Funny dolls do it yourself: step by step instructions


We offer step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of overag dolls with your own hands. You are placed in needlework, and create a powerful protective mascot, putting a part of your creativity into it.

Master Class

Consider the process of manufacturing the overag on the example of Slavic Bereginy. This is an Orthodox protective symbol that protects the family and the house from ill-wishers, wovers and evil languages.

Materials that you need:

  1. Fabric made of natural materials of bright saturated color. Choose that shade that you like the most.
  2. Natural fabric of neutral color. It is better beige or any other whose shade as close as possible to the color of human skin.
  3. A piece of coarse canvas.
  4. Strong threads of white.
  5. Dried herbs for filling dolls. Instead of herbs, you can use cotton wool or syntheps, but then the overlap strength will decrease.

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How to make a doll-charm:

  1. Take a piece of beige fabric 80 in size 80 per 80 millimeters. Wrap the filler so that the head of the doll dolls is formed, and reinforce the base of the thread.
  2. Under the head of our future doll, fabric will remain. It must be repaid, and then form a handle from the corners. To do this, wrap the fabric inside and fold the airplane.
  3. Take the hands of the doll thread, retreating from the edge of 15 millimeters (approximately).

That's what you get:

Funny dolls do it yourself step by step instructions

And now the most interesting thing - we begin to dress up Beregina. Prepare two pieces of bright fabric 60 by 60 millimeters. Fill the filler is the future doll chest.

Secure balls on the body of the doll using the threads.

Fabric Fabric dolls with master class

Finally, get along your doll in a skirt of a bright fabric, and the heads are reinforcing the bright thread, imitating the handkerchief.

From a piece of coarse canvas, prepare apron and tie to the skirt. Your doll is ready. What does the result of making a feathering doll from the fabric on our workshop look like:

How to make a doll to make

This is a very simple way that is suitable for beginners. Even if you have never kept needles in your hands with a thread, you will definitely get a pretty doll.

Important: Do not use for the manufacture of scissors and needles dolls. Acute items will harm the European energy, and he will lose all its magic properties.

How to charge charm

So that the doll was not just a beautiful toy, but also possessed protective properties, in the manufacturing process it needs to be activated. What to do:
  • The number of revolutions of the thread should always be odd, and the nodules do an even number.
  • When you tie the thread into the knot, obstruct the wishes of happiness, health, love and good luck to your loved ones, relatives and friends.

Think only good, try not to annoy and do not be angry, if it suddenly confuses the thread or breaks the fabric. It is your positive thoughts to fill the amulet positive energy and give the protective properties of the family charm.


Made during the ancient Slavs of the Obragest Dolls now can be found in private collections and museums. The history of their creation has several centuries.

Several historical facts:

  • The dolls have always symbolized the pagan gods or spirits.
  • It was used in a variety of rituals and magical rites.
  • Replaced living beings during sacrifice.
  • The very first doll-wubble scientists found on the territory of the modern Czech Republic. It is preserved due to the fact that it was made of very durable material - the bone of the Mammoth.
  • Our ancestors as a filler used ash, because it was considered a symbol of a homely focus and helped protect the house from evil forces.
  • Fissurechairs appeared much later, about the same time when people learned to weave linen fabric. Filled such dolls with dry hay.
  • The shape of the doll body resembles a cross, and this is not by chance. Our ancestors considered a cross with a very powerful magic symbol, which endowed the charm with powerful protective properties.
  • Similar were used in almost all ancient cultures: during excavations found ritual dolls of Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Slavs and other peoples of the world. Only materials from which talismans manufactured were different, but the form of everyone is almost the same.

Watch the video on how to make the Slavic wagon with your own hands:

Slavic Obragest Dolls

The culture of the ancient Slavs is closest to the Russian man. That is why we looked at the example of the manufacture of the Slavic Oberega.

Features of such talismans who found archaeologists in the place of residence of our ancestors:

  1. The Slavs had a cult of women, motherhood. Therefore, dolls always outwardly resembled girls. Considered a symbol of inspiration and fertility. Clay dolls were depicted in the form of a naked woman with all secondary sexual signs.
  2. Dolls did not just stored in the house, but also used in magical rites. With their help attracted love, good luck, money, healed from diseases and defended themselves from evil forces.
  3. The science of manufacturers were transferred from generation to generations, mother and grandmothers taught young girls to this craft, so as not to confuse knowledge accumulated by the centuries.
  4. Protective puppet mascots were practically in every home, and not one way. In the houses of Slavs lived whole puppet families. Each holiday of needlewoman sewed a new charm.

Important: Doll never painted face. She had to stay faceless. Ancient Slavs believed that the talisman exchanges energy with its owner, and if a puppet face look like a human, communication will break. This may lead to negative consequences.

Another important point is only a woman can sew dolls, male do it strictly forbidden. They should not even see the manufacturing process in order not to disturb the magic sacrament.

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