Christmas St. Nicholas Wonderworker: Traditions, Bans


Saint Nicholas (also known as the Wonderworker) is a very important figure in Christianity. Therefore, the Christmas of St. Nicholas Wonderworker is also celebrated, and its concent - and such a honor, only the Most Holy Virgin Mary with John the Forerunner were honored. I suggest learn about the life of the saint, his amazing acts, as well as about the peculiarities of the holiday in today's material.

Christmas St. Nicholas Miracle

When Christmas is celebrated by Nicholas Wonderworker

The celebration of the birth of the Christian saint every year is celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church 11th August.

Historical information

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Nikolai The Wonderworker was born about 270 years old, the church was awarded the title of saint, during his lifetime was the Archbishop world of Lycian (Byzantium). Christians pray to Nikolai, hoping with his help to fulfill their most cherished dreams. The wonderworker patronates travelers, imprisoned, orphans, especially small children. Pictures the saint with a miter on the head (the litter headdress of the bishop and the yeemev, which have special merits in front of the church).

Interesting! It is from the image of Saint Nicholas Catholics who wrote off their Santa Claus, called Santa Claus. This was the story of how Saint Nikolai presented 3 daughters of one man for Christmas gifts that saved them from shame (read more on the article).

It should be noted that Nikolai Millicine was often confused with Nikolai Pinarsky, besides, both saints have a lot of similar moments in the biography: both were born in Liki, were archbishopas, priests and miracles. Due to all the coincidences, a steady myth arose that only one Nikolai wonderworker was in Christian history, although in reality it is not.

Interesting! When Nicholas's parents were moved into the world, he, having gained her own property, distributes it in need.

But today we will talk about what was counted for the faces of the saints in the Christian Church. According to the surviving information, St. Nicholas was born in 3 centuries of our era in the Greek Colony of Patars (Roman Province of Lycia). His parents had a high social status and were the believers of Christians, so they brought the sown accordingly: since childhood, the boy was engaged in the study of the Holy Scriptures.

The days he spent in the temple of God, and at night read prayers and sacred books. Native Uncle Nicholas was a bishop Patar, he was very happy about such love for God of his nephew. He offered him to become first by the Chtern at the church, and then he made him a priest, his personal assistant who was supposed to read Christian sermons believers.

After some time, Nikolai asks uncle to bless him to visit the Holy Land and receives permission. Getting in Jerusalem by the sea, a young priest is a vision, as if Satan himself goes to the deck of the ship. Nikolai makes prediction that the ship will fall into shipwreck.

The navigators in horror began to ask the wonderworker to help, and he was able to cope with the swollen elements. And finally, to Calvary, the places where once crucified Jesus Christ, Nikolai brings the sincere thanks to God for salvation. During the pilgrimage, Nikolai, the Wonderworker visits holy places, goes back to the Zion Mountain.

The Lord showed his mercy to the young man, sent a sign - in the morning turned out to be widely open firmly closed on the night of the door of the temple. Nikolai overwhelms gratitude to the Almighty, he has a desire for hernamism in the wilderness. However, the Glace of the Divine from the sky warns a priest from a similar fate, punishing him to return to his homeland.

In Likia, a man joins the fraternity of St. Sion, he himself wants one - quietly and truly serve the Lord. But Nicholas is God himself with the Virgin Maria, who give him the Holy Gospel with the Omophore. Further, as the legend says, the local bishops received a sign of over, motivating them to give young Miryanin to Nikolay's rank of bishop of the worlds (one of the cities in Likia). According to the statements of historians and theologians, up to 4 centuries, this was quite real.

Image of St. Nicholas

I had to bishop Nikolai to serve in very serious times when mass persecutions were organized for Christians. Their instigators were the emperors of Rome Maximian and Diocletian. When the ruler of constant comes to power in May 305, then in the West of the Roman Pursuit Empire cease. In the eastern areas of persecution lasted until 311, they were headed by Emperor Rome Galery. In the world of Lycia, the Bishopard of St. Nicholas The Wonderworker Christian Faith begins to develop with a huge force. It is believed that it was Nikolai who gave orders to destroy the head of the pagans and the temple of Artemis, who was in the world.

