Christmas Eve in 2021: Traditions, fortune telling, what can be done and it is impossible


In the Christian calendar of religious holidays there are many different dates. One of the most important is the Christmas of Christ, as well as the Christmas Eve preceding him before Christmas.

In this material, I propose to find out the traditions and signs of Christmas tree, which is possible, and what can not be done, and also to know when the Christmas Eve begins in 2021.

Christmas Eve before Christmas

What is the Christmas Eve and what is this date

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Adherents of Orthodox Christianity celebrate Christmas annually on January 7 (according to Julian calendar). And the Christmas Eve - What does this mean in Orthodoxy? Christmas Eve stands on holidays on the eve of Christmas, That is January 6 . Otherwise, it is also called at night before Christmas.

Ancient Slavs since ancient times had various customs and traditions on this day. There were also certain signs and prohibitions. For example, on Christmas Eve, a favorable time for fortunes, which were subsequently continued all the shields before baptism. And even though the Christian church tried to fight with such "wicked" actions, but Christmas and cataly divisions are relevant to the present day.

The Christmas Christmas Eve was different in Russia. Starting from the night of the birth of Jesus Christ, the whole procession of quarrels were organized. Children and young people packed through the streets, crucified Christian chants, and the listeners were awarded them with delicious treats, shoved with coins.

Behind the Christmas tree followed the period of the shield - from 7 to 17 January. This time was associated with joy and fun, all posts stopped, believing was allowed to use meat products, even by traditionally "lean" days - that is, on Friday and Wednesday.

What the Christmas Eve is doing before Merry Christmas: Ancient Traditions

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Huge importance on the festive table in the night of Christmas Eve had dinner. Previously, people retired in their home, and the table was covered with a clean white tablecloth. It was put on her hay or a straw, designed to resemble the nursery, in which a little baby Jesus lay.

In the evening, a solemn service was organized in the church, returning after which it was necessary to light the lamp at the icons, arrange the candles from wax in front of the images and rendered sincere prayers to the Lord.

Old traditions were not allowed to eat food until the first star appeared in the sky. Then it was already possible to sit down for a gala table and start talking.

It was held on the night before Christmas various magic rites designed to provide a good crop of fruits and vegetables, wheat, attract good weather and multiply livestock livestock, birds.

Thus, the cattle should be abundantly fed, and the chickens, on the contrary, were deprived of their dinner: they believed, then the birds will stop digging in the garden, making harm to the seeds and seedlings.

Traditions on Christmas Eve

In a number of regions, large fires were divorced on Christmas Eve. People believed that the souls of the dead ancestors could come to fire and warm up near him. And one more belief was associated with wheat - allegedly, next year there will be the best harvest of bread.

They tried to throw frost, leaving various delicacy for him. It was done that the Spirit did not spoil vegetable seedlings, spring bread and flowers on the fruiting trees in the spring.

Mandatory dishes on the festive table

The main kushan, supplied to St. Evening, is Casca (in a different way it is called with a spray or colive). For the preparation of the bunches used boiled wheat, barley and a little honey. Some hostesses added to the curb.

Of great importance was the sequence in which the disasters were fed:

  1. The first was always Casca.
  2. Then snacks were served.
  3. They, as a rule, followed liquid dishes - ear, borsch, soup with mushrooms. To the first one, as usual, pies, cakes (jups) were added.
  4. And the dessert was served sweet: a traditional roll with poppy seeds, sweet pies, honey, kissel, gingerbread and other youths.

On the festive table, the Uzvar was necessarily a compote from dried fruits (apples, pears, plums, cherries, raisins, and so on). It was possible to drink food only with a nodier, no other drinks.

Interesting moment. On the table on the night before Christmas, there must be 12 lean dishes - as a symbol of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ.

All the eradication erases are distinguished by religious symbolism, namely:

  • Susta - personifies the victim of Jesus, shedding blood;
  • peas - symbolizes the revival of humanity after decline;
  • Capusion - Cabbage personifies simplicity, reliability;
  • Borsch - in him as usual are simple ingredients. This is treated with the symbolism that routine, everyday responsibilities are designed to show the power of will in man. And this is a memo about the terrible disposal of the Biblical ruler Herod to destroy all the babies;
  • Cabbages - a symbol of the fact that the Most High loves people;
  • Fish - Since ancient times, it symbolizes the Christian faith and the great sacrifice of Jesus;
  • Dumplings - personify wealth, which is prepared by all Orthodox in the Divine World;
  • Pancakes - symbol of the sun. True, pancakes more refer to the pagan faith than to Orthodoxy, but Christians gave them a new meaning: the Savior carries solar light into the world;
  • porridge - associated with the continuation of the kind;
  • Patties - personify health, happy life;
  • Uzbar - a sign of life donated by Jesus Christ, also symbolize cleansing from any evil, negative;
  • Pampushki - are designed to remind about the eternal life, which is waiting for all of us after physical death.

It is not necessary that the Christmas Eve was prepared on the Christmas Eve to be prepared - you can serve others, the main thing is that they are set.

