Ilyin Day: Historical Information, Traditions and Signs


Ilyin Day is the church date of honor of the memory of the eponymous biblical prophet. Refers to traditional holidays for the Southern and Eastern Slavs, in Georgia and Greece, as well as a number of other Orthodox nations. Historical information, the tradition of Ilyo-day, when will be in 2021, which is, and what is unacceptable to do in it - let's talk about it in this article.

In 2021, Ilyin Day is celebrated on August 2.

Historical information

According to the folk traditions of Slavs (and not only of their one, but, for example, also in Byzantium), the prophet Ilya caused Associations with God Lord of Lightning and Thunder. Ilya worshiped as the lord of rain, thunderstorms and fertility.

Image of Saint Ilya

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Christian Ilya is revered as one of the most significant saints of the Old Testament. According to the Bible, he lived in the 9th century to our era in the Israeli kingdom. And his hometown is called fisters.

In the life of the saint was a very righteous man and actively fought with those who worshiped idols, trying to open their eyes to the biblical truths. He was known that the king Ahav is in complete submission from his evil and godless spouse Jezebel. The queen made her husband worship Astarta and Waal deities. Ilya tried to form the king, but his attempts were not crowned with success. Then the Prophet sends the Israeli Great Drought to the kingdom, which lasts 3 years. All this time, the saint is in the desert, and feeds on the fact that they bring him crows and angelic creatures.

Subsequently, Ilya conducts a sacrifice on Mount Karmel (or karmil), wanting to convince people that the biblical God Yahweh is much more powerful than Waal. And wins - the priests of the Vaal turn out to be eaten.

Interesting moment. Slavs attributed Elijah to the most revered saint, equated him to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

And other great miracles were committed by the Prophet:

  • According to the Bible, it was he who sent a flame from heaven, in order to enhance the sinful people;
  • They were resurrected by the Latches of the Sarest widow (suggest that this is the biblical prophet of Ion);
  • I was brought to Ilya to talk with the creator himself, while he was required to close his face.

The Old Testament says that thanks to his perfect righteousness and disinterested ministry to God, Holy Elijah did not doubt the usual human death, and was hesitated alive on heaven on a fiery chariot.

What number will Ilyin celebrate the day?

This holiday refers to the number of incredit holidays - that is, those that have a fixed and unchanged date.

The Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of the biblical prophet on August 2 in a new style (either July 20 in the old style). As for Catholics, they have Ilyin day falls on February 16.

Traditions of the holiday

Ilyin Day find one of the most important community folk celebrations. Various beliefs, signs, rites and prohibitions are associated with it. Before this celebration, the post was adhered to, and all the brilliant items were carried out from the dwelling, the house was filled using special incense.

The celebration began a few days before the solemn date. So, special attention was paid to the preceding Ilyina Day Thursday and Friday. In a number of regions, a special ritual pastry baked these days. And from the holiday of Marina Lazzoreau (accounted for Slavs at 17 (or 30) July) all field work was completed. Also, our ancestors were protected by the Ilyina Day, our ancestors were protected from thunderstorms, strong rainstorms and hail.

Ilyin Day

It should be noted a noticeable event of the holiday - Brother (in another "Moluba"), involving a collective meal on which residents of neighboring villages were gathered. During Brutcina, he was sacrificed to the prophet killed animal. She was organized by men. And at the end of Bratchin, massive youth guides, games, songs, dances and dances were upcoming.

Perceived the day of Ilya as the calendar completion of the summer season. Known People's saying "Ilya Summer Cames". From this day, the first autumn signs began to appear: weather conditions changed, animals and birds changed their behavior. Here you can recall another saying:

"To Ilyina and under the bush, the sun is dried, and after Ilyin of the day and in the emptyness of dew does not die."

The Bulgarian was supposed to have the very first of seven of his housings, turning to the winter season. And the Russians spoke like this: "Summer is on Ilya to lunch, and after lunch autumn."