It is impossible not to mention such a piquant fact from the life of St. Nicholas, as the Cathedral Court, where he performed by the accused. Blamed the bishop for the fact that he allegedly hit the face of the writer, the philosopher and the preacher of Aria in the Nicene Cathedral. True, the researchers are confident that nobody has been beat, but Nikolai just said that he was "impairing blasphemy," for which he was called to court. In connection with the last story, Nikolai, the wonderworker is also considered a defender of all who immediately accused of something, that is, they slandered. Prayers holy helps to restore justice.

Wonders of St. Nicholas

First of all, Saint Nicholas are travelers and navigators. The latter appeal for help, getting into the sea storm. There are many stories about the wonderworker in life about how he repeatedly helped sailors. For example, I am resurrected from the dead sailor, who fell from the sling on the deck during his journey to the city of Alexandria. Nikolay returned the deceased man to life.

It is also interesting to know why in Catholicism the image of the saint became the prototype of the modern Santa Claus. There is a real prehistory, described in the life of the Wonderworker.

Icon of St. Nicholas

It tells about the family of three sisters and his father, who was rich, but broke. The money was disastrously lacked, so the father decided to make the daughters of the clouds. They were waiting at all an enviable share, if Nicholas did not intervene, who found out about the family, clenched over the girls and decided to help them. At night, he began to throw bags with gold coins of each daughter as dowry.

As described in a Catholic tradition, the bags fell into stockings dried near the fireplace. Hence, the custom of laying gifts from a good wizard (which was told by Santa Claus) in colorful christmas socks.

Besides, Pray to the Holy Wonderworker in the following cases:

  • when they want to reconcile people in a state of conflict;
  • To protect yourself from unexpected death;
  • To heal from severe disease;
  • Single girls - to meet their soul mate, successfully marry;
  • Accidental - about getting rid of everyday difficulties, improving their position.

According to the reviews of believers, sincere appeal to Nikolai the Wonderworker can help. To do this, come to church, put a candle with the icon of the saint and pray in front of it.

I want to remember another miracle committed by Nikolai. This refers to the salvation of Prince Veliky Novgorod Mstislav Vladimirovich. The ruler was seriously ill and saw a prophetic dream, in which he was selected that the salvation would come from the icon of the Holy Wonderworker, located at the Kiev Sophia Cathedral.

Then the prince sends his messengers to Kiev for a miraculous way. The same fall into a strong storm on the Mste River. After the end of the storm is not far from the ship, the envoys see a round icon with the image of St. Nicholas. Her and bring to the sick to the ruler, he touches her and healed from the ailment.

Interesting! The most strong prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker is the same akathist. According to believe, it is necessary to read it for 40 days, then the human life will change for the better.

However, believers say that all appeals to the saint with requests will be heard to them.

Sincere prayer will be heard

Traditions of the holiday, prohibitions

  1. Traditionally, you should visit the church where the festive service is. Read the prayers from the icon of the Wonderworker about what you most need.
  2. Since Saint Nicholas has been helped by the poor, disadvantaged, then in his holiday it would be nice to make a voluntary donation. If there is no financial capabilities, then at least collect good, but you have more things you are more and give them to charitable organizations.
  3. Pay attention to your relatives and expensive hearts to people - take care of them today, celebrate the celebration in the family circle.
  4. It is allowed easy everyday work - cooking, washing the dishes.

What do unacceptable?

  1. Under the prohibition of heavy work in the house or in the garden in the garden.
  2. Women are forbidden to engage in sewing, knitting.
  3. Strumbering is forbidden to quarrel, insult other people, telling a lie.

Then the prayer is proposed by Nikolai pleasedness for the performance of cherished desire:

"The Wonderworker Nikolai, help me in the desires of my brass. Do not be angry at the request of a sudden, but also do not leave me in the affairs of Suit. What is the benefit of those who wished, take their grace. If bad want, disappear. Let all the desires of the righteous come true, and life my happiness will be filled. Yes, there will be the will of yours, Amen. "

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