As Adular Stone will be able to influence your life


On our planet, you can find the most amazing and unusual minerals that are impressive with their external beauty and mystical properties. Among them in a special place there is an Adular stone, also known as the lunar stone. It may seem that the mysterious gem has an extraterrestrial origin, but in reality such a name is due to the exposure that the lunar disk has it.

Adular stone photo

General characteristics of gem

Adular (or Lunar Stone) is a rather rare mineral, which is included in the group of potassium field swaps and is one of the varieties of low-temperature orthoclase. His name "Adular" Gem has received from the title of the same mountain in Switzerland - a place where this valuable mineralogical find was discovered for the first time.

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The lunar gem is inherent very high fragility, the stone also reacts greatly to blows and compression. In nature, you can meet prismatic, columnar or table-type crystals.

According to their appearance, Adyur is very similar to chalcedon or synthetic spinel. Attulars are highly valued at Collectors, as they can be used as a budget variant of cellular (semi-precious) stones.

There is a very beautiful Hindu legend, according to which it is believed that the lunar stone originated from the hardened lunar light. This myth largely contributed to the external similarity of the mineral with a full moon. Some beliefs say that Adyur begins to glow brighter with the degree of growth of the moon, its shine is maximally expressed in full moon.

With what stones are often confused adulari

Common optical properties make moon gem similar to many other minerals. Below we list the main "counterpart" Aduel in appearance:

  • The legged are very close relatives of the lunar stone, it is also a field twine, but not from the group of orthoclases, but plagioclases, common with Adulyar, acts as the same pearl shine, but the legist has a more intense color;
  • Rainbow Labradorites are also plagioclases with a high degree of similarity with moonstone. Unlike Amular, Labradorites are brighter, and the lunar stones have a more noble color. Adulyars are more restrained and distinguished by more noble color;
  • Other varieties of field swaps (albit, microclines) are also very similar to Adulyara, but their jewelry characteristics are much lower;
  • The cointetic spinel, which is slightly similar to Adulyar, looks pretty comical, because due to the peculiarities of artificial cultivation of crystals on it there are microbubular inclusions.

Natural adules, arising in natural conditions, are very rare and have a high value for at least this reason. But it should be noted that copies with impeccable jewelry quality can be found quite infrequently, and they are an exception to the rules. And the cost of amules on average starts from ten dollars and can vary up to five hundred and higher than dollars.

The most suitable metal for the lunar stone is silver.

Ring with moonstone

The healing abilities of the lunar stone

For the maximum manifestation of the healing force of Adulora, it is important that the stone is closely in contact with the human body. It does not matter what kinds of decorations you will use - with a full amulets, rings or earrings, it is important that the stone is not constantly, then at least often touched skin cover.

Next, consider the main healing properties of the mineral:

  • Adyar has a devastating effect on different painful manifestations. Today, many people suffer from diseases of the nervous system - organic or psychogenic. And if we regularly wear products with this gem, then you get rid of ourselves from excessive nerve surgery, you will become less irritable, relax and dismiss all the bustle of the surrounding world.

At the same time, the anti-storage abilities of Adulyarov are so powerful that specialists of lithotherapy are even advised to wear him with epilepsy.

  • He will help the mineral and in the presence of various sleep disorders. Stone will help to quickly go to the country of dreams after a heavy working day, will make sleep deeper and will not allow early awakening. In addition, the gem will disconnect nightmares from man.
  • Adyur belongs to the water element. It is believed that it is indispensable to be applied in the presence of urolithiasis: the stone eliminates salt deposits in the joints and bile ducts.
  • The lunar stones successfully cope with stagnant phenomena, activate blood circulation (especially on veins) and lymphs.
  • The benefit will bring gem and those people who suffer from any hormonal disorders. Due to the optimization of the drainage of tissues and the normalization of the electrolyte composition of the blood plasma, the lunar stone is very positive effect on the organism humoral regulation. Of course, you should not expect a miracle from the mineral - he will not help a person again to become young, but to lead the entire life cycle to normal with it is quite real.

necklace with lunar stones

Magic Properties of Magic Mineral

Adorace protrudes a stone that has a lot of secrets. It has a very non-permanent force and energy that is the same capricious and changeable as the lunar disk itself. Esoterics are sacred believe that the magical power of the mineral increases in the geometric progression to the New Moon. It is at this time that the lunar stone acquires a special radiance and its maximum concentration, and its magical abilities are also intensified.

Mages and esotericists have been actively used by the secret force of Adulore for many years. But it is necessary to do it very carefully, because the improper use can be very poorly affected by a person.

  • The new mineral opens the ability to foresee the future in people. There is even a confirmation recorded in writing that Adulyara was still used in the ancient haldey. They were indispensable attributes in the process of conducting various rituals, they were placed under the tongue.
  • And from England, there is a belief that the Lunar Stone will reveal its owner with oratory and helps him convince others in his own interests.
  • Gambling can rely on Adora, as on a reliable assistant.
  • In the medieval Europe, Adyur symbolized love. Beloved wearing special amulets with him who helped attract happiness and reciprocity into their lives. Also was a popular tradition to give lunar stones - a similar gift was designed to awaken in her new owner the most tender feelings.

As of the state of the mineral, it was possible to judge the feelings of a person - with the extinction of reciprocity, the stone changed noticeably, became faded and lost his whole attractiveness.

  • To date, the attitude towards Adularu remains almost the same as before. Adulyara, as before, perform sensuality symbols in all its forms. It is recommended to seek help from talismans and decorations with these minerals to those who seek to develop a gift of clairvoyance, foresight and wants to always successfully solve confusing life situations. More Gem will be able to defend its host from an unpleasant company and negative external influence.
  • The lunar stone will add a man of sophistication, elegance and attractiveness. Give the ability to become a pleasant interlocutor who can successfully cope with any complex problems in life.

But not everyone can count on the aid of Adulyara. So, for coarse and ignorant people, he will be just a useless thing and can even get unnecessary problems on their head.

The magical strength of the stone, as mentioned above, is directly dependent on the moon phase. You can safely use the stone in the period from the new moon to the full moon. And the rest of the time it is worth noting the wearing products with adulorary, because they can start absorbing the vitality of their owner.

Find out more information about the amazing stone of the Moon from the following video:

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