Conspiracy for successful trading: how to read yourself


From trade, you have to deal with everyone, and many act in the role of the seller. It does not matter whether the person is the seller by the nature of the activity or the trader unwittingly, his goal is always alone - its product to sell as quickly and profitable for the wallet.

Sale of goods

Trade is an area in which not only professionalism, experience and business qualities, but also good luck with luck. Make sales more successful and beneficial in terms of finances are able to help conspiracies for successful trade. They still were used since the times of deep antiquity, their strength was spent testing of centuries. In demand, conspiracy has not lost and now, and their relevance increases as competition in the market is heard.

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Any magic ritual has a number of features that directly depends on its impact and the final result. In the case of such conspiracies, the following conditions should be taken into account:

  • The ritual will succeed, if they pronounce it before sunset, in the bright time of the day;
  • The appropriate lunar phase is the time when the night light decreases, as the purpose is to sell something, get rid of the goods;
  • Successful energy (monetary) has the Wednesday and Saturday. Simple text can be read immediately after the conclusion of a successful deal;
  • Any magic ritual must be supported by faith in its effectiveness, faith in magical forces.

Directly in the process of trading itself it is very important to create the right energy in the Seller-Buyer system. We must respect our customers, be with them in friendly and polite, you can not deceive them, to determine. You never need to complain about bad demand and lack of profit - thus the negative program is imposed on the trade, which will definitely not lead to good luck. It is extremely not desirable to regularly join the rewinding with its competitors, swear and readily - because of this, the aura of the trading place is spoiled.

If rites are correct to use, they are able to become an indispensable assistant of any seller. They will attract new buyers, will increase the level of sales, will contribute to the growth of financial well-being and business prosperity.

5 working fashion

There are many rituals who can read any seller without special training and assistance. The most acting methods are given below. Baister!

On a rag

Conspiracy on the rag

On the descending Moon, the seller must take any rag and wipe the dust at its workplace, saying:

"Lojo, no trouble, not touch my goods, do not touch me. Get away from me, get away from here - on the water, on the swamp and dared. Do not call me with him, take away dead cancer yes lying under Corgano. To poverty I do not know, but do not lie to my product. I refer away to poverty yes poverty, sweeping a cloth of failure and misfortune. Power, water, tongue! Amen!"

Conspiracy needs to be read three times, then the rag is thrown into any reservoir. The rite effect will appear shortly after its use.

On a coin

The text is pronounced on Wednesday or Saturday (days with cash energy). The seller must be dipped into the eucalyptus oil of medium dignity coin and say the words:

"My tribute on your commercial roads. As you notify this money, you will behave with good luck. I will be a mile of white light, water clean, tasty food. Luck-Fort, let me be bored for me, God's slave (God's slave) (own name) ”.

Conspirational money must be thrown into the center of the commercial premises and pronounce: "Paid" . It will be fine if it raises one of the buyers. Conspiracy is distinguished by almost instantaneous action.

From Natalia Stepanova

The ritual is done on a decreasing moon, at dawn, before the opening of the store. To do it, you need a small pocket mirror. The mirror taking into the right hand, the seller must cross it 3 times each counter, saying:

"The goods are bapt and baptized for sale. In order for how to see the product, the reflection of its in the mirror, so it has so much and liked the buyer. To bought the first who came, the second bought and the last bought. And without a purchase, no one left me. "

After all manipulations, the mirror put on a prominent place. The ritual can be updated, but not more often than 1 time per week. Soon, trading affairs will noticeably for improvement.

With salt


You need to take a small tight salt on the workplace. The rite is performed alone, it is impossible for someone to see the performer. Before the start of trading, you need to turn your back to the counter, take a salt in the right hand and throw back through the left shoulder towards the goods, saying:

"Hiking and dries, go here. Here you place, water and food. I am money, you have a commodity. Amen!"

This plot is often made using sugar.

On a scarf

Going to trade, the performer must wash the water, adding a spoon of bee honey there, and then wipe the face with a nose handkerchief, reading:

"Stars are not reading, the plowing of the Pakhton, I don't remove my word with me. I am a merchant, with me - my crown. How to fly on honey bees, so everyone looks at the goods, they want to pick up. Amen!"

This scarf should be taken with you to work.

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