Variscite - a stone of responsive and kind people


Variscite is often confused with turquoise, since there are copies of a pronounced blue tone. Variscitis is a stone of a beautiful structure, it is often called California turquoise and love to make jewelry. What is the difference between varislicitis from other minerals, what is its features?

Variscite - Stone balanced people

Characteristics of stone

Variscite is a hydrated aluminum phosphate, easily destroyed under the action of high temperatures. The presence of iron and chlorine as part of the gem determines its color - from a saturated blue to green with a yellow tide. However, it is more likely to meet a translucent variser of a green shade.

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All minerals can be divided into two subgroups in accordance with the color:

  • Watchks - Green Tone Pebbles;
  • California turquoise - blue tone;
  • Chlornutalitis is a bright green shade.

Also, the varislicitis has several names that are outdated:

  • Bolivarip;
  • sferit;
  • Lucinite.

Fans of gems Variscite like more turquoise because of a beautiful overflow of shades.

Magic properties of variscite

Magic characteristics

Like all minerals, the varislicity is attributed to the magic influence on a person. It is believed that the stone contributes to the purification of the mind from the bustle and excitement. Therefore, it is used in meditations and magical practices. Variscite helps to focus the mind on the main goal, to achieve sincere equilibrium and calmness.

The data of the quality of the gem is suitable for sessions for viewing a person's life - the future and present. Stone sets up a vision of a fine plan, opens the valid gift. With the help of a mineral, you can learn about your past lives, see the secrets of the past events.

Mineral is able to attract material benefits to his owner, provides a constant flow of funds, attracts good luck and happiness. However, the Golden Mountains Mineral does not promise. Variscite opens up not only material abundance of its owner, but also fills the feeling of harmony with all the universe.

Stone is recommended to wear those who seek self-improvement and spiritual growth. Thanks to him, a person will be able to discover unrealized talents and abilities. Spiritually underdeveloped and focused on their own benefits of people Variscite repels from themselves. People with positive energy protect against directional negative and accidents.

Medical pebbles

Since the mineral was discovered relatively recently, all its healing properties have not yet been studied. It is noticed that the stone soothes the nerves and provides a full-fledged sleep. With the help of the varisat, you can get rid of nightmares. Also, the mineral heals the night incontinence of urine. Lithotherapists argue that decorations made of gems soothe nerves and eliminate irritability.

Some healers are convinced that gem improves potency and makes a man attractive in the eyes of women. The same can be said about the representatives of the beautiful floor - the stone gives them charm. Also, the varislicitis gives youth, since it restores the structure of DNA cells.

Variscite for lithotherapy

Astrological compliances

Astrologers are convinced that the varislicitis approaches all fiery signs - Lion, Sagittarius and Aries. The stone will calm their natural impulsiveness and aggression. Thanks to the varissed, the fiery signs will acquire equilibrium and become more depriveful and patient with people.

Fish stone contraindicated. The varislicitis will strengthen their natural sensitivity and softness, which will do from fish of victims of someone else's will. The kind of fish will be used in a row. Therefore, to give the decoration from the mineral and buy it for this sign categorically impossible.

It also also applies to cancers: their natural tendency to care about the neighbor can acquire the features of obsessiveness, which will not like everyone.

Talismans from this mineral need to be chosen by whose profession requires exposure and calm calm. This concerns public people and those who are communicating with a large number of customers.


The properties of the mineral have not yet fully studied, so caution should be exercised when interacting with the viridescit. Watch your well-minded, behind the reaction of the stone on the events in your life. If you feel discomfort, just get rid of the mineral in any way.

It is proved that gems are independent and can influence a person besides his will. If the stone is harmonized with human energy, it begins to help him in everything. If the vibrations of the stone with the vibrations of a person occurs, the entire opposite is the mineral or "silent", or begins to attract negative.

Variscite is a stone of responsive and patient people. These properties can be useful to many. But do not forget that excessive responsiveness and patientity can play a cruel joke. This refers to those who are endowed with these qualities from birth - the varislicitis will increase them several times.

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