Amethyst stone: Magic properties and value for man


Our article we will talk about one of the most interesting and mysterious gems - amethyst. This magical stone has magical properties, it is able to settle conflicts and eliminates its owner from depression and mental suffering, gives a person to the gift of psychic and helps to open the "third eye".

Photo of stone in decoration:


Interesting Facts

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This extraordinary gem is considered the most expensive variety of quartz. In Russian, the name of the stone is translated as "not drunk." Amethyst is connected by a beautiful legend who came to us from ancient Greece.

Once the ancient Greek God of Winemail Dionysis praised the passion for the beautiful Nymph Amethis. But the beauty did not answer reciprocity. Dionysis did not want to accept the fact that Amethis would never be his beloved. Then Artemis turned her into an excellent gem of purple color, which is able to defend its owner from intoxication.

From these, the inhabitants of the ancient Greece began to wear decorations with amethyst to festive feast and decorate the wine glasses for wine. According to beliefs, it helps protect against alcohol intoxication.

Usually, amethyst has a purple coloring with a variety of shades. Color gamma varies from pale-purple to saturated shades of red and blue. Under the action of high temperatures, the color of the stone becomes more saturated. But during long heating changes the shade to greenish or discolored. Green amethyst is practically not found in natural conditions.

The most valuable is amethyst pink color. He patronizes the emotional sphere, awakens feelings. Therefore, it is pink amethyst worth a person who loves and hoping to reciprocate.

The stone of purple and green color symbolizes success in business and career.

Today, Amethyst has a not very high cost for the reason that many stones are created artificially. At the same time, it is almost impossible to distinguish an artificial stone from natural. In the laboratories, Amethyst crystals are grown more than fifteen centimeters, and their color can be any sense and not to change the color under the influence of sunlight.

Medical properties

Amethyst is a valuable mineral that is widely used in lithotherapy. Its main property is the regulation of metabolism. It is also capable of providing a soothing and antidepressive effect, facilitate headaches. In addition, it has such properties:

  • Removes stress and restores the nervous system.
  • Cleans the blood and positively affects blood formation.
  • Increases brain activity and intellectual abilities.
  • Activates the metabolism and fills the energy.
  • Eliminates various speech disorders.
  • Helps with diseases of the skin and poisoning.
  • He treats insomnia and migraine.
  • Ensures alcohol addiction.

Pink amethyst photo

Magic properties

The magical properties of this stone are known with deep antiquity. It is believed that Amethyst opens the door to the highest divine knowledge, arouses spirituality and super supporting in man. That is why it should be worn to people who seek to reveal the gift of clairvoyance.

In addition, the stone contributes to the development of intuition and the subtlety of the perception of the surrounding world. Amethyst heals from mental wounds and depression, reduces anxiety.

The stone cleans the human energy field, eliminates unkind thoughts and desires, fills the creative strength and encourages creativity.

In Ayurvedic practice, Amethyst is used for meditation. It is believed that it has a positive impact on people with a weak and unstable energy field. The stone has a soothing effect, harmonizes the aura. In meditative practices, Amethyst improves the mental concentration and depth of perception.

Traditionally, the stone is considered a powerful talisman from alcoholism and is used in various rites to combat this ailment.

It is also recommended to put under the pillow if you want to see the prophetic dream or get rid of insomnia.

Do not forget about the ability of ametist to cause romantic feelings for the stone donor. Therefore, it is not recommended to take a gift to the decoration with an amethyst from a person with whom you do not plan to associate fate.

The ancient Greek beauties believed that this stone had a powerful rejuvenating effect. It was often used for cosmetic purposes to combat skin flaws.

If you want the stone to give your positive impact on you, we carry it continuously. But do not forget that the amethyst is tuned to the human energy, which is wearing. Therefore, during scandals or various conflicts, this stone changes the energy to negative. To clear the gem of negative, hold it for some time under the jet of water.

Raming for ametist is usually done from silver. Gold is sent to products, in which other gems are also present besides him.

Rings with amethyst are recommended to wear on the ring finger with left women and right - men.

Astrological significance

Amethyst belongs to the air element and symbolizes Neptune and Saturn.

Mineral refers to the elements of air and personifies the planets of Saturn and Neptune. This is the main stone for water, Sagittarov, fishes, virgins and caperpashers. It is not recommended to wear it to the bodies.

Amethyst is able to strengthen the impact, if your date is 3, 12, 21 and 30.

Aries and lions that always seek to be in the center of attention, saturated violet or purple stones are suitable. With these fiery signs with increased excitability, Amethyst helps to relax and harmonize the emotional state.

Aquarius, twins, Capricorn and scales should choose products with amethyst pink color. This shade is quite rare and symbolizes tenderness and strong love. These signs, it improves the work of the heart chakra, strengthens the nervous system and helps to withstand stressful loads.

Black amethyst recommended to wear devans and scorpions. It will help to cope with egoism, which is present in these signs and will reveal their abilities in the magic sphere.

Lilac - fits fish and cancer. It will help keep the aggression and jealousy, strengthens friendly relations, will contribute to the development of business and career.

Necklace with amethyst

Stone like amulet

Amethyst refers to one of the most powerful amulets and talismans. This gem helps to preserve youth and health, protects against various ailments and fills the vital energy.

Mascot with mineral worth wearing, if you want to protect yourself from negative on the part of the surrounding and criticism of the head. Also such an amulet will help get rid of drunkenness and other bad habits.

Amethyst launched in silver will help strengthen friendly relations and family union.

Women who dream of a child, but can not get pregnant, must wear such a talisman constantly.

Amethyst in a gold frame has a strong influence on the biofield, it is recommended to carry people with a lack of vital energy.

How to care for gem

In order for your stone for a long time retained a saturated color, you should not expose it to long-term solar and high temperatures. Take care of it from mechanical damage.

Periodically, it is necessary to clean the stone. Place it for some time in soap water, and then rinse and blot the napkin.

This gem is very popular among jewelers and collectors. The product with amethyst is capable of transforming its owner, and the magic amulet will become a reliable keeper and a sure other.

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