Gagat - a stone of mystics and magicians, what features a black mineral


Gagat is a black jasper or black amber, it is a diverse gem with a beautiful glossy or matte gloss. The gagat stone softens bitterness of separation and eliminates spiritual flour. Thanks to the black color, it has absorbing ability - absorbs negative energies. This mineral is used as whaling from damage, evil eye and ghosts. Gagat is a stone of magicians and wizards, with the help of which they penetrate into the world of thin energies. Consider what other properties have black amber.

Gagat - Stone Mages and Healers


This organic mineral is a type of coal, differs in a rich black tone and a pearl velvety gloss. In terms of its characteristics, it is similar to ordinary coal, as it was formed due to the carbonation of coniferous trees. Sometimes the gagat is referred to as black amber, although amber is frozen resin coniferous trees. Mineral in clay rocks and coal plates.

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A distinctive feature of black gagat is the ability to radiate heat - this stone can warm a person. Therefore, it is used in massage rooms. Head massage by gagata balls takes off his headache and drives dark thoughts.

Thanks to the property, heated and becomes plastic gagat used in the diverse works. It makes souvenirs, glasses, caskets, animal figures, sculptures, vases, handles for knives, frames for paintings - can be viewed in the photo. Also from Gagat make gravestone monuments.

Stone Gagat - Magical Properties

Magical application

Who are the properties of Gagat? This is a coast stone that protects against any negative. Wide use of mineral found in the Caucasus - from it did coastal jewelry. With the arrival of Christianity from gagata plates began to make crosses and rosary.

Application of Gagat:

  • relieves stress and pain;
  • frees from the resentment and disappointment;
  • eliminates fear and anxiety;
  • protects from the evil eye, unreliable thoughts and damage;
  • frees from the karmic load;
  • gives a person with confidence in himself and its strength;
  • I expels from the premises of demons and devils, evil spirits and ghosts;
  • Calls on the spirits of the died relatives to help a living person.

Gagat is able to warn its owner about the impending misfortune, to protect against physical violence, reveals a lie and deception. Gagat saves from homosexual inclinations, inspiring a sexual hostility to the people of similar gender.

Mineral gives a deep calm dream, frees from nightmares. As an overchar, you can use decorations, put the figurines in the room or simply put the raw pebbles in the room. If someone wants to smooth out the owner of Gagat, he will not succeed.

Note! In the rim from gold, Gagat loses its magic properties. For it, only copper or silver fit.

Gagat is used in love magic, as it can transmit energy from one person to another. To do this, you need to charge the pebbles with your energy, to invest my thoughts about love and give a person.

Gagat is used in predictive practices, but with the help of it it is impossible to view - only the future.

Gagat - Stone Healers

Medical properties

With the help of Gagat, the gout and convulsions were treated. Gagata balls make preventive massage from joint diseases. If you hold the pebbles in the hands of several minutes, you can get rid of stress and anxiety.

Gagat applies and for the healing of female diseases, nervous and mental disorders. If you drink the water in which the mineral flew, the childbirth will be easily.

It was noted the healing effect of black amber to vision - he treats some of the eye diseases, contributes to the exacerbation of vision.

How do gagat use in healing practice? It is enough to hold the stone in your hand or attach a plate of gagat to the patient place - it facilitates pain, relieves the symptoms of the disease. The heated stone exudes the healing aroma, the inhalation of which treats some diseases. In antiquity, the powder from Gagat was mixed with wax, insisted on fault.

Zodiac signs

To whom astrologists recommend to wear decorations from black amber, to whom are the properties of Gagat? Stone has an internal character, so it can only get along with representatives of the four signs of the zodiac - fish, crayfish, scorpions and Capricorn. Representatives of other signs can use the mineral only a certain time, for example, making a talisman to achieve the goal.

Fish and cancers Decoration from Gagat frees from unnecessary fantasies and returns to Earth. With the help of this mineral, representatives of water elements become practical balanced people. Capricorn and scorpions of Gagat gives good luck, eliminates excessive hot spirits and balances. Thanks to the Black Amber, representatives of these signs can reach harmony in communicating with people, to become diplomatic.

How to determine, fits gagat or is not suitable? In case of non-eruption of the energy of a person with a person's energy will be felt discomfort and the decline of forks - you need to quickly get rid of the mineral. Also you can not wear a damaged stone if it was a talisman. Any scratch, chip or color change say that the talisman served his service.

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