What days at the Orthodox Calendar of Angel Day at Veroniki


Named in girls and women with the name Veronica are three times a year. They are celebrated on that day, which is closer to the date of birth. According to Orthodox sacnesses, the church and worldly name coincide. In all Orthodox rites, the name remains unchanged - Veronica.

  • 25.07 - St. Veronica righteous;
  • 30.07 - Martyr Veronica;
  • 17.10 - Martyr Veronika (Virinia) Island.


Character and Interpretation of the name Veronika

According to the translation from the Greek, the name Veronika is treated as a "carrier victory." It appeared in honor of the goddess of Victory - Nicky. There is also a transfer option from the Latin language, and it is treated as a "genuine image".

The nature of Veronica is very difficult to define in one word. Little Veronica - timid, indecisive and shy girl. With age, its character is tempered. She becomes more confident in itself, more decisive, but may be stubborn and even irritable. It is always different. On the one hand, it is full of fun and ease. On the other hand, it is full of wisdom and whims. She is very sociable. In the society of friends and acquaintances - the soul of the company. Veronica has a sharp mind, a raven fantasy and creative potential. She loves art, engaged in music, theater, dancing, writes poems and engaged in painting. Veronica constantly hovers in the clouds, dreams and fantasies.

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Veronica is very in love, windy and stubborn nature. She always has a lot of fans and workers. It prefers to female society. Her relationships are short-lived, she can be married several times. With his rivals in love affairs or men who rejected it, can arrange the dirtyness and do everything. She has many acquaintances and friends. She is experiencing for them, helps in difficult situations and supports. It is not necessary to abuse her with kindness and mutual assistance. She can get tired of it. Wash yourself and put pressure on it will not allow. It is inherent in pride and pride. A negative character line can be called its calcality. Veronica so deftly uses people in their goals that they don't even suspect about it.

Woman with the name Veronica is full of energy and lively. It is very restless and raining. She never disappears and goes in life with his head raised to her goals and victories, because it is laid in the energy sector of her name. She achieves everything in life, which will consider it necessary. With all its strength and perseverance, it remains a feminine and delicate special, attracting representatives of strong sex. In family relations, she is tender, caring and trembling, in a career - wise and purposeful. It will be a happy wife with a good patient husband, but marry will come out quite late. Since she likes to be an object of attention around, it will be suitable public professions, for example, TV presenter, journalist, actress. Veronica with attractive appearance will be a successful model.

Patrons name

July 25 worship the Holy Veronica. It was Veronica that he helped Jesus, when he sentenced to death, followed on the way to Calvary. She was among people who accompanied the procession. She wanted Jesus Christ to heal her from the disease, from which she suffered many years. When the Savior fell along with the cross, Veronica gave him to get a drink and lost from his forehead and blood. At that moment she felt that he had gone away from one touch. Returning home, she saw: on a piece of fabric, which she wiped out Jesus, remained holy face. Veronica set the copper statue of Christ near his house. Grass, which grew near the monument, became healing and healing many women. The unpretentious image was sent to Rome to this day, it is considered an icon, and Veronica was counted to the face of saints. Holy Veronica is considered a patronage of photographs and photographers.


About Martyr Veronica, which is revered on July 30, practically nothing is known.

Martyr Veronika (Virinia), rivary lived during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, for whom torture and persecution of Christians were commonplace. Together with his mother and sister fled to the weather, where they were grabbed and tried to return to the native city of Antioch. In order to avoid torture and bullying in the name of faith, they accepted martyrdom, rushing into the river. The particles of the relics of the Holy Veronica are in Kolomna, in the old-Golutvinsky men's monastery.

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