What a conspiracy to read in the workplace: leading advice


To trade in walked, you need luck. But sometimes Fortuna does not want to smile to sellers, and they begin to lose revenue. What is the conspiracy to receive the trading place to correct the situation and attract buyers?

My neighbor almost lost business because of the guests of competitors: they paid a black witch for the ritual of ruin. But Masha was focused on time and found the victim grandmother who taught it to resist black magic. In this topic, I will share with you recommendations, how to clean the business from damage and the evil eye, how to make trading profitable and how to attract customer customers.

Plot to trade in the workplace

Rules of reading conspiracy

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Good luck in trade is needed not only to sellers in the store, but also to network suppliers. Also their goods are brought to markets by private traders who grow vegetables and fruits in their own gardens. In order for the magic plot to have, you need to follow some rules:

  • No one tells anything about what you are reading magic spells;
  • Do not doubt the effectiveness of the magical formula;
  • Before rites to increase profits, clean your business from the negative;
  • Clean your own aura from negative;
  • Do not allow yourself to panic, nervous or otherwise demonstrate your uncertainty in improving the situation;
  • You must certainly make a charm or amulet on your business and personally.

So that the sales conspiracies have run, you must first clean yourself from negative and your business. This is an indispensable condition. The envious could damage the damnation. If earlier trading went well, and then the sales stopped, which means that the damnnik was caused or made the krannik.

Remove the evil eye from business

The ritual must be carried out every new moon. This is the time when the month is not visible in the sky, but the date is better to look in the lunar calendar, so as not to be mistaken. For the ritual it will take water that will need to speak, and then sprinkle it commercial premises. Water take so much to have enough on the hall. If there are several trading rooms, then the water needs to take more.

Before you read a conspiracy with contacting the Trinity, you need to cross on three times and read our Father three times. Water also cut off. If there is holy water, you can add it to the usual one.

What a conspiracy to read in the workplace: leading advice 10064_2

Conspiracy is read three times, closely leaning towards water - so that the breath concerns its surface. Do not forget to cover your head with a handkerchief when reading prayers. Water can speak at home, bring to the workplace and sprinkle. Krophop should be crucifiable: dipped the pinch of the fingers into the water and kropropy.

Conspiracies for good trading read in the store

Conspiracies for successful trade

After removing the evil eye and damage from business and shopping place in the new moon, you need to read conspiracies for good trading and attracting customers, up to the full moon. From the 17th lunar day, the moon will decline, so they do not read money on the growth. But at this time you can make rites from competitors and from failures.

Daily conspiracy on a red rag

It is necessary to find an old red rag with which you can make a rite. Also need holy water, it should stand in the cabinet in the workplace. In the morning you should make a rag with a small amount of holy water and how to smack dust from the push. At the same time, you need to talk about yourself or whispering such words:

What a conspiracy to read in the workplace: leading advice 10064_4

When you wigglely, you can safely begin to start trading. It is advisable to come a little earlier than other sellers if you work in the market. On the store this rule does not apply. This conspiracy is read daily without taking into account the phases of the Moon.

Conspiracy on the first revenue

Conspiracies for good trade are read in the store. As soon as the first client will make a purchase, you need to hold money in your left hand and read a plot to increase sales:

What a conspiracy to read in the workplace: leading advice 10064_5

After that, put money in the left corner on the counter and continue to work. After the working day, put this money into your wallet. This conspiracy is read daily to the first revenue. The next day, money can be spent.

conspiracies to read on the work

Talisman on trade

For a talisman, you will need a coin with a number 5. In Russia, this is a five-meal coin. You can take both a five-fed: it is important that the top five. You will also need a new handkerchief or a square cut of a new fabric.

First, the coin is screwed 12 times (by the number of months of the year), then wraps into the handkerchief and put on the left pocket.

What a conspiracy to read in the workplace: leading advice 10064_7

Piglet should always lie in the left pocket during work, it does not work at a distance. What if there is no pockets on clothes? Then put it in a wallet or a handbag and keep with you. A year later, the Piglet again speak.

Conspiracy on Mak.

Machine grains are very often used in magical rites. These are copainting conspiracies, and to increase profits in trade and attracting buyers. This conspiracy is read only on the growing moon, it does not apply to daily. Together with Mak, you need to buy a new handkerchief.

It is necessary to come to work a little earlier than other sellers so that no one accidentally enter the tent or compartment (if you work in the market). The handkerchiefs need to be spread on the counter, pour on it a good handful of poppy seeds and read 9 times (you can on a piece of paper):

What a conspiracy to read in the workplace: leading advice 10064_8

Then it will be necessary to scatter the conspired grains before the counter, so that no one notice. Buyers will attack your feet on the poppy and pay attention to your product. Mac can be titled at the beginning of each lunar month. That is, this rite is carried out constantly.

Washer from ruin

To protect your business from losses and ruins, you need to make a special charm. For this, they take any bill, turn it with a tube. Sealed with wax from a green candle one end, in the tube puffed dry grass basilica. Then seal with wax the second end.

Now you need to wind up this tube with green thread (better than woolen or moulin) and hide in the store. You don't need to say anything. This charm acts 3-4 months, then it needs to be updated. Burn the bill with the grass somewhere on the street or in another room. You can simply bury bills with a basil under dry wood or just in the ground. Just instill where you do not go.


On the growing moon you need to buy a new scallop with frequent cloths (ideally - wooden or bone). Choose the comb is not beauty, but so that the cloves are small. You can buy a comb, if it is with small cloths, but better scallop. Speech on the crest the following words 9 times:

What a conspiracy to read in the workplace: leading advice 10064_9

After scallop holds next to them in the workplace. If the hairstyle allows you to do it with this scallop. Conspiracy is updated every month. It is better to read it for the new moon. Do not forget to periodically comb your hair with scallop.

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