Table at Christmas

It is known a huge amount of and folk belief regarding the Christmas Christmas Eve. People since ancient times paid attention to how much this night Inea, what snow, how many stars in the sky did conclusions on the basis of this information.
  1. If a big snow fell, a lot of fucking, the Earth was well laughed - expects a rich breast of wheat.
  2. When on January 6, the snow is a bit, he does not cover the soil, so it can be seen to the ground - you can prepare for a good crop of buckwheat.
  3. If a bright sun shines on the Christmas day day - many greens grow next year.
  4. For some day before Christmas will appear, for the same number of days before May 21 (Ivanov Day), the weather will be successful to perform spring crops.
  5. Inay appeared before Christmas - it means wheat, should be sowed after July 12 (Petrov Day). And if after - sowing begins later.
  6. The presence of a large number of stars in the sky on the night before Merry Christmas - promises a good crop of pea.
  7. When the stars in the night of the Christmas tree brightly shine - wait for a generous harvest of berries and mushrooms.
  8. And when the stars in the sky little - berries will also grow a little.
  9. If the Milky Way looks dim - rainy weather is foreseen. And if on the contrary, it is light, well visible stars - there will be sunny weather.

What should be done on a Christmas Eve before christmas, and what can not

Let us now talk about the permitted and prohibited actions on this holiday night of the year.

What can be done on Christmas Eve:

  • Wake up in the morning early, be sure to read the prayer;
  • Ideally, you need to visit the temple, putting a candle and praying for the health of your relatives and your favorite people. It is successfully implemented in this date confession or communion;
  • Are you with someone in a state of hostility? It is necessary to try to reconcile until the holiday;
  • Festive dishes are prepared, being necessarily in a good arrangement of the Spirit;
  • A beautiful tablecloth is put on the table, a festive tableware goes;
  • Behind the dinner it is worth turning off artificial lighting, light the candles so that the dwelling is filled with the energy of living fire. After all, the fire is distinguished by all the bad, protecting residents at home.

What actions are prohibition:

  • believers try not to eat food up to 18:00 on the night of Christmas Eve;
  • Invalid in the holy holiday quarrel, conflicts, clarifying relationships. The atmosphere in the house should be calm and harmonious;
  • It is impossible to make cleaning (make order in the dwelling in advance) otherwise you will constantly quarrel in the exact location during the whole year;
  • Up to 3 o'clock in the afternoon, it is important to complete any preparation for the holiday, you should go to the temple for solemn worship;
  • Behind the dinner it is impossible to talk a lot or get up due to the table until the meal will be completed;
  • Young guys and girls should not sit at the corners of the table, as otherwise they will not meet their soul mate;
  • If one time took a spoon in hand, then you can not put it on the table;
  • It is impossible to drink the eats with water or by any drinks besides Uzvar;
  • It is unacceptable during dinner to leave the dwelling - so you can let the unclear in the house;
  • It is forbidden to work on this day, especially to do "black" work;
  • According to an old belief, it is impossible to celebrate the birth of Christ, having a debt: otherwise all the next 12 months you will also live in debt. Therefore, it is important to distribute everything that counted;
  • It is impossible to show greed;
  • undesirable to leave the dwelling for a long time in order not to spend all year in the wanders;
  • It is forbidden to dress in black clothes for a holiday;
  • It is unacceptable to extinguish fire in the fireplace (earlier - in the furnace).

Fortune telling on the night before christmas

People always sought at least one eye, but look into the future. And the time on the eve of the Nativity of Christ and the next days, the shin came to do this, as it is impossible. The fact was that it was thought at this time the border was erased between the worlds, so it becomes possible to receive information about the coming events.

True, this information comes by no means from God, but from the unclean strength freely walking on the ground. Therefore, the church was extremely negatively related and belongs to such actions.

But, despite all its efforts, it was not possible to prohibit Christmas and the soda fortune telling: they are alive to this day and are actively used by people. As a rule, unmarried girls are guessing, dreaming of finding out for whom and when they get married.

An interesting nuance. It is believed that the most successful days for fortunes are a Christmas Eve (night from January 6 to 7), the holiday of the old new year (night from 13 to the 14th), as well as the Epiphany evening (from 18 to January 19).

Fortune telling on the night before Merry Christmas: ways

Next, I suggest you to learn the most popular rational options that have long been held on Christmas Eve.

Fortune telling with a mirror

It is known about him, perhaps everyone. It is performed as follows: two mirrors are put opposite each other, the girl blooms his hair, sits down in a mirror corridor, lights a candle. It should be one indoors.

Fortune telling with a mirror

Then he begins to peer in a reflection in the mirror, talking to the words:

"Durable, ridden, come, show me in the mirror."

But as soon as a face of the future husband arises in the Chair, it should be immediately covered with a mirror with a piece of matter, saying:

"Chur me."

After all, in reality, it seems at all the spouse, but damn.

Divination by subject

This fortune telling can be performed in the cheerful girlfriends company. For him you need to stock different objects: ring, coin, needle, ball and thread, peas and any others on your choice. The main thing is that each item symbolizes something like, for example:
  • Ring - an ambulance wedding;
  • coin - financial success;
  • needle - tears, sadness;
  • Thread with a ball - wanderings;
  • Peas - satiety.

Depending on what object you learned - it expects you next year.

Fortune telling at wax

For its execution, you need to prepare a transparent glass (you can replace the deep plate) and the engagement ring (takes the married woman), as well as a candle, wax and a tablespoon.

The wax should be melt in a spoon from the candle flame, saying the following speech:

"Gori-Gori Candle, Top-Top Wax, call me the name of my narrowed."

After that, the melted wax is sharply poured into the central part of the ring into the water, then you need to carefully examine and correctly interpret the resulting figure.

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