw

Chamuel - who is he?

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Archangel Chamuel is an angel of peaceful relationship. Translated from the language of the ancient Jews, his name means "the one who is looking for God" (there is another option "one who sees God").

Orthodox Christians honor him as one of the most important and strong assistants of mankind. The main function of Chamioila is to awaken in the hearts of people good and love, teach them forbating their neighbors.

Angel also protects against all that disrupts the course of life established by the Creator. Revenge is an alien concept for a light messenger of heaven, he helps people to replace it with a sincere forgiveness, humility.

Interestingly, Chamioila is often associated with other inhabitants of the Angelic World. So the Orthodox finds him in the attitude of another important archangel - Gabriel. Angel is identified with Hamuil (Haniel), which, in turn, is called the archangel Daniel.

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And in view of the similarity in the phonetic sound of the name, Chamiola is counted to Samael's hypostats. But this is not all: in some religious texts, this entity is referred to as Salafil (Selaphyl). In general, everything is not easy in the divine world with angelic ranks and faces, you can get confused by nonsense.

Interesting! About Angela Chamuila find information in the Bible. The gospel from Luke says that it was he who helped Jesus Christ to keep faith, supporting him during a prayer in the Garden of Garden.

But this is not the only mention of the peaceful warrior of the world - by the same sacred Scripture, Chamila, expressing the will of the Lord, created a huge number of different languages ​​on Earth. The purpose of such actions was to eliminate the pride in the inhabitants of the ancient Babylon.

Archangel Chamuel - What helps people?

Divine Chamuel is an angel of good, light and love in all its manifestations (This also refers to the personal relationship between the floors, and the love of everything alive, and, of course, love for God).

Archangel with all their might withstands violence, revenge, cruelty, destructive preferences. It is a guardian and defender of small children and all helpless creatures.

Helps to establish family relationships between husband and wife, children and parents. Harmonious, easy communication and mutual understanding is its main tools. It is shown to pray to him all those who are often faced with quarrels, negative, someone else's angry.

In addition, people lost in life paths can be calculated on his support. They will help them return to himself, remember his true purpose and start executing it. In a more extensive scale, Chamila finds a solution for inter-ethnic, interracial issues.

In addition to the above, peaceful archangel attracts well-being in man's material life. Helps to make a successful career, increase your financial level.

Archangel Chamiw

The main categories of topics in which it can submiss:

  • Love, family;
  • friendly relations;
  • search yourself, vital wisdom;
  • Work - helps to find it.

Also Chamuila is associated with creative activities, art, because these are the classes that are made to joy the soul. He also can ask you to find a lost object or attract a soul mate, because this is an angel of love. He harmonizes already available relationships, helps to build a strong marriage.

Note! Camel in the Angelic Kingdom is associated with the energy of love. Therefore, he will help exceptionally kind, decent and fair people, in whose hearts it lives this light feeling. And wages the side of cruel and evil personalities.

Chamuel and a huge power of love

In the Universe, the principle of duality is always present - the day is always replaced at night, male energy complements the female, after the cold winter there comes a hot summer and so on. The character under consideration also has a male part (hereinafter champic) and women's (that is, love).

On this expense, one ancient legend has been preserved. It tells it that Onstead Archey love took guardianship over the ladder.

When that was another child, love came to her and opened her heart, taking advantage of feeling a beautiful, elevated feeling and give it to the world, especially the kingdom of nature. Also, Nada, thanks to love, learned to take care of his loved ones and relatives, lead them by the right path.

Archangel Chamuel together with love work on the third ray of pink color. According to its vibrations, they correspond to the heart chakra (anahata) responsible for emotionality and sensuality. They implement the famous Christian Commandment: "Love your neighbor, like yourself."

Interesting! Rays are concepts from Esoteric. They act as energy flows passing through all the plans of the universe. You can read in detail about them in the books "Treatise about seven rays" of the authorship of A. Bail or in the "Spiritual Hierarchy".

There is a large similarity between the pink flame of Chamiola and the purple archangel of the back and Saint-Germa.

But still they are somewhat different in their direction. So purple energy is designed to eliminate any evil, protect, support spirituality. And Pink - awakens in people the creative beginning and other abilities that can benefit all mankind.

Systematically interacting with a pink beam of Chamiola, a person will be able to reveal the brightest and positive qualities in itself: it will become merciful, kind, honest, loving and all-friendly.

With it, it is really to change not only your personal life (for example, to eliminate the negative in the family), but also use it in society - to eliminate aggression, hard competition at the place of work. To do this, it is recommended to visualize how the aggressor is surrounded by a pink flame and, of course, do not be angry with him.

Archangel Chamuel and Archey Love

Archangel Chamil and Angels of Love

Control of Chamiola is a whole army of angels of love. They also help in solving issues related to love, interpersonal relationships, friendship. Moreover, their help comes believers even in such serious situations when it seems that there is no way out.

Chamuel and his angels will heal the wounded heart after the betrayal of a loved one or a friend, leaving the life of loved ones. They will help come to themselves, from the heart to forgive the offender and start living on. Give the vital wisdom, hope and faith in the fact that in the near future the situation will change for the better.

If you experienced a significant spiritual shock - be sure to pray to this Angelic Bulletin.

Another prayer Archangel Camuilu will hand over with higher spiritual gifts: the ability to love is definitely really, without requiring nothing in return. She will eliminate egoism, constant discontent with himself, will teach respect to himself.

What other situations ask for the help of the Archangel itself or his angels?

  • When you dream to meet your soul mate, find a mutual sense of love;
  • to find a delicate soul;
  • To reveal your divine mission, start living in harmony with it, and not from the influence of society (do not pursue the goal to earn a lot of money, get a high status, but to help people fulfill their destination);
  • When the relationship between husband and wife hang on the hair to avoid divorce;
  • After the treason experienced, betrayal - to be able to forgive and let go;
  • When they want to reveal the heart chakra - anahata;
  • to clean the heart and soul from the perfect limits or from suffering;
  • To learn to love yourself and other people;
  • In order to solve family and other conflict situations as peacefully and harmoniously, to get out of the deadlock;
  • to overcome their inner demons;
  • To follow by love, above all, love for the Most High.

Finally, browse the video about this Archangel:

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