Photo and description of the healing and magical properties of the Jasper stone


Jasper is an opaque stone, which is inherent in various color variations. It is a dense silicon breed, characterized by sedimentary origin and formed by quartz grains of miniature sizes, cheated by quartz and chalcedone, also with the addition of a huge number of different impurities. In this material, we will look at the main healing and magical properties of the Jasper and which from the signs of the zodiac is shown to use it.

Stone jasper photo

Color varieties of stone

In total, in nature, you can meet a yashma of such color variations:
  • Red (called another bloody jasma) - it is divided into a monophonic and the one that has intricate patterns. On shades, red jasper varies from a gentle pink to a bright red having a characteristic brown gleam;
  • Green color is one of the most common stone varieties;
  • White is a rather rare type of mineral. The color varies from the gentle-milk to grayish-yellow;
  • Heliotrope is the most rare and most expensive jasper. In color characteristics, it varies from dark green to black with red spots.

What medical properties has a mineral to suit

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If you are guided by Taoist ideas, the stone of Yasma contributes to the strengthening of the physical shell and even increases the life expectancy of a person! For this reason, the inhabitants of the ancient Rome used amulets with the Jashma, on which they cut their name and who were put on the neck.

Also as an amulet, a stone has a number of healing properties:

  • will help restore forces;
  • eliminates fever and epilepsy;
  • improve memory;
  • heals from many mental pathologies;
  • improves sleep;
  • eliminates insomnia and nightmares;
  • increases visual acuity;
  • heals from dental pain;
  • Improves smell.

It is believed that the healing properties of the mineral depends on its color and will be different for each of the color variations:

  • Orange Yashma - fill the body with energy, rejuvenates the skin;
  • Milk-white - has a common healing effect;
  • Red - helps to clean blood vessels, contributes to stopping bleeding, has a wound-healing effect, is shown to get rid of female diseases, activating the operation of the internal secretion glands;
  • White - normalizes the work of the heart;
  • Green - is shown to protect organs of vision, heals from headaches, it is also recommended to be used in the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies to improve the digestion process;
  • Yellow Yasma - eliminates the evil eye, favorably affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chinese healers are convinced that this mineral performs the function of the most important cleansing agent for many internal organs.

Jewelry with Yashma

Magic stone Yashma

  1. Jasper acts as the only mineral that is able to save from all the negative energy that has accumulated in the human body. Gem protects against the evil and negative effects from the outside.
  2. Beautiful sexers helps become pregnant.
  3. Adds fearlessness, faith in their own strength and his victory. It helps to increase the overall life tone.
  4. Jasma decorations will get rid of their owners from fatigue.
  5. Green mineral contributes to the exacerbation of intuition, eliminates depressive states, increases the concentration of attention and opens the "third eye".
  6. Talismans from Jasma have the property of accumulating energy, and then transfer it to its owner. Esoterics believe that stones having an oblong shape will clean the human energy field, and the ball-shaped will help the body to maintain energy.
  7. Jasper is a reliable amulet. In the ancient times, the warriors decorated their helmet, the belt and the sword handle by this stone in order not to fail in battle.
  8. Today, Jasper is a popular participant in different magic rites. It contributes to the disclosure of the prediction gift.
  9. The inhabitants of China are confident that if you put a stone jashere next to the headboard of a child's bed, which is poorly learning, or a stupid man, then he motivates to the diligent study, and the second will make it smarter.
  10. Since ancient times, Yashma was used to cladding the floor in the temples (especially in secret rooms, which did not allow foreign people): the mineral was perfectly protected from the too interesting personalities.
The stone traditionally patronizes alchemists, scientists, travelers, researchers - to all those who seek to know the truth.

Interesting information about the stone

The impact on the chakras is depending on the color of the mineral (for example, yellow jasper controls the work of the chakra manipur and further by analogy).

The stone produces receptive and absorbing energy yin.

Refers to air and earthly elements.

The patron planets are Jupiter and Mercury.

Green Jasma Bracelet

Mineral will patronize Alexeyam, Valentina, Vyacheslavs, Mikhaylam, Nicholas, Pavlims, Romans, Yaroslavam, Karinam, Marina and Tatiana.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui to increase the efficiency of talismans with a yashma, they must be placed in the library or in their desktop. The dishes, different boxes and boxes, vases, bowls, and simply treated or untreated pieces of mineral are used as popular amulets from jasper.

Who from the signs of the zodiac is suitable

Most of the astrologers converge in the opinion that Jasper is the perfect stone-talisman for representatives of the sign of the Virgin zodiac. Using decorations from this mineral, Virgo will become more confident in their own, wise, successfully cope with different awkward situations and unpleasant moments in life. Also, Yashma's devans will add to the missing softness, thanks to which they can more harmoniously interact with the world around.

In addition to virgins, the mineral is also favorable on fish. From nature, people who have emerged under this zodiac constellation are distinguished by a dimity and uncertainty in themselves, so they really need a persistent life position and the power of will. All of these qualities will be able to ensure that Jasper will be magically.

But who should give up jewelry with this gem, so these are twins and Aries. As a result of interaction with the stone, they will become even more arrogant and straightforward, which does not affect the relationship with others.

Representatives of the remaining zodiac constellations are allowed to acquire jewelry with Jasma - there are no sharp prohibitions or contradictions for this. But remember that wearing products with this stone need from time to time, and continuous use is undesirable. Therefore, observe the sense of measure and use natural charm with caution and benefit yourself.

From the following video, you will receive even more information about the magical properties of mysterious jasper:

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