Savior Savior in 2021


Nerukotye Savior in the 2021 year will celebrate August 29. It was on this day many years ago an icon was brought to storage in Constantinople. According to the legend, Jesus himself, during the morning wash, wiped his face with a towel, on which his image that giving name icon was imprinted.

history of the holiday

Savior was named unemployless because, according to the legend, the icon created the Son of God, when the face wipe after the morning washed with a flax towel. The features of his face were imprinted on the fabric and it turned into a holy icon. Also, therefore, the second name of the holiday - saved on canvas.

Savior Savior in 2020

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There is a legend, according to which a sick leprosy was pleading about healing in his letter sent to God's son. He begged Christ to come and cure him, and if it does not work, then at least send his image.

The messenger could not transfer the letter to Jesus, because he was surrounded by a dense ring of people. Then he decided to climb on the elevation to write an image from him. Jesus noticed the messenger and created an icon from a towel. As a result, a sick leprosy, who received a sacred artifact, healed, although completely traces of illness and did not leave his face.

Since then, the celebration of the Savior is a symbol of true faith in the Saints and God, in their healing abilities, in their ability to help a person is healing not only mental pain, but also to cope with physical agers.

In the old days, the harvest was completed before this day, so he considers abundance, prosperity, generosity and satiety. And "Orekhov" (another name) Savior is called because after collecting wheat, forest nuts began to collect, their billet for the coming winter.

On August 29, people have long been a warm summer, and they were preparing to meet a calm autumn, honoring this time of year and rewarding prayers to ensure that everyone always had food on the table, and coins were not translated into the wallet.

And even the poor who rarely could afford the holidays, took part in massive festivities in the non-homework saved, finding time for all sorts of rites. On this day, class inequality was erased, all people became one of the whole, supported each other and wished others around the best.

Traditions and signs in non-gun saved

If you want to observe the traditions of Christianity, then carefully examine all the features of the holiday so that you do not miss anything.

Nerukotnaya saved in 2020

What is allowed to do into the non-gun saved, and what traditions exist, and which losses have lost:

  1. In the old days, it was on the day of this holiday before dinner began to light the candles so that the celebration passed in the world. Nowadays it is no longer relevant, but to strengthen the atmosphere of the holiday, you can also put candles on the table.
  2. On this day, it is customary to go to church, sanctifying the water and take it home. It is believed that then it is filled with particularly useful properties and may even heal sick people. It is possible to consecrate the products prepared for the holiday, but only lean.
  3. Nerukopantic saved also called nuts, because it used to be taken to start the collection of nuts on this day. And the first were women: went to the forest, gathered a rich harvest, and then organized a holiday with singing and dancing. And the more walkers managed to collect, the more abundant promised to be a year.
  4. In the menu of the festive table it is worth adding more nuts - they are suitable for baking, and for desserts or just as a snack. Excellent, if you manage to consecrate them in advance in the church, then their properties will become not just useful, nutritious, but also healing.
  5. A good will take the feeding of birds with crumbs from the festive table. By tradition, this ritual helps to transfer the message of living family members to the deceased relatives, to show that they remember them and keep this memory in their heart.
  6. Another sign: if you start trading in the non-gun saved, then all year you will live in prosperity and abundance. Therefore, if your activity is associated with sales, try to get them as much as possible - this is a good sign.
  7. And so that in the coming year there was no financial problems, be sure to buy some little things - souvenirs or delicacies, and then distribute them to the poor. Manifested generosity can be for you the cause of wealth in the future.

Prayers icon

The delicious saved is one of the oldest icons, so it has a special force. She can ask for anything, but there are also special prayers.

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It is especially good helps if you turn to it:

  1. With plenty of help in solving some vital difficulties, especially complex problems, troubles. In a state when it seems that your already will not save anything, pour into the non-gun saved, and your chance to fix everything will definitely appear in the near future.
  2. You can ask to strengthen your faith in God, if she suddenly turned out to be in doubt or you are standing before the temptation that does not correspond to the Orthodox religion.
  3. With a request for healing any disease. The non-manual image of Jesus is considered healing, there are many amazing stories telling about how patients praying icon are recovered even after incurable twigs.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Savior Savior in 2021 will celebrate in August, the 29th. Traditionally, this day meant completion of the harvest of wheat and the beginning of the collection of forest nuts. The first for them went to the forest the most respected woman of the village or village, and then connected
  • According to the legend, the icon appeared after Jesus himself wiped her face with a towel. On the fabric it remained his beautiful face, and she became an unscrupulous sack. It is believed that this Holy Image has healing properties, so they are treated with prayers about healthy most often.
  • There are many traditions and will adopt that people themselves created and accumulated for many years. It is believed that this is a beautiful day to start trading, festive generous feast and charity. And the more generosity you will show, the more prosperous will be all the next year for you.

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