Psalm 90 - Prayer "Live in Help": Text in Russian and Staroslavansky


All who heard at least once about the prayer "Psalm 90" (the text is given below), they certainly wondered: why are it read it? It is a prayer endowed with a huge power: it is able to protect evil and negative from all manifestations, from unkind people, from unclean power.

Psalm 90.

The ninetieth psalm is the strongest charm. This protective properties of the prayer manifests this not only with the direct utterance. The function of the overag "Psalm 90" preserves well, being written from hand on a piece of paper, a flap of leather or fabric. If you will be a "letter" to wear close to your body, it will be to protect you from any misfortunes and misfortunes, accidents, ill-wishers and enemies, magical and other types of energy impact on the part.

Mention "Psalm 90" meets even in the Gospel (Matthew - 4: 6; from Luke - 4:11). When the Savior adhered to a 40-day post in the desert, Satan sang him. In order not to succumb to the demonic goat, Christ read 11 and 12 poems of this prayer.

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In Western Christianity, the Ninetieth Psalm read or sing during the evening worship, in the Middle Ages, he was a mandatory part of the readings on Good Friday.

And the Eastern Church applies prayer at the fans and memorism, also "Psalm 90" is an indispensable part of the service of 6 hours.

Prayer text "Psalm 90"

Download the text of the prayer (print version)

On Church Slavonic

"Psalm 90" read recommended in church Slavonic language, although there are also translations of prayers for modern Russian. The reason lies in the fact that when transferring it is impossible to transmit a deep meaning and content of prayer text, its key idea with absolute accuracy.

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At the Church Slavonic language "Psalm 90" sounds as follows:

Text Psalm 90.

Translation into modern Russian language

In the synodal translation to the modern Russian language, the text of the prayer "Psalm 90" is as follows:

PSAL's translation text 90

Accents in the modern version are read by the usual rules of the Russian language.

Listen to Psalm with a repeat 40 times

The history of the origin of prayer

"Psalm 90" originates from the biblical book "Old Testament: Psaltry" - there it goes at number 90 (hence the name). However, in the Masoretian numbering he was assigned number 91. In the Christian religion, this prayer is also known in the first words: in Latin - "Qui Habitat", in Staroslavansky (Church Slavonic) - "Live in Help".

Regarding the origin of the "Psalm 90", the researchers adhere to the opinions that the authorship belongs to the prophet David. He wrote him in honor of the deliverance from the three-day seaside ulcers. This prayer is also called the "laudatory song of David" - under this name it goes to Greek psalti.

Content and main ideas of prayer

90 Psalm is one of the strongest prayers. The text of the Psalm is permeated with the idea that the Lord is a defender and a reliable refuge of all those who believe in it. He convinces us that a person who sincerely believes sincerely in God may not be afraid of any danger. "Psalm 90" transmits the idea that faith in the Most High has an insurmountable force. In prayer, it is possible to find elements of prophecy - it indicates the coming of the Savior, who accounted for by the most important defender to any believer.

"PUB Song of David" is distinguished by an expressive poetic language. It has its clear structure. It can be conditionally divided into three parts:

  1. The first part is the poems first and second.
  2. The second part is poems from the third to the thirteenth.
  3. The third part is poems from the fourteenth to sixteenth.

Interpretation of prayer and what is read it

Unfortunately, not everyone is clear "Psalm 90" without complete interpretation. If you analyze every verse of prayer, the following is obtained:

  1. Under God's defense will be the one who lives under the help of the Lord. As Holy Athanasius believed, in God's assistance, the Divine commandments were meant, who gave the Lord himself to people. Compliance with these commandments is able to protect against demons and any misfortunes. Accordingly, only one who lives in these commandments will be under Divine Protection.
  2. A man who has an unshakable faith in God can call the Lord his "refuge" and "intercessor."
  3. The Lord will save a person from the "Lovech Network". "Network Catcher" - an allegorical image that means an attack on the body - physical and demonic (i.e., lust, sinful passion). Also deliver God and from the "Word of Merya", which means slander, causing a rebellion and a towel in the soul of a slander person.
  4. God loves the truth, so in full security, under a reliable "wing" there will be only the person who is sincerely with the Lord.
  5. The one who lives in the help of God is not afraid of a nightmare, emanating from demons or bad people (robbers, thieves, etc.), are not terrible arrows - physical, affecting the body, and mental, emanating from demons and passion.
  6. Living in the help of the Lord may not be afraid of "things, in the darkness of the transient" (demonic passion, fornication), "Demo Human" (laziness, carelessness).
  7. The one who lives in the help of God will not damage the thousand, and ten thousand arrows. Under arrows implies the temptation for the commission of sins, the devilish carriages, opposing the righteous chance of life.
  8. God's help will help you to see our eyes with dishwasy people.
  9. Strong protection on the part of the Lord will come for the reason that the believer relies on God with all his heart and mind, sees his intercession in him.
  10. No evil will come closer to the person who relies on God, the entire body, which possesses the material shell, will be protected from the troubles and diseases.
  11. God protects a person through the angels by the man who relies on him.
  12. Angels will carry the believer on their hands, and the person will not turn into a stone. Hands of angels - a symbol of a guarding force that will protect the person during temptations and heavy life situations. The stone symbolizes sin, everything that the obstacle is virtue.
  13. The man who relies on God is not terrible snakes and major predators. Aspid and Vasilisk are poisonous snakes. Aspid - a symbol of slander, Vasilisk - a symbol of envy (both its own and from other people). The lion and the dragon symbolizes rigidity and inhuman. The righteous person is able to overcome all these negative manifestations.
  14. A person relies on God, so the Lord protects him and eliminates any danger. God's name truly knows only the one who leads the righteous life, complies with the commands to them.
  15. God will hear a person who relies on him if he will call him. The Lord will be in grief with him, will relieve and glorify him in the life of the earth and eternal.
  16. The Lord gives the Lord to God in the god gives eternal life, and can also extend the life of his earthly.

Prayer Lord.

The Lord hears everyone who pronounces the prayer "Psalm 90", and never refuses to help. God is merciful, so he helps him often and a man who sinful in his life if he, when reading the prayer, appeals to the Lord with a deep and sincere faith in his heart, with hope for him.

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