Dream catcher with their own hands - step-by-step instructions with photos


Dream catcher is an Indian mascot, designed to protect against evil spirits during sleep. It looks like a web from the threads, in which there will be unkind entities that are sitting on a person nightmarish dreams. Make a dream catcher with their own hands very simply - you need to find some free time and stock the necessary objects for the manufacture of the talisman.

Dream catcher with his own hands

Talisman value and symbolism

What else means Dream Catcher, what is his symbolism? The talisman consists of a circle, symbolizing a human life cycle. The threads that imitate the web symbolize the prompt of the Great Indian teacher ICTOM, which in the image of Spider taught people to weave the talisman.

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Also strings indicate the life roads for which a person is coming. However, these life roads are closely intertwined with the roads of other people and even animals with birds that are near the person.

ICTOM explained that bad dreams will be tangled in a web, like flies, and will not be able to harm the person. Good dreams, on the contrary, will penetrate the central hole on the talisman. Feathers symbolize air, without which life is impossible on Earth.

Important! Catcher of dreams need to hang down in the headboard, and there should be no other items of the under construction.

Initially, dreams were made from rods, threads and feathers: for women they took the Sovic feathers, for men - Orlins. Pries can be taken only with live birds. Subsequently, the feathers were taken from totem birds symbolizing certain qualities.

It was impossible to paint feathers, as they were deprived of their magic properties. Paint feathers only for amulets of decorative value. Therefore, bought in the souvenir bench of dreams by the banks by the coat characteristics does not possess.

dream catcher with their own hands - instructions


How to make a dream catcher with their own hands? To do this, prepare important ingredients:

  • Yves rods;
  • Gypsy needle;
  • cotton threads;
  • Feathers and beads.

It is very important that all components are from natural materials - beads can be glass or wooden. For the web, the twine is well suited. These comments concern the overag. If you need to make scenery in the shape of a dream catcher, then the manufacturer materials can be any.

Yves branches should be juicy, that is, it is necessary to cut them in August-October, before frosts. Threads can be painted, but only natural dyes. Beads can be made from different breeds of wood, but with protective qualities - aspen, oak, rowan. You can hang beads from painted pebbles at will.

Fees for the catcher must fit the semi of a person: For women, swan feathers, chicken, owls, partridges are suitable. For men - haasting, eagle, rooster, falcon. If you want to additionally decorate the mascot of the skin, choose the natural suede.

how at home to make a dream catcher with their own hands

Manufacturing - Step-by-step instruction

Step one

How to make a dream catcher with their own hands? First, you should prepare YV Rods - soak them in boiling water for several minutes and immediately twist in the circle. Reliably fix the ends of the rod twine so that the ring does not dispose after drying.

Step two

Now you need to clean the ring with twine and form a loop, for which the catcher can be suspended. To this loop tie a thin thread. Then we bring threads around the perimeter of the ring, and to them other strings. Look at the photo scheme:

how to make a dream catcher
how to make a dream catcher with their own hands

Step Third

Web thread, inserting beads, pebbles and feathers at will. When you get to the center of the circle, tighten the ends of the threads - you will have a ring of a small diameter.

Step fourth

When the web will be gossip, tie a string at the bottom of the rings and attach the remaining beads and feathers to them.


How at home to make a dream catcher with your own hands, if there is no possibility to purchase IV rods? You can take the finished wrap from the tree. Coin Weaving Scheme is the same.

If you do not have feathers, you can use color braid instead of them and beads strung on threads. This amulet will differ from the classic - it looks more like a decorative element of the room.

From time to time, Obereg must be played out to the street so that it is solar and cleaned. Well cleanses dream catcher and moonlight, as well as snowfall. Under the rain it is not recommended.

If you wish to remember the night dream, immediately after the awakening, touch the cattle of dreams.

Healthy sleep is very important for a person, because it must restore the consumed forces and accumulate energy for the next day. The dream catcher provides a serene dream, during which the body can fully relax.

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