Kakholong Stone - Properties and Applications in Magic and Healing


Milk-white mineral attracts with its delicate beauty. This river pebble is not a precious gem, however, has many useful and unique characteristics. Kakholong is a Kalmyk word denoting the "river stone". Consider the topic: Kakholong Stone - Properties and Values ​​for Human. Why do this mineral use, can he help in healing?

Kakholong Stone - Properties


This stone belongs to the family of opals and formed due to the merger of Opal with Chalacedon. Mineral is distinguished by a feature of glowing: it seems that the glow is coming from the inside. The admixture of the chalk makes it vulnerable to moisture - Kakholong may lose its original shape or crack. Some copies of the mineral resemble expensive porcelain.

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In India, there is a legend that Kahlong appeared on Earth from the udder of the sacred cow, which dwells at the monasters high in the mountains. People sacred believed that the droplets of the Milk of the Holy Animal immediately turned into pebbles of milk-white color. Indian women used Caholong to increase breast milk.

In Egypt, there was another legend, according to which Kakholong is connected with the sacred bull apisom, which was born from the beams of the lunar shining. In Europe, from the White Opan Mastered the interior decorations, the Mongols compared the beauty of the stone with the petals of the sacred lotus.

Kaholong stone for healing

Healing properties

First of all, Kakholong properties are used in motherhood and childhood. It is believed that the decorations of it make it easier and calm the babies in the first months of life. Mineral men give excellent potency until old age: for this you need to wear a ring with Kakholong constantly. In the modern world, with the existing infertility at the male population, such robes will help to strengthen the viability of spermatozoa.

Kakholong helps the rapid restoration of the body after stress and diseases:

  • He gives strength;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • Protects the influx of vital energy.

So that the processes of healing are accelerated, in the head of the patient, it is necessary to establish any figure of mineral. If you insist the spring water on Kakholong, it will gain healing properties and will help to cope with the ailment. Pebbles with green streaks helps with glaucoma - you need to constantly contemplate the surface of the mineral.

Kakhologan Stone - Magical Properties

Magic characteristics

Pebbles carries a special mission on Earth - the opposition of evil. This mineral is used only in blessing rites, as it reveals the spiritual potential in man. Kakholong helps to achieve enlightenment, it is used in meditations.

The contemplation of the mineral eliminates aggression and anger, configures on a harmonious and calm way. There is a belief that Kakholong hinders the evil in any manifestations. If you put the pebbles in a dark sorcerer, he will not be able to create evil.

Kaholong is used in business magic as an amulet. You can print in Pissne and put it on contracts: Partners will never be able to break their promise. Also, printing from Kakholong will protect business from dark forces and will not allow dark magic to adversely affect it.

Helps pebbles and keep love in a pair, peace and field in the family. To do this, you can wear bracelets or put a feature in the room. Young kakholong girls helps to find a serious young man for marriage relationships.

Zodiac signs

Who comes up kaholong from the signs of the zodiac? Astrologers advise to carry his calves born under the patronage of Venus. Also mineral is suitable for signs under the auspices of the moon. Mineral is contraindicated with scorpions and axes - it enhances their negative qualities of hot spirits and aggression.

Fishes Mineral helps to open healing qualities. If a female fish acquires a decoration with milk-white opal, she will be able to become a sign. Other signs of Zodiac Kakholong refers neutrally.

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