White jade - the stone of wise men and long-livers


Nephritis is very popular in China, being a national symbol. Nephritis personifies vitality and energy. The color of the stone can be different - from white to black. White nephritis is widely used in healing practice, it is believed that it is from him the heavenly throne of the Buddha. The stone has high strength, twice the harder. What other properties are inherent in white jade? Consider in the article.

White Nephritis


Nephrite formed due to the long interaction of strong rocks with magma. This explains its incredible strength: the mineral can be treated only with diamond cutting. In the composition of nephritis, various impurities of metals and minerals can be located - iron, manganese, aluminum, hydrogen, etc. The concentration of one or another element determines the painting of jade.

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White jade is considered the most valuable. In nature, it is found very rarely, like the mineral of yellow and red shade. Jade stone white can have several shades:

  • Ivory;
  • lotus color;
  • translucent gray;
  • White jade.

Of the listed shades, a snow-white mineral is the most valuable. He misses the light, the price of stone is several times higher than the rest. In antiquity, amulets were made from it, scaring an unclean force. Thin plates made of mineral decorated with carvings and suspended to clothing: the knock of the plates on each other made a melodious ringing that distinguishes unclean spirits from man.

Nowadays, nephritis is used as a diverse stone. Figures, glasses and vases, chess and trinkets are made of it. Look at the photo:

White jade for crafts

Medical properties

Healers believe that the unique properties of jade can get rid of many ages. Stone can be worn as jewelry or drink powder dissolved in water.

Nephritis is able to help in healing from:

  • renal ailments;
  • disease gasts;
  • insomnia;
  • decline of forces;
  • headaches;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • impotence.

The stone was used to help the guinea, to restore the visual function, to strengthen bones and removal of fatigue. If you constantly wear a white jade necklace, you can forever spread with headaches and vision problems.

Nephrite restores brain circulation, returns the clarity of consciousness and activity of mental activity. Therefore, in China, jade black and white is considered a stone of wise men and scientists. To eliminate headcase problems, use massage by jade balls.

Jade plates are used to eliminate painful sensations after impact, tensile ligaments. To do this, you need to make plates to the patient to the disappearance of pain.

White Jade - Magical Properties

Application in magic

White jade is popular among healers and magicians. It is believed that he has a beneficial effect on his owner and gives out:
  • sincerity and courage;
  • benevolence and moderation;
  • ability to susceptibility of knowledge.

The stone eliminates the longing, depression and bad thoughts, restores mental harmony. Mineral is used to customize the meditation, he soothes the psyche and thoughts. Nephrite is used to implement conceived, achieve planned actions.

The magical properties of the stone are used to make faiths from demonic forces, evil eye and damage. He is able to surround its owner's protective aura and reflect directed negative energy.

White jade helps a person to feel like a common universe particle, to establish harmony between the inner "I" and the outside world. Stone is used to communicate with otherworldly.


Ancient times from white jade was made by amulets bringing good luck. It is believed that the stone gives a man of a cheerful temper and a positive look at life, eliminating the complex of the loser. Also mineral is used as a champion of family well-being. For this, the nephrites make figurines and put indoors:

  • Clari-Mandarin;
  • Peach fruit;
  • bat;
  • fish;
  • fan.

Clari-Mandarinsky brings family happiness, the fries' fruit provides longevity, the bat gives good luck, the fish provide wealth, and the fan gives a man with a generous soul.

Zodiac signs

Astrologers believe that the white jade is suitable for any person with certain character qualities. The main thing is the desire for change. If a person is not going to change himself and his life, he can not wear a decoration with white jade.

Also, the stone can not be worn to those who do not care about their health and abuses nicotine, alcohol and gluttony. The stone loves targeted and wise people, carefully related to themselves and nature around. Those who are inclined to bring harm to themselves and the world, the stone is constantly lost.

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