Kangcite stone - champion and healer, application in magic


Gentle lilac color, glass transparency - Kuncite was opened relatively recently by American prospectors. The name of his mineral was named George Kuntz, who presented his public. What is the different kangcite stone from other minerals, what is his features? Consider the question in the article.

Kangcite Stone - Properties

Characteristic of stone

Kuncite cannot boast a centuries-old history, as it is a young gem. He has no ancient legend, there are no references to historical foliants and mythological creativity. Only in 1902 they found out about Kuncite in the world, thanks to the efforts of the American natural scientist. From this time the history of the mineral starts.

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The kangcite stone happens a few shades:

  • green;
  • pink;
  • colorless;
  • lilac;
  • yellow.

Pebbles were chosen by jewelers, it was added in the manufacture of glass for larger glitter and in lithium, Kuncite replenished the collection of mineral lovers. The triumphant procession of Kangcite is not called the world, but the jewelers predict him a more sustainable position in the market of precious products in the near future.

Application in magic

Gem has magical properties and features. Yoga is used in meditations, as Kuncite helps to tune in to the contemplative way and clear thoughts from domestic problems. Pebbles are able to balance the senses of a person, to save it from a stressful state and to draw thoughts to eternal values.

If you are aiming for emotional calm, wear jewelry from Kangcite.

Mages argue that the vibrations of the mineral help tune in to contact with a thin plan - therefore Kuncite is often used in ritual magic. Creative people note that pebbles give them inspiration, flights of thoughts and insight. Especially helping the figurines from the kangcite put in the workshop.

Psychic believes that gem awakens the best qualities of a person. Divisks from Kangcite advise to give children and adolescents so that they rose respectful people. Adult people of pebbles give cheerfulness, immediacy and unfortunate fun. Kangcite is recommended to wear those who had to grow early and not to enjoy children's impressions.

Mages noticed the property of gem to protect a person from the influence of evil forces, so from Kangcite makes amulets and amulets for children and adults. Pebbles will also protect against lies and betrayal, meanness and cunning. However, its properties of the mineral discloses only people with pure thoughts and intentions - Kuntcite does not like evil and vengeal people.

There is an opinion that the mineral contributes to the conception of the child, as the beneficial effect on female and male potency. Kangcite can also be used in love magic to enhance attractiveness and charm - pink tones. Helps the mineral and at partings - soothes the wounded heart. Pebbles are suitable for both young mommies and lonely women - choose minerals of pink tone or completely colorless.

Lilac tone stones activate the crown chakra located on the scalp. This chakra is responsible for communicating with cosmic forces, spiritual support for religion and the breadth of worldview. The purple radiation of the mineral helps in comprehending the transcendental truths, in the awareness of its life destiny and true values.

Kangcite stone healing

Healing qualities

As noted above, the kangcite gives cheerfulness, and therefore eliminates the feeling of depression and despondency. Therefore, it is widely used in the treatment of mental states. In addition, the stone helps with:

  • cardiac illness;
  • imminent immunity;
  • Blood diseases.

To pebbles help to establish the work of the heart muscle, you need to wear a pendant or suspension. The closer the mineral will be to the heart, the better.

So that Kuncit helps to restore the immune system after a disease or surgery, you can drink irrigated water on it. To improve sleep, it is necessary to put pebbles under the pillow, to normalize mental equilibrium, you can consider decorations or crafts from Kangcite. The kuncite of light tones soothes the screaming babies.

The mineral enhances the effect of drugs, so it is recommended to be used in a set of directional therapy. To strengthen the healing effects of gem on the body, you need to fix it in silver.

Lilac stones are protected from alcohol poisoning and protect in dangerous situations.

Kangcite in magic and astrology

Kangcite stone in astrology

The mineral is more responsive to all signs of the zodiac, does not enter into conflict with anyone. However, astrologers allocate several representatives of the zodiac circle, to whom the pebbles are especially useful:

  • Tales;
  • Scorpions;
  • lions.

Scorpions gem grants calm and peace, damages deprive stubbornness and anxiety, lions helps to be softer and somewhat romantic. Congcite loyalty to representatives of all the signs of the zodiac is unique: such a mineral is no longer found.

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