How to find out your stone - Mineral Talisman Choice Rules


Gemstones are attracted by their beauty, but not every stone can bring a man happiness and become a talisman. How to find your gem, how to find out your stone? Consider all questions related to the choice of your defender and assistant.

how to find out your stone

Acquaintance with stone

Minerals have their own consciousness, they can sympathize with you or show aggression. These properties of stones were found in distant times, so minerals were used as assistants and even healers. What should be the first acquaintance with the pebble? This rite resembles familiarity with man: First, it is important for the first impression.

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Having come to the store, slowly consider scattering stones. A few minutes later, you will begin to distinguish the individuality of each mineral: one of them will attract your special attention to inner light or special flicker. This is not fantasy: the stones have telepathic properties and are endowed with their own character. What can you feel at this time? You will feel the tide of sympathy to some one or more stones. Moreover, your hand can sway and take the pebble-like.

Important! If you do not like the presented gem, it is better not to wear it.

Stones can give their owner with happiness and good luck, and they can take everything. Therefore, never wear gem that you do not like. There are many examples in history when the stones destroyed the life of a person and brought misfortune. Do not pick up pebbles in the color of your eyes - more importantly, its internal characteristics than color. The color is the last thing you should think at the time of choosing a pebble. Color may be contrasting your eyes: for example, turquoise looks great with black eyes.

What else to pay attention to the first acquaintance? The integrity of the structure of stone is important for the talisman and overama. See how the mineral is treated, there is no chips or scratches on it. Any defect will serve poor service - pebbles should be perfectly smooth, without cracks and dark spots. Talisman can only be pebbles with healthy energy - clean, with a pleasant brilliance or uniform matte coating.

Stones with certain qualities

The choice of talisman for a specific purpose is another way to find your own talisman. The goal may be different, and the mineral can help in achieving it.

  • From depression and negative energy, glazy stones are saved - cat / bovine / falcon / tiger eye and agate;
  • from alcoholism and drugs saves amethyst and rauhatopaz;
  • For the overall of the relationship, rhinestone is suitable, sardonix, carnelian;
  • From the troubles and misfortunes will save amber, Yasma, Malachite, Moonlife stones;
  • Beauty and youth will keep diamond and pyrite;
  • Health will retain Emerald, Onyx, Lunar Stone, Aquamarine, Chalcedony.

If you find it difficult to choose a stone, just buy the one that matches your zodiac sign:

  • Amethyst of lilac or bright pink tone is suitable;
  • Taurizes are recommended to wear agate;
  • For twins fits beryl;
  • Cancer will benefit emerald;
  • For Lviv, the bright red tone is needed;
  • For vir talisman, Yashma is served;
  • Weighs a transparent rhinestone;
  • Scorpion Talisman - Topaz of Yellow Tone;
  • Sagittarians need to be preferred turquoise with greenish tide;
  • Capricorn recommended Topaz with yellow-green color;
  • Talisman Aquarius - Sapphire Blue or Blue;
  • Fishes fit chrysolite with yellow-green chip.

Remember that in the decoration there should be an odd number of stones. Only then will it fulfill the role of the talisman.

How to find out your stone - turquoise

Cut Stone

The combination of mineral with metal is a very important moment to choose a talisman. Some metals and stones are incompatible with each other, which will adversely affect the work of the talisman - it will not benefit its owner. How to understand whether mineral is compatible with a rim made of metal?

  • Matte structure stones are well combined with copper, silver and titanium;
  • Brilliant, blue turquoise and emerald are not combined with silver;
  • Transparent stones can not be changed with copper.

However, there is an alloy of metals (Melchior), which is equally well combined with any mineral.

When choosing a metal for a rim, consider its natural properties. Gold attracts wealth, happiness and health. This is a solar metal that strengthens the person's personal energy, reveals its potential.

Silver - metal of other nature than gold, in many respects opposite. This metal has cleansing properties, reveals the emotional beginning in man. Silver soothes, harmonizes the energy, gives a feeling of comfort. If you need to calm your emotional background, wear minerals in a silver frame.

How to choose a talisman

Contact with stone

So, find your talisman stone will help you internal sensations. After purchase, you need to establish a telepathic contact. How to do it? One way to find out the true attitude of the mineral to you is a joint dream. Put pebbles under a pillow for several nights. If you are tired of the dreams of unpleasant content, and in the affairs will go a break, it means that the pebbles did not accept you. This suggests that the energy of the mineral does not harmonize with your personal, so do not expect contact and help too.

If you calmly sleep at night, wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning, it means that the energy of the stone is suitable for you. Now you need to clarify what exactly you want from your assistant, it should be aware of your intentions. Sometimes people themselves do not understand what they need in life - the stone, the more this does not know. To determine the purpose of using the mineral, read about its qualities and features. For example, some stones can help in different spheres of life, while others are only one.

There is another way to find contact with mineral, more mystical. Take the pebbles in your hand, carefully focus on it, concentrate your attention. Imagine that the mineral is enveloped by a transparent essential haze (or think about it). Now you need to draw the essential shell of a stone in yourself, representing how it fills every cell of your body. What do you feel at the same time?

If you felt a poor inner state, your energy is in harmony with the energy of the mineral. If you felt discomfort, the pebbles do not fit you and get rid of it better. The newcomer will be difficult to quickly enter into contact with minerals, but with long-term communication with stones you will immediately feel their energy.


How to find out your talisman stone? For this there are several ways - by the sign of the zodiac, intuitive, in accordance with the magical purpose. Sometimes a stone can get to your owner "by chance": this is the most faithful choice, because he himself found you. An effective way of choice is the intuitive selection of mineral - in this case, the stone also chooses his future owner himself. The selection by the sign of the zodiac is also considered correct, but purchased pebbles need to be checked for compatibility with the new owner.

Keep your talisman, take care. If the pebbles crack or scratched, it means that he has already fulfilled his role. Remember this and immediately get rid of the talisman, otherwise it will bring trouble. However, if you bought a decoration from gems just for beauty, it will not have the coated properties. In this case, minerals will behave neutrally in relation to the owner, but sometimes they can and show their character, regardless of the mood and thoughts of a person.

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