Nakit Stone - Magic and Healing Properties, Characteristics


Unakit is a rather rare variety of granite. As part of the mineral there is a colorless quartz, pink field spat, as well as green epidot. Thanks to such a large number of components, Unakit gained such an unusual texture of its surface. And the presence of smooth transitions from one color to another, a harmonious combination of pink with green colors deservedly puts gem at the very beginning of the list of decorative stones.

The name of the mineral comes from the place of his find - for the first time the deposits of Unakitov were found in the Naka Mountains (United States of America).

Stone Unakit photo

Where do this mineral find

The largest portion of the stone on the global market is supplied America. Here he is in the form of pebbles and boulders occurs on the coast of the upper lake.

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Alkitis is also mined in the valleys and descents of the blue mountain range.

In addition to America, gem can be found on the territory of the Russian Federation (on the Kola Peninsula), and Brazil, South Africa, Seryra-Leon, China and Ireland are supplied.

In all these states, people use Unakit as a facing and diverse material, and also manufactures budget jewelry from it.

Color versions of Unakita

Due to the unusual substitution of the breed epidote, it is characterized by such a unique colorful, bright-pronounced texture and characteristic greenish-swamp shade. The addition of calcium field swop adds a stone of unusual in the form of bright pink, brownish, red and bright plugs. Also there are gray and colorless quarters.

Unakit is impressive with his external diversity and amazing color. Depending on the prevalence of a particular breed, the main tone of the stone will change.

Healing power

The main healing effect of the stone is to normalize the hormonal background in women. It is for this reason that the product with Nakitites is recommended to wear those who wish to know the happiness of motherhood. An important point - the decoration must necessarily be new not used earlier.

Another Unakite is suitable for those who dream of getting rid of the extra mass of the body. This is due to such abilities of the stone:

  • has a beneficial effect on the digestion system;
  • reduces weight;
  • reduces appetite;
  • activates the metabolism in the body.

In addition, Unakita has the ability to heal viral pathology. If you wish to eliminate flu and other diseases, you need to purchase beads with a mineral. Also, the gem will also have a positive impact on the state of the nervous system, will lead it into a calm harmonious state.

Lithotherapeuts have long and successfully use Massage from Unakit, highly appreciating their following properties:

  • treat bruises;
  • cope with attacks of radiculitis;
  • perform high-quality body and face massage;
  • eliminate humanity;
  • cope with inflammatory phenomena;
  • Remove hematoma.

Jewelry with Nakitom

Mineral magical abilities

Now even for many scientists has become obvious that the Mineral Unakit has a very strong energy. The fact that it affects the human body is not even doubted.

In particular, the presence of decorations with a stone will help you in life as follows:

  • will facilitate the process of finding internal harmony between external and internal worlds;
  • It will save its owner from the negative impact of stress, will provide peace of mind and self-confidence;
  • protects from any negative impact on the part;
  • will give a sober assessment of what is happening, contributes to finding adequate solutions of different problems;
  • Eliminate the negative memories of the past, mistakes and resentment.

Once upon the magical influence of this miraculous mineral, a person will greatly facilitate his life and will ensure success in all its spheres. With the help of Unakit, really quickly remove longing for someone or for something, along the past. It will be much easier to perceive the reality as it is.

In addition, Unakit gives its owners a charge of cheerfulness and the necessary vital energy.

Who from the signs of the zodiac is suitable

From the position of astrologers, it turns out that Jewelry with Unakit is most suitable for those people who appeared under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio. The representatives of the beautiful sex stone will add natural charm, mysteriousness, which will definitely provide success in men and will strengthen interest in such a mysterious person.

The male half of the scorpions gem will give courage and confidence in their own forces, will speed up the process of achieving the desired. Also, the stone completely eliminates any complexes, makes a man self-sufficient, self-confident and completely satisfied.

It should be noted that representatives and other signs of the zodiac can seek for the magical help of Nakita. Mineral charges their positive energy, as well as vigor. Having such an amulet with him, a person will feel complete satisfaction with life and stops worrying about who and what will think about him.

Earrings with Unakit

Wenakit is used

The process of production of Unquita is developed quite well. The mineral is highly appreciated for its strength, ease, density and one-piece structure. And, of course, no one can leave his attractive appearance indifferent. Thanks to all the above properties, the use of mineral is possible:

  • for the manufacture of souvenir products (so, from Unakita make different boxes, animal statuettes, eggs, stands for candles, inks and balls);
  • in the production of the budget bureauchery. In particular, the manufacture of bracelets, beads, sewages, pendants and cabochon from stone are very popular. And the high fuel of the mineral provides a variety of products with it;
  • Builders - Unakit is also actively used as a facing and diverse material;
  • The mineral of mystics and astrologers are used - it serves as the basis for the manufacture of different faiths and talismans;
  • For medical purposes from Unakit, massage devices were invented.

Although all stones are characterized by high density and fortress, they should be protected from sharp temperature differences, as well as drops, exposure to too cold or hot water. If you use decorations with a stone neatly, you will provide him with a flawless look, and you can also save healing and magical power.

To date, Unakit enjoys high popularity, and many people seek to acquire a decoration with him. But it is important to remember the next moment - products with minerals have a huge magical force and in no case unacceptably give them to anyone else.

Otherwise, in this way, you will lose yourself with positive vital energy, and in return to the stone will partially attract different negative. It is for this reason that most of the talismans and amulets, moving in foreign hands, stop working. Therefore, if you wish to get the magic assistance of a gem, take exclusively new decorations with it that have not been used before.

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