Day of George Victorious in 2021: what helps


Every day, the Orthodox Church honors the holy martyrs, saint and devotees of the Church. What date are the Day of George Victorious Day in 2021? What helps holy, in what cases do they turn to it? My faith in the intercession of the saint strengthened after a significant event.

Days of West of St. George in 2021 - May 6, November 16, December 9.

Day of George Victorious

Short life holy

The future Great Martyr was born in Cappadocia (the current Turkey) in the Christian family. The boy remained early without his father, as the enemies of Christianity suffered. Mother and his son moved to Lidda (Palestine) to her close relatives to get help and protection.

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When the future Holy Mature, he entered the military service to Diocletian - the harsh ruler. Since the military abilities of a young man were highly appreciated, his career and fate could be quite successful. But Diocletian conceived the persecution of Christians. The ruler feared the targeted riot, which could organize the followers of Christ, so I decided to put a preventive blow.

When Saint George found out about the preparing hunt for Christians, he distributed all his property to beggars, let him go to the will of his slaves and came to the ruler. At the reception at Diocletian, he fearlessly declared that he was a follower of Christ and take part in persecutions in his brothers in faith would not be.

Path of suffering

The statement of the best of the warriors plunged the ruler in shock. The court wise men and the servants began to discourage St. George from this venture, tried to digest and persuade a friendly friendly. But the young man was adamant, he also categorically refused to bring the sacrifice to the pagan gods. The warrior was locked into the dungeon so that he could once again weigh his decision and find the right answer.

When the guard was driven by St. George in the dungeon, they pushed him in the back of the spears. And so, the Lord decided to show his power and patronage: one of the copies suddenly bent. But this God's sign did not enact the pagans. But Saint George received heavenly support, thanks to which there was somehow inhuman suffering.

Torture, which was subjected to a dismissed warrior, were terrible and cruel. The Holy Martyr was tied to the wooden wheel, on which iron nails were nailed. When rotating the wheel of nails, the body of the warrior was spread, gave terrible torment. But the Lord did not leave his faithful slave, and the angel came down from heaven for healing RAS. As a result, after torture, the warrior's body was absolutely whole and unharmed.

When celebrated St. George's Day

After this miracle, many of the servants and Guardian Diocletian believed in Christ, even his own spouse. But the tough ruler remained adamant in his delusions. The next torture was an earthen pit, filled with an next lime, in which the warrior was buried on three days. But the Lord again gave him his mercy, and the Holy Martyr survived. Also survived the Holy George and after drank poison.

But why did the Lord allow me to mock your followers so cruel? Just after each perfect miracle, the rows of followers of Christ were replenished: hundreds of people acquired a true faith and refused the pagan gods.

It is said that the Holy George on prayer Lord was able to resurrect a deceased person. When the ruler Diocletian decided to defame the faith in Christ and asked to resurrect the dead prayer, Holy George did it - prayed. After the dead rose and left the tomb, the number of convincing in Christ increased significantly.

Saint George made many miracles by the power of Lord Jesus Christ: healed seriously sick, crossed the statues of idols, openedly confessed faith in Christ. The ruler for some reason did not hurry to kill him. But when the ruler's spouse was discussed about his faith, the patience of the despot ended: he ordered to cut off both heads.

Posthumous Wonders

For the suffering and strong faith in the god of St. George, they ordered a victorious. He won all temptations that the devil sent him:

  • fear;
  • pain;
  • pity for yourself.

However, the wonders of the saint after his physical death did not stop. There is a legend that George saved the whole settlement of people from a poisonous snake. This monster dwells not far from Beirut in the mountain lake, snakes with human meat. He regularly came out of the lake ashore and kidnapped everyone in a row who found.

People were so frightened that every year they gave the snake to the emergence of their children: they were left on the shore of the lake. And once, when a royal daughter was brought to the shore of the lake, prepared to become another victim, a rider appeared on horseback. It was Saint George, who came down from heaven to help people. He was able to hit a terrible snake to death. After this event, all the people together with the emperor were baptized, and were their number 25,000 (not counting children and women).

Memory day georgy victorious

What helps

Holy George Victorious is the patron saint of many Christian cities and even countries. A courageous warrior on a horse, striking the spear of a poisonous snake, causes confidence and respect for millions of believers. The Saint Rus was read as a patron of warriors and livestock. Day George Victorious called Yuriev Day. On May 6, the day of the first pasture break fell out on May 6: the peasants prayed in the church, asked for the Icons of Holy Protection and Blessings.

In the modern world of St. George asked to protect against enemies, to protect from the troubles and accidents. It is also treated for assistance in solving complex issues when victory is needed. It may be litigation, competition in a device for work or any other place. Athletes and warriors are asked to put them with force and courage in confrontation with the enemy.

The prayer of St. George to protect from the troubles:

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This prayer can be read daily after the morning prayer rule. And then no trouble will not happen during the day.

Prayer for help in work, business:

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This prayer helps when creating their own business: protects against competitions of competitors, eliminates unforeseen circumstances, protects against envious and enemies. Also, prayer will help in solving issues in numerous instances of officials, will eliminate bureaucratic obstacles.

Prayer for protection against enemies, demons, evil people:

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This prayer helps with conflict situations with relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, other people's people, enemies. Unfortunately, even churches of Christians need a special prayer blessing to protect against external and internal enemies (internal - these are unclean thoughts and desires).

Prayer from evil neighbors, goats at work:

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This miraculous prayer more than once saved us from discontinuities of ill-wishers, dishonest friends and unscrupious neighbors. It is necessary to read before the situation permit in your favor, every day. What time to read? In the morning, in the evening, during the day (if necessary).

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