Stone Fluorite - use in magic and healing


Fluoritis in Latin denotes "fluid". The mineral got its name, due to its smelting properties: it was widely used when weaving metals. In ancient stone, the fluorite was used as imitation of precious stones, as it has a diverse color range and can copy ruby ​​and emerald, topaz and amethyst. Consider in detail all the properties of the fluorite.

Stone Fluorit


An unusually beautiful semi-precious crystal fluorite shakes with its unique color scheme. The stone can be both transparent and translucent. This property used poor or disrupted by nobles, decorating their outfits of false topaz and false emeralds. The fake was very difficult to distinguish. Another unique property of fluorite is the glow in the dark.

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The name of the mineral depending on the color:

  • Antozonite (purple);
  • Chlorofan (green);
  • Blue John (purple with white or yellow);
  • Rattkit (purple with pink or blue).

In its original condition, fluorite is colorless. A variety of shades, this mineral receives due to the impurities - they are painted with amazing paints.

Stone Fluorite - Properties

Therapeutic characteristics

What therapeutic properties are inherent in the mineral? The main healing property is the positive impact on the brain and the cardiovascular system. The mineral helps with multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and forgetfulness. Stone Fluorite treats insomnia, eliminates nightmares and gives a strong dream. Also, the mineral balances the nervous system, eliminates the effects of stressful situations and strengthens the psyche.

Stone is widely used in massage techniques: it has a tonic effect on the body, contributes to cell regeneration and strengthening the immune system. This crystal is obliged to prevent fluoride in its composition. Also, the fluorite helps to overcome the atmospheric influences with meteo-dependent people. Those who wear a decoration from fluorite does not suffer from pressure drops in the atmosphere.

People suffering from headaches, fluorite will help in the form of an ordinary quince. There is no need to apply the mineral to the patient places - just wear it constantly. The stone strengthens the bone system, useful for the health of the teeth, is able to restore damaged DNA cells. He heal wounds, restores the integrity of the mucous membranes, struggling with viruses and infections.

With a cold, attach a mineral to the nose for 5-7 minutes, then move it to the forehead area. When coughing, place the stone on the chest for 10-12 minutes: it will reduce the temperature and eliminate the pain in the chest. How many times to apply fluorite during illness? Almost every hour or two, until you feel relief. After applying, the stone needs to be purified in running water, and better - in the natural source. He absorbs the energy of the disease, so it must be cleaned.

Fluoritis for magic

Magic characteristics

Fluorite balls are used by magicians for predictive techniques. Mineral contributes to the concentration of attention, helps to get out of consciousness on fine plans and see the future. Fluorite properties to balance emotions helps very help in spiritual sessions and meditations. Thanks to the stopping of the mental dialogue, the meditator can achieve the state of the trance and effectively conduct practices.

Fluorite use for:

  • sensations of thin vibrations;
  • exit to thin worlds;
  • expansion of consciousness;
  • comprehension of space knowledge;
  • transition to another level of consciousness;
  • modified state of consciousness;
  • comprehension of the multidimensionality of being;
  • Work with the subconscious.

The stone fluorite appreciates the help of harmony with natural elements, the kingdom of minerals and plants. Pebbles are able to form a protective field around a person, so it is used as a mascot and amulet. Helps the fluorite and in love magic as protection against obtasses and cutters: if you speak the gem of protection, no one will be able to separate the pair.

Stone is not amenable to negative impacts, so it is not used in dark magical practices. Mineral is considered universal, as it is adjusted for the vibration of a person and can work with all chakras. Fluorite loves and protects children: it is better to choose the amulet of light tones. Interesting feature of the fluorite to work at the level of phantom.

This is the stone of peace, contemplation, tranquility and love. Fluoritis creates a car of heat, harmony and peace around him, restores mental equilibrium and adjusts to contemplation. Mineral is able to protect from electromagnetic oscillations, so it is good to keep it next to the computer equipment. Also removes the negative effect of geopathic zones.

Stone helps to overcome chaos and disorganization, eliminate any negative energy and relieve tension, get rid of negative thoughts and balance the emotional and mental body. Fluorite will protect against illusions and directed forwarding, eliminate any mental impact on a person.

Zodiac signs

Who is most suitable fluorite? This mineral harmonizes with all the signs of the zodiac circle (except for the Sagittarius), and everyone gives the most necessary:

  • Aries brings peace of mind;
  • Cleans helps to concentrate on the task;
  • Gemini saves from adventures, protects against stress;
  • Rakov frees from illusions and returns to sinful land;
  • Lions give peace of mind and inner harmony;
  • Deev helps to establish contact with loved ones;
  • Weighs saves from enemies and envious;
  • Scorpio helps to find harmony with himself;
  • Capricorn gives confidence in their forces;
  • Aquarius gives good luck and success;
  • Fish helps to realize themselves in society.

If a hot-tempered woman will be decorated from a fluorite, it will save it from stress and irritation. The stone most miraculously changes susceptibility to stimuli and soothes the psyche.

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