Stone sapphire properties and value for man


Sapphire is a stone of knowledge of the surrounding world and justice, opening the secrets of universal wisdom. He has long been part of the top five most expensive gems and was considered a stone of kings and clergy. Sapphire helps soothe emotions and clarifies the mind, exposes a lie and opens the innermost knowledge.

Ring with sapphire

Interesting Facts

The name of the stone comes from the Greek "blue", because it is precisions that have uniform blue color are the most valuable.

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The color gamut sapphire varies from a pale blue shade to almost black. In nature, there are about 2,000 different color variations of this mineral.

There are gems of pink, yellow, green, violet and orange. Such stones are called fantasy.

The formation of the shade of the crystal is influenced by various impurities and inclusions. For example, a pink stone is formed under the influence of manganese, and yellow and brown sapphires - with a high content of iron impurities.

Sapphire has the ability to change its color when heating and X-ray irradiation. So, almost colorless stones exposed to X-rays acquire a saturated color. But when heated, on the contrary, the crystals are discolored.

History of Mineral

According to legend, Sapphire is a drop of elixir eternal life, which turned into a stone of unusual beauty.

It was in those distant times when the gods lived on Mount Kailas. Simple people came to her foot with prayers and requests for help. Then Brahma spilled the elixir of eternal life and youth. His droplets, fly to the ground, frozen and became beautiful sapphires. Since then, it is believed that sapphire is a stone with divine power.

Gem was very loved and read in ancient Egypt. Products with sapphire worel and priests.

In Russia, Sapphire was considered a symbol of power and mercy. Products with this stone wore representatives of the tsarist dynasty. They also decorated royal clothes and weapons.

Magic sapphire

The stone has a huge magical strength and is the most powerful talisman. He is able to protect his owner from magical influences, curses and envious people, reveals deception and restores justice.

Gems having blue are considered a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, spiritual development and inspiration.

The magical power of this crystal is huge. It is believed that Sapphire embodies the power and power of the universe. Sometimes the drawing of this stone resembles a hexagram - ancient magic sign that symbolizes the unity of the male and female start, heavenly and earthly.

Sapphire has such magical properties:

  • It allows its owner to come into contact with other entities from parallel measurements and spirit of nature, enhances telepathic abilities.
  • Protects from witchcraft rituals, evil eye and damage.
  • Improves memory and exacerbates a desire in man to know the world around.
  • Star sapphire eliminates passivity and laziness, opens its owner his life destiny, contributes to self-realization.
  • Stone attracts faithful and reliable friends and protects against ill-wishers.
  • Helps find real love and create a strong and harmonious union.
  • Takes the passion, it leads thoughts and feelings into a state of equilibrium.

Sometimes sapphire may be dangerous for its owner:

  • Stone, having stains, threatens and circumsides the owner on a honest life.
  • Granular sapphire carries poverty and deprivation, causes disease.
  • Crystal having cracks can lead to aggression from wild animals.
  • The fibrous mineral can cause premature death and ruin.

Crown with sapphires

Sapphire is a powerful faith from any negative. As an amulet, women are best wearing a pendant or brooch with this stone. This will help reveal their female attractiveness and charm.

And men are advised to choose a sprocket with sapphire. Wear it follows the left hand to attract success and good luck in your life.

Periodically, it is necessary to clean the mineral from the accumulated negative. To do this, it is recommended to wash it in red wine, after which leave the stone on the window during the moonlight until the morning. After such a ceremony of purification, the magic properties of the crystal will significantly increase.

Healing properties sapphire

Sapphire for a long time is famous for its healing properties and is used in Ayurvedic medicine. But the sapphire needs to be treated carefully, because some stones can have a detrimental effect.

Sapphire can exercise such medical properties:

  • It has a positive effect at eye diseases.
  • Contemplation of the stone eliminates stresses and migraines, helps with insomnia.
  • Heals heart disease, pressure leads to normal.
  • Used to purify blood.
  • Helps for diseases of the joints and bones.
  • Treats skin diseases: to the eczema and various dermatitis.

With proper use, the mineral helps to cure various diseases, including bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus.

Who comes up sapphire?

It is believed that the decorations with sapphire will suit all the signs of the zodiac with the exception of Capricorn. Representatives of this sign under the influence of sapphire can even more clicter in themselves and become unlike.

Straights Stone will help find their life destiny and make them purposeful, will strengthen the leadership qualities.

Aquarius sapphire will help to cope with stress and depression, strengthen their spiritual potential and help make a right decision.

Aries under the influence of sapphire will acquire wisdom and prudence.

Devas and Gemini, gem will provide support to communicate with people and help find faithful friends.

Taurus under the influence of sapphire will become more responsible, will acquire power and optimism.

Scorpions stone will help to find inner harmony, calm and prudence, will make the intuition.

Cancers will take self-confidence and overcome the imperidity, which often complicates their lives.

Scales and fish stone will protect against accidents and ill-wishers.

The amulet with sapphire is recommended to wear all people who seek to achieve their goal, find their life destiny and meet real love.

Since ancient times, Sapphire was considered a stone of healers. Nowadays, gem is a patron of all people related to medicine.

Also, Sapphire patronizes to all managers and entrepreneurs, helps them achieve success and strengthen leadership qualities.

Sapphire stones

Who should not wear sapphire?

Sapphire does not suit people with young and immature. It is best to choose the decoration with this gem after 35, when a person has already accumulated a certain life experience and determined the main values ​​for himself.

By acquiring sapphire, be sure to make sure that the mineral does not have cracks and flaws, which can lead to dangerous consequences.

Sapphire does not suit people with cruel, insidious, cunning, double and selfish, who do not worry the interests of others. The stone will only strengthen these negative qualities. Only a person with pure soul and thoughts can be worn, because it is his magical crystal that will give his magical strength and support.

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