John the Theologian Day: What is the number in 2021, the traditions of the day


John the Theologian Day - installed in honor of the memory of one of the twelve followers of Jesus Christ, who was a favorite students of the Savior and is the author of the "Revelation of John the Bogoslov". The mysterious story of the life and death of a follower of God, what date we will celebrate the day of John the Theologian in 2021, which can not be done on this day - let's talk about everything in the material below.

What date will the holiday in 2021?

In the church calendar there are several dates of the memory of St. John:

  • May 21st - in the Gregorian calendar (or May 8 - in Julian) - date of death of the righteous;
  • July 13 ( or June 30 - in Julian style) - Cathedral of 12 followers of Christ.

John theologian icon

Biblical information

The apostle and evangelist John theology of the Bogoslov accounted for the native son Zezvedheu and Salomia, who, as the legend says, was the daughter of St. Joseph of the wrap. John is the native brother of the Apostle Jacob. Jesus Christ called him to become his student at the Genisaret Lake together with Brother Jacob. They left Zezeda's father in the boat, and they themselves followed the Savior.

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John theologian is the only one of all the students of Christ, who, together with the Virgin Maria, was near the Cross of the Lord in Calvary, absolutely not surviving about personal security. Subsequently, it was on the care of John and the Mother of God remained, for which he looked after her death in the city of Jerusalem.

Important moment. The figure of John the Theologian is very important for the history of Christianity, because he was a real historical person. Many documented confirmations are preserved that are recorded in the chronicles. On the analysis of the latter, scientists came to the conclusion that the date of their creation is the end of the 1st century of our era (that is, the second half of the life of the apostle).

When all the apostles of Christ, with the help of the lot, determined where they would lead the sermon, John got the city of Ephesus and other cities in Malaya Asia. His sermons accompanied amazing miracles, and his student Prokhor was performed as a personal satellite. The apostle managed to turn to his side more and more people than he could not do not annoy the pagans.

With the beginning of the massive persecution of the adherents of Christians, John the Bologosov was called in Rome, where he was sentenced to death. But no matter how you tried to kill the beloved follower of Jesus - let him drink a deadly dose of poison, cooked alive in hot oil, they did not work. Then John is sent to the island of Patmos (who was in the Aegean Sea), there he lived for a long time and the famous "Book of Revelations" (Apocalypse) was written there.

"Revelation" of John is a very ambiguous Christian work. It tells about the events of the end of the world, as well as what will happen on the eve. Many researchers and theologians crowned their heads over the true meaning concluded in the symbols of "Revelations", but still could not let the unequivocal result on this matter. True, there is an opinion that people will be able to correctly exercise written in the book only when the Savior's re-coming. When it happens - it is not known to anyone.

Interesting! It is believed that John theologian is pretended to all those who are associated with the publication of books: that is, writers, editors, publishers, book-drawers and even sellers in bookstores, in general, to everyone who is somehow connected with the paper industry.

After his release from the link, the apostle returns to Ephesus, where he again begins to preach. He reveals to people the importance of appealing to true knowledge, is trying to protect them from false religious flows and the same preachers. In 95, by John the theologian was written by his Gospel.

John theologian wrote his gospel

A separate conversation deserves the death of the righteous. According to the surrendered information, John died about 101 of our era in the city of Ephesus. It is assumed that at that time the apostle turned 105 years old. More precisely, "died" in this case - the concept is very relative, because theologians gave his disciples an order to dull the grave for him in which he and bury him. Those did not dare to move the will of the teacher and did everything as he ordered, covering the face of the apostle handkerchief.

When the other followers will recognize about the death of the teacher, they come to his grave and demand to break it. But after opening the body of John the Theologian in the ground did not find. As the church legend says, the Holy Lord took alive on heaven, so that he could again come to Earth right before the second coming of Christ, when the Antichrist will reign.

The tomb of the apostle was preserved in the city of Selchuk, which is just 2.5 kilometers from Ephesus. And annually on May 21, there is a small layer of dust, which, according to stories, helps some believers get rid of different pors.

Interesting! John the only one of all 12 students of Christ was lucky to live to a deep old age and die natural, and not violent death.

Traditions that you can and what you can not do

Ultimately Recommended On John the Bogoslov the following actions:

  1. A visit to the temple, sincere prayer and the establishment of a candle in front of the saint.
  2. Contact John the Theologian with requests to protect you personally, your children, relatives and friends from any evil, strengthen health, give good luck in business.
  3. If, because of certain reasons, you could not go to church, then do not be discouraged, and pour out of the house - the words coming from the pure heart will be necessarily heard over.
  4. The people were taken on the festive day of the hostess bake special cakes, they should be given as a treatable way. Usually this mission was delivered to old men who were sent with cakes on the intersection, where they expected travelers. If no wanderer meets - a bad sign, indicating that the person was angry with the Most High, so he was not allowed to pierce his prejudices. In this case, the cake was fed hungry birds.

Portrait of John the Bogoslov

But what Do not do:

  1. Perform grave physical work - for example, to repair or clean the home. Similar actions are prohibited absolutely for all religious holidays.
  2. According to beliefs, it is impossible to carry out vegetables, otherwise, this year, their crop will be scarce.
  3. Under the strict prohibition, curses, insults of other people, lies, insincerity, wishes of evil and the like actions are falling.
  4. It is important to focus on the spiritual, and not on the material.
  5. It is impossible to abuse alcohol and food.
  6. It is forbidden to try to find out your future with divination. It is worth noting that the Christian Church does not allow ghostas and on other days.

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