Magic and healing properties of stone Iolite - distinctive characteristics


Iolite is a type of Cordieritis and has a unique colors. Depending on the lighting, the color of the gem can be transferred from blue to violet shades, and at a certain angle it will gain yellow tones. His name is like from the Greek word "iOS", which is translated as "violet". Also, the mineral has another name - dichroit, meaning a "two-color rock".

It is believed that the IOLIT - the stone of the Vikings, because They began to use it to search for the sun in cloud or cloudy days, according to which the right path was determined. This is explained by the fact that, thanks to the polarizing properties, looking through a light crystal on the sky tightened by clouds, you can see the glimpses of the sun's rays. Vikings called the Iolite "Sun Stone".

Outdoor IOLIT.

Distinctive characteristics

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The main feature of the IOLITA is a high degree of pleochwichness, i.e. The ability to change the color depending on the viewing angle, for example, from blue to blue. In addition, there are trichroy crystals - possessing simultaneously three different colors. Due to such features, traders of precious stones often issue an olith for tanzanite or sapphire, characterized by a higher cost, but an experienced buyer will immediately differ for the fake.

The main deposit of the mineral is located in India - on its territory was found the largest share of the total volume of mined stones. Also dichroit was discovered in Brazil, Tanzania, Australia, America, Namibia and Sri Lanka. The largest deposit of the crystal is Madagascar, in whose territory industrial mining has been conducted since 1994.

Iolite has a high degree of transparency, but it should be noted that the wrong cutting of the stone can make it muddy. It is also extremely not recommended to grind its surface, because Will lost glass shine. Since the crystal is capable of changing the color, depending on the viewing angle, when processing it, the master must correctly relate the arrangement of the faces with the optical axes.

Crystal IIUIT

Magic abilities

Gem has an exceptionally positive energy and can serve as a talisman. Its owners acquire a special attractiveness, so it is easily achieved by the location of the surrounding people, become an authority for acquaintances and build friendships with the bosses.

Thanks to the magical properties of Iolith, you can create a strong and loving family. He will bring peace and understanding to the relationship, smoothes conflicts and quarrels, will save from the marital infidelity. In addition, the stone is able to ignite the outstanding passion in the relationship and revive the former love feelings.

The owner of the jewelry with Iolyet will gain harmony of mind and feelings, will become more calm and judicial. It is recommended to wear a crystal with you during important trips, meetings and negotiations to get help in making decisions.

Silver Ring with Iolyet

Healing abilities

In the time of the Viking, it became known that the IIAIT has healing properties, including:
  1. Treatment of nervous system disorders, such as insomnia, anxiety, psychosis. Lithotherapists are recommended daily for 15 minutes to watch through the crystal into light, admiring artificial rays and colorful refractive. To combat insomnia, put the gem under the pillow before departing to sleep.
  2. To increase the life tone, charge of energy and improving well-being in general, you need to drink a glass of water in the morning, charged by the energy of the gemstone. It is best to use a silver decoration with the IOLITH, which must be lowered into the water and leave for the night.
  3. People with alcohol addiction are recommended to purchase a product with a blue stone and constantly carry it with them. His positive energy will give strength to combat this destructive habit, and will also contribute to the detoxification of the body.
  4. Gem will be a faithful assistant for those who wish to get rid of excess weight. The constant wearing of products with Iolyet will contribute to the normalization of digestion and metabolic processes.

Who comes up?

Blue crystal not every sign of the zodiac will open its secrets and gives a powerful favorable energy. Best of all, he will suit the archers, weights, aquarius, fish and calves. For them, Iolate will serve as an excellent guard and the adviser, will help build trust relationships with others and will support harmony in the family.

Dichroit helps people of different professions, but its most effective influence is on air traffic controllers, surgeons and representatives of other industries, requiring a high mental concentration and rapid adoption of the right decisions in emergency situations.

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