Another folk belief concerns the so-called "rowan" otherwise "sparrows" night falling out just after Ilyo-day. Then a strong thunderstorm begins, the lightning is sparkled all night, and the frightened birds are moving around, bumping into various objects.

This is explained by the fact that, as the people's ideas of Slavyan say, Ilya - acts as a liner and thunder, shower, heavenly fire, and also patronizing good crop and fertility. Slavs believed in the fact that in Ilyin the day, every evil runs away from the fire arrows of the saint, turning into different animals - wild and homely.

We must not forget about the prayer appeals to the holy, in which people asked him to send their lively moisture in the form of rain or, on the contrary, prayed for the sun in heaven - depends on what weather conditions were. There was still an embarrassment. In the temple, prayers were ordered in honor of the Prophet, asking him to send a good harvest. There were plates with wheat grains, who were talking.

Interesting moment. In the folk beliefs of St. Ilya - omnipotent, so they asked him about anything: to recover from severe illness, successfully go hunting, attract love in your life and so on.

According to the scientist A.N.Veselovsky, the Greek traditions of the celebration of Ilyo day are very similar to the German-Slavic customs of Ivanov's Day.

What can I, and what can not be done?

By analogy with other large holidays, various prohibitions are associated with Day of Ilya. But there is also a list of desirable actions. Let's get acquainted with them.

So, that You can (and need) to do in Ilyin day?

  1. On August 2, solemn worships are held in Orthodox churches to honor the memory of the Old Testament Holy Harden. Therefore, if you are a believer, then you need to visit the church on this holiday. In a number of temples even organize crotch moves.
  2. On popular beliefs, in Ilyin the day you need to wash the rainwater. After all, if the shower went to Ilya, then such water is considered miraculous - eliminates the negative, the evil eye, heals different ailments. It is recommended to type rainwater and leave about the reserve so that in the future you can also use it with therapeutic goals.
  3. It should be care for bees.
  4. And one more popular belief is connected with the lightning on this day. You need to look at what place she hit - allegedly, there is a treasure.

The girl puts a candle in the church

And here what to do is categorically impossible So it is:

  1. Perform work in the garden and garden. Previously, our ancestors were already removed to Ilyoy Day.
  2. To take homeless animals in the dwelling: it is believed that in the feast of the saintness, trying to escape from his anger, refers to various beasts. And if you enter such an animal to your home, thereby incurnant misfortune.
  3. Do not let the cattle graze, so that the wolves do not bite it.
  4. If the thunderstorm began - it is impossible to stand under the tree, swimming and having fun. Then you should cover all the windows in the house along with the mirrors and set fire to the candles.
  5. From an Ilyo day, they do not bathe in natural reservoirs, because it is believed that "the prophet Ilya mutters water in the rivers," its temperature is strongly reduced. According to the popular belief, the unclean power is hidden from the saint in water. And if someone dares to plunge into a lake or a river, then a water or mermaid will certainly take it to the bottom. In addition, people believed that he had fun in Ilyin the day in natural reservoir, thereby bringing serious ailments to themselves.

Rites and holiday signs

The prophet Ilya performs the will of God, exhibits anger of the Most High. He is especially ruthless to unclean strength, fights her with the help of his lightning booms. It is known a lot of rituals and believes concerning this holiday.

  • If someone violated the prohibition about agricultural activities, Ilya could send him a punishment - to hit the lightning or burn his hay.
  • For folk, let's rain should go to Ilyin. If the sun shines in the sky brightly, the fire will have.
  • Slavs believed that from the day of Ilya, the summer season ends, since then it is impossible to swim in lakes and rivers.
  • They tried to predict what the weather will be in the near future: if thunder thunder - wait for bad weather, and if it is rolled down and short-term - you need to prepare for clear weather. Rain on the day of Ilya - promises a good crop of wheat.

The following signs are associated with the holiday:

  • From the day of Ilya, flies with mosquitoes no longer bite.
  • The night becomes long, and the water is cold.
  • Ilya Troza holds, Ilya bread gives.

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