Stone Peridot - Amulet of Happiness and Well-Being


The word Peridot comes from Arabic - Faridat, which means "precious stone". This unique gem again at the peak of popularity and worries the hearts of jewelry lovers. What properties is the stone of Peridot and is it possible to use it in lithotherapy and healing? Consider everything in detail.

Stone Peridot - Properties

Description of gem

Stone Peridot refers to the quartz family and was known since ancient times. Transparent gem with pleasant overflows was valued very expensive, in Europe he was a symbol of well-being. The structure of the stone is fragile, he can crack with careless circulation. It does not like the mineral of the effects of acids, so it is necessary to clean the decorations with an alkaline soap solution.

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Peridot has many titles, as it was taken for different stones:

  • Olivine;
  • Yellow Topaz;
  • chrysolite;
  • Evening emerald;

In the old days, this semi-precious stone was a symbol of power and wealth. In Europe, the gem brought crusaders. The stone caused the delight of crowned persons and became the decoration of the royal yard. Inlaid from chrysolite can still be seen in the Cologne Cathedral.

The merchants with the help of Chrysolite defeated their goods and profits, in India, the stone was considered a patron of love, and in Europe he was revered as the mascot of inspiration and disclosure of creative potential. However, in the Middle Ages, they forgot about the stone, and they remembered only in the past century.

Healing properties Peridot

Mystical properties

The stone has a strong energy capable of purifying aura from negative impact. The stone makes coated amulets to protect against black energy and from fires. In esoteric circles, the mineral property is known to activate the peculiar abilities and intuition.

Peridot is famous for its influence on the senses of man: it helps to strengthen family relationships and love bonds, protects lovers from damage and parting. Chrysolite amulets not only strengthen the relationship between spouses, but also retain the spark of passion between them.

The Stone Peridot contributes to strengthening faith in itself and its strength, so it was used as a talisman. People complexing when meeting the opposite sex, have acquired the power of the word and convincing in conversation. Also chrysolite is considered a talisman of purposeful and business people.

In antiquity from Chrysolita, they were charred from unclean strength, enemies and all sorts of misstain. The talisman saved his owner from unreasonable deeds, led from trouble, worked from the attack of enemies.

The soothing effect of the mineral on the psyche helps to strengthen the nervous system. With this talisman, a person responds adequately to stressful situations, remaining imperturbable in any circumstances. The stone frees from negative thoughts, eliminates depression and despondency.

Green color symbolizes welfare, so the mascots of wealth and success did from it. Stone will help when concluding favorable contracts, will save from ruin and deception of companions. Modern businessmen talisman will help to profitably invest.

The stone has an amazing property to attract cash flow to its owner, so that you can get rich with this talisman. Also, the stone contributes to the adoption of verified solutions, gives everyday wisdom.

Healing characteristics

Peridot is famous for the healing effect on unbalanced people, treats a depleted nervous system. If we put a gem under the pillow, you can get rid of nightmarish dreams and insomnia.

The green color of the mineral helps with vision problems, restores the visual nerve. In the form of powder, stone is used in diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and kidneys. Decoration from Peridot will save from madness, and small kids - from stuttering.

Peridot helps with:

  • problems with metabolism;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • headaches;
  • wounds and cuts;
  • sexual sex;
  • frigidity;
  • hysteria.

In the old days, the babies hung the charm from chrysolite to protect against different children's ailments.

Stone Peridot for Zodiac Signs


Mineral has a selective impact on representatives of the zodiac circle. Well combines peridot with fish, Virgin and Lv.

Fish women peridot helps to find family happiness and idyll. Men fishing stone helps build a good career and become successful. If you make wedding stones with a peridota insert, the married couple will find a strong relationship, and love will never fade.

Lions are produced on the surrounding impression of confident and purposeful people, but within themselves feel different kinds of complexes. Peridot gives representatives of this sign to the features of leaders who are available to many things. The acquisition of internal confidence allows lions to achieve heights in the career ladder and become excellent leaders.

Mixes of pebbles will help get rid of unnecessary conservatism of views and keep up with the times. This is a very useful talisman for pedants and idealists.

Fire and air signs are contraindicated, as patronizing the elements of water.

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