Fortune telling - online and free


Make a free online fortune telling to work and learn: what career perspectives are open to you, what prospects you have in this workplace, which are thinking about your colleagues.

Instructions for fortiness:

For a couple of minutes, try not to think about anything and focus on your subconscious. Imagine that you are in the workplace, see your colleagues and bosses.

As you will be ready - pull 6 cards.

Select the first card:

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At your request, we have prepared an application "Tarot divination" for smartphone.

It contains more than 20 popular layouts and the full certificate of tarot cards based on traditional Marseilsk Tarot cards from 1760.

Download free: Tarot - fortune telling and value of cards (available on Android)

This online alignment consists of 6 cards, each of which means the following:

  1. What is happening now.
  2. What problems are currently at the moment how to solve a specific situation at work.
  3. The attitude of the authorities to you.
  4. The attitude of colleagues to you.
  5. Waiting for me an increase.
  6. Tip: What to do in this situation to achieve the goal.

The fortune telling can be repeated in 5-10 minutes.

Next, we will tell about the most popular embodiments of the "Offline" fortunes.

Career fortune telling on ordinary map of Tarot

Singing "axial log"

This method of divination is suitable for analyzing the problems associated with work and career, as well as with any financial affairs. As a result, you will receive a detailed forecast and understand how to act so that the situation is allowed to be safely.

Drag the deck and spread the arcanes as shown in the figure.

Singing axial log to work

Then open the interpretator and see the value of the arcanes on each of the positions. They will tell about the following:

  • 1 - All that prevents you from developing in work, affairs, becoming successful and financially independent. These are thoughts that restrict beliefs, the usual models of perception with which you need to work;
  • 2 - all emotions, feelings, thoughts, sensations and experiences related to work. Emotional state that needs to be controlled to improve career;
  • 3 - all the necessary actions that need to be taken to achieve the goal. Pay special attention to the value of this arcana: it will tell you how to come to career goals to the shortest way, with minimal time costs;
  • 4 - circumstances, people and internal problems that prevent you from realizing in work, climb the career ladder or start a business. Listen to the advice of this arcana and start eliminating all the interference on the way to the goal;
  • 5 - How can you fix the situation at work, which is a hindrance. Methods for eliminating the reasons to help return to a normal work channel;
  • 6 - the result of the problem situation at work: how will the conflict end, will it be possible to leave dry out of the water.

This alignment to work in Tarot is one of the most popular, so it is worth starting the practice of gadas from him.


Another busy way of divination. Describes not only the situation in the career, but also helps to analyze your goals, aspirations. Gives an assessment of factors, to change which you are unable. Indicates what needs to be corrected, and gives advice to correct problems at work.

Drag a deck and decompose the cards on the table as shown in the picture.

Singing the Pentacle to work tarot

Then proceed to interpretation:

  1. Arcan in the first position - the symbol of the Earth. This is a reflection of a real situation of the situation, such as it currently exists. It may be possible to see the pitfalls you have not yet noticed.
  2. Arcan in the second position is the personification of the element of fire. This is the perfect direction for you, according to which it is worth moving in a career. These are your goals and aspirations, the forecast of their implementation and your success.
  3. Arcan in the third position is the air energy symbol. Factors affecting your career affairs. You cannot change them. With these circumstances, you will have to accept and learn to act, not noticing them.
  4. Arkan at the fourth position is the personification of water. These are the circumstances that interfere with the case, but you are able to change them. They are subject to your control. This is also your premonitions that have not yet managed to find objective confirmation.
  5. Arcan on the fifth position is the symbol of your spirit. Explore the value of this card in detail - it will give a prudent advice. If you follow him, things will go uphill.

Use the "Pentacle" alignment when you are on a crossroads and do not know in which direction to move in the career. Perhaps the cards will be prompting true and the best possible solution.

"Parachute": on job search

If you are not yet employed and looking for yourself, the perfect alignment is "parachute". Thanks to him, you can find out how successful work will be the search, which probable complications may arise, and what are your prospects in general.

Paving a deck and decompose on the table according to the diagram specified in the figure.

Calculation Parachute on Job Search

Next, proceed to decipher the scenario:

  • 1 - probable the result of your actions aimed at job search. How events will develop in the near future;
  • 2 - Is it worth using other people if their participation will affect the result of your search;
  • 3 - Description of the work search process. What difficulties may arise in what is lucky, analysis of favorable and adverse factors;
  • 4 - unforeseen circumstances that can suddenly prevent you. Knowing this information, you will be ready for any difficulties;
  • 5 - end result and description of your perspectives. What are the chances of finding the work of dreams and become successful.

This alignment is very short, you can use it at any convenient time. Do not forget to learn Tarotov tips - they will help act as efficiently as possible.

Check out the video with a description of a simple sampling on a career:


This fortune telling for those who do not know where to invest money so that it was most profitable. Tarot will tell the correct answer. Drag the deck and decompose the cards, as in the picture.

Signal investment

Decoding Scenario:

  • 1 - Signifier. We see the meaning of this card at the end of the divination - it complements the interpretations of all other arcanes;
  • 2 - a description of the financial situation at the moment;
  • 3 - probable development prospects for you financially;
  • 4 - the field of activity in which now invest more profitable, the optimal option;
  • 5 - profitability of investment;
  • 6 - how events will develop in the distant future;
  • 7 - your probable profit or possible losses from investing;
  • 8 - description of the financial situation in the future, after investment;
  • 9 - at what time will receive your first income;
  • 10 - factors who need to pay special attention;
  • 11 - Probable problems and difficulties, their causes;
  • 12 - The case will end, results and results.

You can try other classic Tarot layouts, choose the most comfortable fortifications for you.

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