Stone amethyst: What properties has and to whom it comes


Amethyst is a variety of quartz found in the color range from gentle-lilac shades to saturated purple. An interesting feature of the mineral - if he will be under sunshine for a long time, will pale. But, hitting again in the shadow, restore the normal shade. In this article we will talk about the stone of Amethyst, its properties, and to whom it suits.

The legend about how the stone

This crystal received his name on behalf of the magnificent nymph Amethis. Bakhus, who is God of wine and joy, wasveling perfect nymph, but he was rejected by her. After all, the girl's heart has already belonged to Sirikosu - shepherd and the musician under the auspices of Apollo.

And when Bakhus tried to hug a forest beauty, the goddess of Diana's hunt turned her into a casting stone, which was called in honor of the beautiful nymph - amethyst.

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The name of the stone presented a beautiful nymph

So, according to this beautiful legend, and amethyst stone appeared, characterized by a set of medical and magic properties.

General characteristics

In its composition, Amethyst acts as a kind of quartz, and the most valuable. Speakers silicon oxide (wears another name silica).

An unusual color of mineral contributes to the presence of iron impurities. Mineral is able to withstand even a very high temperature, but, as mentioned above, loses its color, being under sunlight.

If you get the mineral to two hundred degrees, it will also lose its color at all, but later, along with cooling, the color will return.

Basically, the crystals of amethysts are formed on an opaque quartz substrate. In natural conditions, Amethysts are elongated crystalline, very similar with the scepters, their length can vary from five to one hundred millimeters.

As for the gem deposits, the Urals, Uruguay and Brazil are rich in high-quality amethysts. Previously, during the time of the ancient Russia, the crystals were used as decorative elements for decorating icons, altars, alterpical crosses and Panagii.

The Crown Irina Godunova, which was the Russian government, was decorated with the help of giant purple amethyists, as well as sapphires.

Amethyst belongs to the group of jewelry minerals. To date, different jewelry is made from it, which are sent to gold with silver.

Magic properties of stone

This surprisingly beautiful gem has a number of impressive magic properties. It is a strongest information battery and a space transformer: absorbing negative energy, the amethyst will help eliminate the sadness, and will also provide a harmonious atmosphere in the home.

In ancient Rome, Amethysts were known as "blessed" minerals. People believed that the gem would make his owner more lucky, would help him defend himself from attacks of non-units, normalizes the state of the nervous system, will ensure peace of mind.

Earrings with amethyst photo

It is probably for this reason that the rings with amethysts were actively worn by the first Christians, and in the future, similar decorations fell on the soul and the highest clergy. Then the stone in the Catholic states was called the "episcopal" or "pastoral", and in Russia - "bishop".

In addition to all described above, the amethysts have such magical properties:

  • positively affect mental abilities, contribute to the full disclosure of the intellectual potential of their host;
  • Stone advise to wear in those cases when you want to add courage and protect yourself from rampant deeds;
  • The Mineral Magic will be appreciated by the people of trade according to merits, because gem attracted good luck in business and helps protect their property;
  • With the help of amethysts, you can clear the surrounding space and the soul of a person;
  • Used as the Amethyst Talisman will help achieve favor of the authorities, and will also add to his forecastement;
  • If you apply an image of the sun on the amethyst with the moon, then you will turn the gem into the most powerful champing from the black witchcraft forces.

Application in love magic

It is impossible not to mention the huge meaning that Amethysts are in love magic. Stones are designed to maintain a sense of love in a pair, capable of igniting the flames of passion, will be removed from evil rock and help to cope with an undivided feeling.

More ancient Sumerian sages said that, if you give a product with a product with ametist or a piece of this stone, he will forget about his old feelings and worst with love for his donor.

It was accepted by people, ahead of the deadline by the widows or widows, wearing decorations with this "vdove" stone, which in this case symbolized the eternal love and loyalty to the deceased beloved.

That is why his main importance is to personify infinite and devoted love. All in love with the mineral will give loyalty to their second half.

It is recommended to keep an amethyst in my bedroom if you dream:

  • about the return of his spouse;
  • about achieving full harmony and mutual understanding with the beloved;
  • about the loyalty of a loved one;
  • On the resurrection of the past senses.

Impact on energy centers

Amethyst affects the state of the frontal chakra (or Ajna) - that is, on the notorious "third eye". It contributes to the fact that the colors of the energy field become clearer, and helps a person to reveal the inner vision.


Mineral has a susceptible energy yin (that is, it is inclined to absorb energy). It contributes to the transformation of negative energy into positive, as well as the Fluids of Yin in the fluids.

Application of amethysts in the art of Feng Shui

The famous Taoist practice Feng Shui very honors this mineral. It is believed that Amethysts attract financial well-being and strengthen the marriage bonds. And if you put the crystals of amethysts in the feet of a couple under the bed, then symbolically spouses will be connected with each other.

In Feng Shui, if you want to become rich, you need to place the crystals of amethysts in the southwestern part of their home.

What signs of the zodiac will suit the mineral

Amethyst's magic is strong so much that it will be favorable to influence all the signs of the zodiac, contributing to the strengthening of their positive qualities. In most cases, product with amethysts help develop the intuitive human abilities.

Beads with amethyst photo

Then we will look at how specifically amethyst will influence different zodiac signs:

  • Aries stone will give reasonable, caution and restraint.
  • The value for calves - the stone will help the calf to cope with melancholy and improve mental activity.
  • Twins with the help of a mineral will eliminate insomnia, nervousness, will be able to inspire and will begin to actively self-improve.
  • Cancers must definitely draw their attention to this gem. They will help them lead to normal the life of their wards and will be very favorable in the presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal bodies, kidney, will intensify the immune system.
  • Lions due to amethystam reached the state of spiritual harmony.
  • Practical and neat virgin will be able to concentrate their spiritual and physical strength using Amethyst crystals in order to successfully solve any trouble. Representatives of this sign, astrologers are recommended to wear amethysts in the form of a catalon on a chain with small links.
  • Scales will improve their magic force along with intuition. The representatives of the fine sex scales using green amethysts will add attractions for the strong half of humanity.
  • Scorpions should be treated for help to purple quartz, which will become reliable chambers for them and will be able to protect against negative magical impact.
  • Sincere and peace-loving archers, if they begin to wear decorations with Phialshaft, will make it easier to reach harmony and mutual understanding with others.
  • Capricorns will also be a positive impact of minerals, because they will save them from negative energy.
  • For Aquarius, violet quartz will also be very useful: he will save the representatives of the sign from nervous oveuse and strengthen intuitive abilities.
  • People fish thanks to Amethystam will become more successful in life.

It turns out that amethyst is a universal gem, to use the magic and therapeutic force of which can with the same success of all constellations.

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