Fortune telling tarot online for the near future


Which of us do not want to be able to predict the upcoming events to live your life for the best scenario, avoiding misfires and mistakes? But, unfortunately, not everyone has developed extrasensory abilities, so you have to seek help from different mantic tools, from which Tarot cards are in the first place in popularity.

In this fortune telling, you will be able to look at the near future and get advice in different aspects of life.

Rules online divination:

Stay alone and try 2-3 minutes not to think about anything. You need to focus on your subconscious. When will be ready, pull 7 cards from the deck.

Select the first card:

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The ritual of divination can be repeated in 5-10 minutes.

Next, we will tell you how to deal with the near future tarot on ordinary maps.

At your request, we have prepared an application "Tarot divination" for smartphone.

It contains more than 20 popular layouts and the full certificate of tarot cards based on traditional Marseilsk Tarot cards from 1760.

Download free: Tarot - fortune telling and value of cards (available on Android)

Instructions for the use of Taro Card "Offline"

fortune telling for the future on tarot

Before being taken for the divination itself, you need to note some points that it is important to adhere to effective interaction with the Tarotian deck.

Tarot cards are a special system in which specific individuals, the quality of these personality, and the events are connected to one unit. This means that under the same card, information may be hidden about many aspects of life. Perhaps this is one of the main reasons why the fortune telling for the future on the map of Tarot so popular with experienced fortune-law.

You can study the value of just a few pictures for a whole day. But thanks to this detail, it becomes possible to disclose various aspects of human life, the prediction of its further development, as well as obtaining other valuable information.

But, of course, it does not work out without difficulties. The main one is to get the most detailed answer to your question, you need to understand very well in the meaning of Arkanov, as well as their mutual combination. This topic dedicated to many specialized literature.

A beginner practitioner should understand that the fortune telling on the Tarot cards is very serious art for which thoughtful preparation, prerequisite, developed imagination and unlable hardworking.

Now you can go directly to the execution of divination.

Methods of fortune telling on tarot cards

As mentioned above, tarot cards are very multifaceted, they include maximum information that can only be imagined. There are many methods of fortune telling along the Tarot deck.

For example, the fortune telling is quite popular for three tarot cards for the near future, divination for seven cards, ten or more. These are the most famous layout options, but each tarologist has its own manner of communication with a deck, and, as a rule, their own, copyrights appear with practice.

In any case, to work with cards you need to have a well-developed intuition, so that not only to use someone else's experience, but also to feel "to feel", to understand what they want to tell you.

Next, consider the most popular deposits for the near future.

Fortune telling "Pyramid"

It is carried out on ten maps.

The alignment starts to perform from above, where they put the first card, and then in the direction left to the right post two more cards, at the next level - three, even lower - four. The division scheme "Pyramid" is shown in the figure below.


At the same time, the intercane interpretation will be as follows:

  • 1st card - reveals all the features of the situation;
  • The 2nd card will tell you about possible development options;
  • The 3rd map is advice, which is worth paying increased attention;
  • Cards from the 4th to 6th is a review of factors affecting the situation;
  • Cards from the 7th to the 8th - recommendation, as you need to act;
  • Cards from the 9th to the 10th - indicate what it is worth fear.

Divorce "Heart"

This alignment will spend the light on your relationship with your loved one. Ten cards are involved in it with the following value:

  • 1st card - what your qualities and character traits will attract your soul mate;
  • 2nd card - what will the future spouse attracts you;
  • 3rd map - important aspects of relationships;
  • 4th card - how to behave beloved;
  • 5th card - under what circumstances you will meet;
  • 6th card - what can give you a loved one;
  • 7th card - that you can give your half;
  • The 8th card will tell about third-party influences;
  • The 9th card is the further development of relationships.

fortune telling on love

Fortune telling for the near future on tarot

By resorting to him, you will get an accurate prediction affecting different areas of life. This is a more complex outcrop, it will suit more for people who have experience in working with Tarot.

It is necessary to mix the deck of cards, select 17 arcanes and decompose them according to the diagram in the figure.

Scenario scheme

Then you can refer to the interpretation:

  • S (Signifier) ​​is the personality personality personality;
  • 1st card - also characterizes gadgets;
  • 2nd map - an overview of material (financial) situations;
  • The 3rd map will break the light on the close environment of a person;
  • The 4th card - describes parents and a family of fortunate;
  • The 5th card - provides an overview of the field of entertainment and pleasure;
  • 6th card - possible pathologies;
  • 7th card - how can the enemies asking themselves;
  • 8th card - talks about global changes in life;
  • 9th card trip;
  • 10th card - overview of the business of life;
  • 11th Map - Features of relationships with friends and colleagues;
  • The 12th card will tell about the likely troubles of the future;
  • The 13th card - does the past of a person affect the present;
  • The 14th card will affect the events of the future;
  • The 15th card - talks about situations that can not save themselves;
  • 16th card - what you will finish end up.

Dusting for pregnancy

Beautiful sexes who are preparing for motherhood, instead of a traditional pregnancy test, can take advantage of a special layout on tarot maps, which will help determine whether pregnancy has come. Also, this alignment will guide the difficulties relating to the baby tooling, will provide information on future birth and so on.

Dusting for pregnancy

At first, the main map is selected - the signifier (indicated as s). When it is elected, it is necessary to take into account the features of the person asking:

  • For a woman with light hair, suitable cups or pentacles;
  • And for a dark-haired girl - is used to suit the wands and swords.

Further maps are laid out as it shows the drawing.

Dusting for pregnancy

And then they go to their interpretation:

  • 1st card - tell about the well-being of a woman at the moment;
  • The 2nd card - will give an answer to the question: "Whether the conception happened or not." To the maps speaking about the fact that the woman is pregnant can be attributed to the jester, ace of pentacles, ace of cups, empress, sun, 10 cups and 8 staff;
  • The 3rd card - sheds light on the likely problems with conception or initial stage of pregnancy (indicates a threat of miscarriage and the like);
  • 4th card - characterizes the health status of the baby in the process of pregnancy;
  • 5th card - tell about the well-being of the future mother for 9 months;
  • 6th card - describes how childbirth will be held;
  • The 7th card will lead about the health of the baby when it appears.

Department for Health

It is resorted to this defold in cases where there is a suspicion for the presence of certain pathologies. It will help to understand the cause of negative well-being, and also tell about how to cure.

You need to take a deck of cards, to hold it in the hands of a bit so that the cards are filled with your energy, and then mix. Spread arcanes as it shows the next drawing.

Department for Health

  • 1st card - tell you in what state of health you are on today;
  • 2nd card - describe your problem in detail;
  • 3rd map - because of what the pathology could arise;
  • 4th card - which system of the body you need to pay increased attention;
  • 5th card - hidden facts related to the disease;
  • 6th card - that today supports your health;
  • 7th card - What kind of organs you need to improve;
  • 8th and 9th card - thanks to which the condition of your health stabilizes;
  • The 10th card - which contributes to complete healing.

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