Vltavin - stone with mysterious properties from the Czech Republic


Vltavin - gem of the Czech Republic, which is famous for its wonderful old. Vltavin is a stone with unusual properties, sometimes it is called Moldavite or "a bottle stone." Consider the magic and healing characteristics of the Czech stone in detail.

Vltavin - stone from the Czech Republic

The origin of mineral

Stone belongs to semi-precious, mining Vltavin in the south of the Czech Republic. The name "bottle" mineral got due to its green shade and glass glitter. The surface of the pebble is not homogeneous - it is covered with bubbles and wrinkles. Geologists explain the origin of the mineral by the explosion of a meteorite that fell on the ground and melted the earthly breed. A meteorite fell not far from the river Molda, so pebbles are sometimes called Moldats.

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According to another version, the stones are fragments of a meteorite that has not affected by Earth. Sprinklers covered the land near the river Molda, since then this unique stone color of the emerald is produced there. There is a third version - pebbles appeared at the landing site of the intergalactic ship aliens - the earthly breed was melted in contact with alien equipment.

Why is Mineral call Vltavin? Because the Czech name of the Molda River is Vltava. Czechs this name is more likely, so it was the emerald pebbles.

For the first time, the mineral described the Czech scholar Josef Mayer, mistakenly accepting him for chrysitis of volcanic origin. Modern scientists found out that the nature of the stone is different - this mounted meteorite glass.

It is believed that the stone is more than 15 million years, its main part is silica. The uniqueness of Moldavite consists in gas bubbles, which formed high above the surface of the Earth - at least 25 km.

Magic properties of Vladavina

Magic properties

The unusual origin of the mineral attracted by his mysteriousness. People believed that pebbles fallen from the sky were filled with unearthly magic energy. Products from Vladavina have been made from the paleolithic era - archaeologists still find items and decorations from the mineral on the territory of the Czech Republic.

Green is considered a vital energy battery, so pebbles of all shades of green are used in healing practices and for extrasensory effects. The mysteriousness of the origin of Vltavin is attractive for conducting the sessions of the progress and call of spirits. Also, stone is used to configure meditation.

Magages make amulets and wanings from Vltavin to protect against demonic forces during rituals, are charged with cosmic energy and align biopol. It is believed that the mineral contributes to the disclosure of the gift of the progress and helps to tune in to the vibration of the universe.

Yoga is sure that Moldavite reveals the heart chakra through which the flow of space energy is. It is through the heart chakra - anahata - a person can know the love of God, peace and even love himself. The disclosure of the heart chakra exempts from heart ailments at the physical level, and on psychological - helps to install contacts with people. Stone gives the feeling of unconditional love to the whole world.

Vltavin - a stone of youth

Healing properties

How can Vltavin man help? People since sincerely noticed the following features of the stone:

  • helps to get rid of headaches;
  • positively affects visual organs;
  • helps to get rid of insecurity and fears;
  • restores blood pressure;
  • protects against nervous disruptions, improves sleep;
  • activates vital energy and body tone;
  • has a rejuvenating effect on the body;
  • It helps concentrate the thought on important information.

Healers and astrologers recommend to wear decorations from Vltavin constantly. To improve vision or reduce pressure, you just need to contemplate the stone or meditate on it. Green color is relaxing on the body and contributes to the mobilization of protective forces. Contemplation of the mineral soothes the nervous system, leads feelings in harmony.

The following method of application of mineral is a touch. You need to attach pebbles to the patient, either just keep it in the palm of your hand before the appearance of a sense of relief. Then the stone should be cleaned under the jet of water so that he gives the negative water.

Another method of application of mineral is charged water. Lower Vltavin to spring or purified water for several hours, then drink. Such a driver gives strength, cleans the body, strengthens immunity. To activate the healing properties of the mineral, you can read the conspiracy over the water:

Vltavin - stone with mysterious properties from the Czech Republic 1056_4

Buy This Vltavin can be in the country where it is mined. Czechs are respectful about tourists and protect their traditions, so no fakes are not selling there.

Astrological compliances

Who can wear pebbles? Astrologers do not allocate a specific zodiac sign that Moldavit matches. It is believed that the mineral is harmonized with representatives of the entire zodiacal circle. However, they warn that fish and scorpions must be careful when communicating with Moldavite, as pebbles can introduce them to a modified state of consciousness.

The beneficial Moldavite acts on Tales, Aries, Capricors and Gemini - helps the disclosure of intuitive qualities. The miners and cancer mineral helps to achieve inner harmony, lions - manage people, weights and water collections - to open new qualities.

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