Stone Spinel - Who is suitable, what properties has


Spinel is a very beautiful romantic stone. In Russia, he was called "Lal". The spinel stained the famous monomacha cap, Catherine Catherine's crown. In its precious qualities, the mineral can be equated to emeralds and ruins. In antiquity, the red spinel was confused with rubies. In the east, the Red Spinel was called the Stone of Passion, this stone is often used in probimal magic.

Stone Spinel


The stone is characterized by glass glitter and transparency. Spinel colors can be different, but the red and blue tones have value. Mineral has a high strength comparable to a diamond. The name of the spinel can be different:

  • Lal;
  • rubber;
  • Pleuonast;
  • Zeylonite;
  • Rubin-Bale;
  • chrome spinel (picotitis);
  • Zinc Spinel (Ganit);
  • sapphire spinel;
  • Eastern Amethyst.

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The name is determined by the properties and color of the stone, as well as the place of production. Spinel - precious or semi-precious stone? This question interests lovers of jewelry. Mineral belongs to precious stones. For the first time he mentioned Marco Polo, visiting the Pamir. However, the famous traveler confused Spinel with Rubin and wrote in his diary about Ruby Parks.

Stone Spinel - Healing Properties

Healing properties

Stones of red shades well affect the immune and hematopoietic system, help with viral diseases. Wearing spinel decorations improves the complexion and activates the processes of digestion.

Also, the Red Spinel was used for male impotence as an activator of seed generation. It was believed that crystals affect sexual centers and help restore potency.

Green hue minerals help with eye diseases, improve exchange processes and treat back pain.

The pink spinel normalizes sleep, eliminates nightmares and soothes the nervous system.

Stones of blue shades improve hormonal background, help with death internal organs and digestive system.

Ancient characteristics used in the healing practices of spinel powder, as pebbles easily leaned with grinding. The powder was covered with burnt places and open wounds. With the help of black spinel powder, bleeding stopped.

If you wear decorations in the form of a necklace or pendants, you can get rid of skin and infectious diseases, improve the heart of the heart. The spinel on the belt strengthens the potency, eliminates female frigidity.

Application in magic

Stones have a strong positive energy and bring happiness to their owners. However, the nature of the mineral is controversial: this is due to the patronage of the three planetary spirits at once - Venus, Jupiter and the Sun. Therefore, in handling the spinel you need to be careful. To increase the beneficial effect of the mineral, you need to fix it into gold. Look at the photo decoration with spiel:

Stone Spinel for Zodiac Signs

Can the Spinel harvested to your owner? The stone does not like herring and bile people, even a simple touch of such a person to the mineral causes his anger. The mystical revenge of the spinel is unpredictable. Also does not like a stone of excessively unbalanced and impulsive people. However, honest and decent people mineral will help attract happiness and good luck. Mages use it to develop a prediction gift.

Zodiac signs

The properties of the stone spinel are well combined with the energy of calves, scales and fish. They can be worn talismans that attract good luck and happiness. For female fish, pebbles attracts the opposite sex.

Lions Spinel gives energy, strengthens volitional qualities and dedication. Cancer This stone is contraindicated and can be depressed, made too lazy and apatic.

It is believed that it is best to wear decorations with a spinel in the form of earrings or rings. The ring must be worn on the left hand - on the indicated or nameless finger.

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