Properties of stone KIANIT, its characteristics and varieties


One of the most rare and unique gems is a stone kianite, which has attractive beauty thanks to an unusual bright blue color. Meet the decoration with an exotic mineral in the jewelry store is unlikely to seem possible. You can purchase a kyanite with crystals or collectors or collectors, and it is also recommended to contact private jewelry masters.


History of opening and scope of application

In 1789, a stone with an unusual color was discovered by the German geologist Werner, which was called "Keanos", which translated from Greek means "blue". After a thorough study of the mineral, the French scientists, at the beginning of the XIX century, he gained the second name - "Dysten", meaning the "double fortress". This name is explained by the dual hardness of KIANIT - each face has a different degree of rigidity.

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According to historians, for the first time the blue gem was found in India, because It is from this country in the XVI century, various minerals were supplied to European countries. Initially, the kyanite was sold under the guise of yahont or sapphire, but it was pre-established to achieve external similarity.

Scientists believe that the stone was formed in the layers of land rich in the black mill, as a result of high pressure at a time when changes in the structures of sedimentary rocks occurred. Blue crystals are usually found in quartz vests, places of formation of pegmatites and in the mountains. The main deposits of kyanite include:

  • India;
  • Madagascar;
  • Austria;
  • Switzerland;
  • Burma;
  • Brazil;
  • Australia;
  • Nepal.

For the manufacture of jewelry, kyanite is quite rare, because It is difficult to process, and not every master to cope with such a task. Most often, stone is used in industrial spheres, producing various elements from it that should have high strength and resistance to aggressive substances. For example, an exotic mineral is necessary for the production of automotive stins and insulators, facing tiles, shells, etc.

Types and characteristics

Keanite stone is a silicate of aluminum, which is a mineral of a breed-forming type. It may include titanium, manganese, chromium, iron and potassium impurities. Gem has the form of extended lamellar crystals.

Plate crystals

As a rule, kyanite is painted in blue or blue, but it can also gain other shades depending on the amount of impurities:

  • yellow;
  • purple;
  • green;
  • black;
  • Orange.

Also there are also colorless crystals and with alexandrite effect, i.e. Could change color depending on how to look at it. If you look at the kyanite more carefully, it becomes noticeable to its uneven color, which gives it a special sophistication.

Medical properties

Blue gem is popular not only due to its extraordinate view, but also unique abilities. It has long been believed that it is able to heal from various ailments. To feel the healing properties of a kyanite, it is advisable to wear it in the form of decoration, but also recommended for a while to put the stone to the patient.

Crystal has a positive effect on the psychological and spiritual state of a person. It helps to overcome stress, depression, nervousness. Owners of jewelry with blue gems mark the increase in life tone, no insomnia and memory improvement. In addition, kyanite will help in the fight against the following ailments:

  • High temperature and fever;
  • inflammation of the organs of the urogenital system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • Pain in muscles.

Since the mineral contributes to the normalization of the work of the whole organism, there is an opinion that it helps to lose weight with overweight people.

Magic strength stone

To its own owners, KIANIT instills the desire for sanity, self-knowledge, modesty, prudence and loyalty. In the business sphere, it will help to properly arrange priorities and focus on important aspects, which will achieve any intended goals.

People charged with the energy of the blue mineral are caused by surrounding sympathy and trust, so they are easy to start new acquaintances. In addition, talismans with a kianite will help their owner to find a true calling in life, without much effort to boil around the career ladder or create a successful business that brings not only income, but also pleasure.

For travelers, blue stone is a faithful assistant, because He will be able to specify the right path. If you bind the human hair or a flush thread to Kianit, one of his sides will always be turned to the north. Adventurers are also encouraged to acquire a blue talisman, because he will help them become more prudent and prudent, which will save from rampant deeds.

Amulet with kianite

To obtain exceptional benefits from Kianite, it should be carefully inspecting before buying - it should not have cracks, chips and scratches, otherwise the energy of the stone will be negative and its owner expects only misfortune.

Meaning in astrology

The greatest advantage of the gem will bring twins and the Sagittarians. He will reward their happiness, strong health and wealth. Positive gifts will also be able to find scales, crayfish and fish. For other signs, the zodiac kianite will be useless.

It is categorically not recommended to wear products with blue crystal Capricorn, as well as evil, false and prone to frauds - they are expecting only exposure and trouble.

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