Conspiracy to the longing of a man at a distance - to read independently


Reading a conspiracy To miss a beloved man or a guy has always been and will be sought after representatives of a beautiful sex. This simple magic ritual helps cause a man - a loved one or just a cute - feeling of longing in performer, obsessive thoughts about her, the desire to see and be with her nearby.

The conspiracy to the longing is nothing more than a special energy installation, working on the principle of changing the state of the soul of the person who became a victim of the rite.

Men longing

Do not equate this magical impact to the love spell. In contrast to the attitude, the conspiracy is characterized by an easier action and does not imply karmic binding. Nevertheless, as a result of this, the ritual still happens a slight invasion of the consciousness of man and suppressing his will, because a love longing appears not by itself, but arises due to the use of magic. It is for this reason that for rituals for longing a man should not be treated too often, without understanding possible consequences.

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The thoughtless use of witchcraft in itself is already dangerous and fraught with negative manifestations, up to the complete destruction of the lives of the performer and the victim.

How and in what cases to read a plot?

Most conspiracies are white and are considered relatively safe, but only provided that everything was done according to the rules without abuse. Therefore, these magic spells are needed only in really necessary cases:

  1. In order to push the chosen one to the first step to the performer and to the beginning of love relationships;
  2. In order to refresh the feelings in long-term relationships, when cooling is observed from the beloved;
  3. In order to return the beloved if the parting happened to him as a result of a quarrel or actions of the rival, which has long remained in the past.

happy people

Whatever the purpose of the performer, to the magical ritual, aimed at the challenge of longing, should be applied only with absolute confidence that the chosen is not experiencing any negative feelings and emotions towards it. Otherwise, a man on a subconscious level will be strongly resist the exposure to conspiracy, which can lead to sad consequences - alcoholism, addiction, suicidal inclinations.

As for the time of holding, then, like all the love rites, during the growth of the night shining. However, some can apply when the moon in the sky will become complete.

4 ways

On the growing moon

Pronounced on the growing moon. It is desirable that windy weather standing on the street. You can read the conspiracy to read both when the window is open and outdoors. The words:

"On the island of Buyan, the wind is strong walking. And during the day, and at night, he sharpened. You fly, the wind, to my cute, to my heart, the heart of him, nervy. Let go and crying the heart of God's slave (Selected Name) . Let me long for me, the servant of God (own name) , I'm waiting for the meeting and wait. Like a baby without milk mother like a fish without water, let him and he, (Selected Name) , can not be without me, nor live, nor there, nor drink, nor on a morning morning, neither on the evening, nor at noon, nor with the stars of frequent, nor under the winds of the rain, nor with the sun on the day, nor for the month night. Amen" (3 times)

On a flour dish

Conspiracy on the cake

This conspiracy can apply a woman already living with a man (married couple, for example), in the event that the separation is planned. The ritual makes faithful to the performer, protects against change. To make it, you need to cook with your own hands any flour dish (pancakes, pie, cake) - the main thing is to make it nice. In advance should be stockpile, sieve and cinnamon.

Woman should sift flour with a sieve, make it 7 times. Each time you should hinder the words (during the entire sifting process):

"Challenge and sow flour, sweet my flour. Let the slave forgive (Selected Name) And your blood is worried. Let someone else's beauty confuse Teles. Let the eyes of the flavors do not touch brave thoughts. Let the slave of God seek (Selected Name) to God's slave (own name) , Sypt for this cinnamon. Amen!"

When a cinnamon is mentioned in conspiracy, the flour needs to be sent a little - quite a little bit, so that it is almost never felt in the finished dish. You can give the finished baking from conspiracy flour to a man with you on the road either with him drink tea at home.

On salt

Salt is an element of many rituals. It can be spent in order to force the chosen one, naturally, on the growing moon. The conspiracy salt must be pouring under the threshold or the door of cute so that he definitely crossed it. Text Next:

"I smell not salt, but I lay pain. I take the world, but the recreation of peace. Smiles and laughter (Men's name) Take away, the joy of discarding. So that the light has become not mil - from pain and longing. In order to miss and dreamed - and day, and at night, and under the moon, and under the sun. Salt - enjoy, and longing - hear. Amen".

On the picture

A conspiracy is pronounced in the Phase of the Moon's Growth on the Fresh Picto Office. On the photograph, he must be alone, his eyes should be visible. Pronounce words three times: at dawn, after noon, at sunset. The performer should look straight into the eyes of a man and try:

"How can a slave of God (Men's name) without her shadow, so the slave of God can not (Men's name) without longing for me, God's slave (own name) . Go yelling, from longing suffocate. How the sun goes across the sky, as well as you on the road anyone to me, God's slave (own name) , go. My word is hard and lpko. Amen!"

The photograph must be hidden in a safe place, closer to yourself. None of the outsider should see him.

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