Rus's Baptism Day: Celebration date in 2021, traditions


Rus's Baptism Day - a memorable date, which is established in memory of how Prince Vladimir darted Kievan Rus. Many people, hearing the word "baptism" mistakenly confuse him with the Day of the Baptism of Jesus Christ, although in reality it is two completely different holidays. On the day of the baptism of Russia, certain traditions, signs and prohibitions are connected, in detail about which you want to talk in the material below.

What is the day of the Baptism of Russia in 2021?

In the chronicles preserved to this day, the concrete date is not indicated when the baptism of Rus Prince Vladimir was carried out. By assumptions, it could happen on August 14, 988, but this information cannot be considered accurate.

Then how did the holiday date appear? Everything is simple - to simplify the situation, we decided to take over the calculation of the date of the death of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, and it occurred on July 28, 1015. Therefore, the date of memory of the Baptism of Russia has to July 28th.

Historical information

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First of all, you need to refer to the story and try to restore the events of that time - the reign of the prince of Kiev Rus Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (he was called "Vladimir Red Sunny"). The great princess came to mind the idea of ​​changing religion in the country by no means of his own whim, but from political considerations. After all, it was necessary to unite state territories that were in a state of hostility among themselves, and the prince also wanted to strengthen his power.

Vladimir Red Sunny

But not everyone knows that Vladimir Svyatoslavich chose from several options offered to him with religions: Muslim, Judaism, Catholicism and Orthodoxy. It was the last one and I had to rule the most likely.

Why did the prince chose the Orthodox faith? Here, such events as a conversation about Orthodoxy with the Byzantine priest, a visit to Constantinople and, of course, the importance of strengthening political ties with Byzantium, where Christianity was approved even earlier, came to the rescue. Plus, you do not need to forget that the native grandmother Vladimir Svyatoslavich - Princess Olga has been a great contribution, which long before his grandson began to introduce Orthodox faith on Russian lands.

When Vladimir finally established himself in his decision, he immediately went to the ancient city of Chersonesos, where he himself was sick. After dedication to Christianity, the prince received a new name - Vasily. Then he painted the Vasily of his children and relatives submitted, kicked out the pagan wives, having combined himself with the Uzami marriage with Byzantine Anna.

Initially, as it is known, the pagan faith dominated on the Russian lands. She rooted tightly in the consciousness of people, so eliminating it - it became a very difficult task. Many were forced to baptism in Orthodoxy with violent methods - "Fire and Sword." When Prince Vladimir elected Christianity as a state religion, it was necessary to build Orthodox churches instead of pagan capits. The very first church was erected in the city of Kiev.

And although Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in history consider Christianity an approved, in reality this process began long before him, and the prince just continued him. For example, information about the spread of a new faith in 1 century of our era, when the apostle was preached by the apostle Andrey in Kiev.

According to the other chronicles, the baptism of Prince Askold, dated 860th, was remembered, when the ruler campaign on Constantinople. And although Askold tried several times to paint Kiev Rus, but all his attempts were crowned with failure. In addition, the ruler waited for an ambulance in 882.

And, of course, it is impossible to forget about the mass surge of Christianity in Russia, which happened at the rule of the princess Olga. She devoted his whole life to bear faith in the people, for which after death the church gave her the title of equivalent to her (and this is a great honor).

Now let us turn to modern time and the official approval of the holiday of the Baptism of Russia. The inhabitants of Russia and Ukraine are celebrated at the legislative level - that is, the very, Kiev Rus in ancient times, when she was still one state. In Ukraine, the celebration began since 2009, when the president of the country by Viktor Andreevich Yushchenko operated at that time, the corresponding decree was signed. But although the holiday received the status of the state, the day off is not provided in it.

In the Russian Federation, the same law was signed by President Dmitry Medvedev on May 31, 2010.

Epiphany Day Rus

What are the advantages of the implementation of the Christian Faith in Russia

  1. After changing the religion of the Russian population, much attention began to give the level of education of people. Since then, special educational publications begin to appear, and people trained by diploma, they teach those who differ in low-education, regardless of age. The innovations were developed at the state level and helped everyone to learn theology in an affordable form.
  2. In addition, with the adoption of Christianity in society, they are more interested in the problems of poor and disadvantaged people from the initiative of the same Prince Vladimir. For example, they began to organize places of free feeding for beggars and hungry. The same one, by the state of health, was unable to get to the point of issuing food, it was brought to the place of residence. And the poor periodically began to provide material assistance.
  3. I wonder how the very appeal to representatives of the lower layers of society. If earlier for their designation was used almost the abusive word "death", now it is replaced by a more enjoyable hearing "peasant".

Traditions of the holiday

With the day of memory about the baptism of Russia, not too many traditions are connected, not as most Christian holidays. The most basic is to hold a festive worship in the church. Believers come to the temple to pray for Icons of the Holy Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and other saints. On July 28, the Orthodox priests are carried out by divine liturgies, akathists, special prayers are pronounced.

Of course, no one forbids praying and from home or even from the place of work - after all, the main thing is not where the prayer is pronounced, and so that it comes from a pure heart. Everyone asks God that he needs. In Ukraine, on this day, a festive prayer is held on the Vladimir Gorka (Kiev), images from different churches of the capital are brought there.

Monument to the prince Vladimir.

Interestingly, many Orthodox churches on July 28 offer annually in a voluntary order to discharge everyone. Baptism is available for both newborn babies and adults who, because of some reasons, did not have time to do this, either suddenly decided to change their religious worldview.

By analogy with the January day of baptism, people plunge, but only no longer in a hole, but in any natural reservoir, located near the place of their stay - the river, lake or the sea. According to a common belief, bathing in the reservoir will help truly believers to cleanse from sins, filled with spiritual power.

What actions are prohibited?

  1. It is undesirable to engage in any work - to clean the house, wash, stroke and the like. It is better not to work in the garden or garden. It is permissible to perform only the most necessary home affairs - for example, cook to eat, wash the dishes after meals and so on.
  2. In any of the Christian holidays strictly-setting, it is forbidden to swear, strictly find out the relationship, insult other people, and in general to experience negative emotions.
  3. Holy Fathers recommend to abandon overeating, not abuse with alcoholic beverages.

Interesting! People's belief claims that if on July 28 in the morning, the rain began to go, it means that God so sanctifies the land and people.

And do not forget that all Vladimir celebrate on this day, who must be congratulated on his birthday.

Folk signs

Related to the day of the baptism of Russia, a lot and folk will accept, namely:

  • On July 28, the weather will be very sunny (after all, prince Vladimir himself called the "Red Sun").
  • Who will work on this day - the trouble will happen, he will be interfered with nightmares.
  • If the leaflets on Lipe on July 28, the wishes - it means that late autumn will come soon. The appearance of yellow in other trees is marked by an even more quick arrival of autumn pores and foreshadows relevant weather.
  • From morning on the day of the baptism, Rusies rain - after dinner will work out.
  • If the wind blows from the south - to sunny weather.
  • Loud grommet rolls are heard - to the rain.
  • The wind blows on the east side - to the rain.
  • If on July 28 from the evening foggy - the next morning will rain go.
  • Heard in the field loudly as grasshoppers shine - the weather will be hot.

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