Love mascot - what gems bring happiness and reciprocity


In the old days, the whole nature was considered animate, each natural object possessed his own consciousness and spirit. This can be found in fairy tales, legends and legends. People turned to plants, wind, the Sun, as a living thinking creature, and asked them for help.

Special venerations used stones - they did the mascot of love, charm and amulet. In gems, according to the ancients, pure light spirits lived. Communication with the spirits of stones is telepatically, that is, mentally. Consider what gems can attract love and fill a person's heart with romantic thoughts.

Talisman Love

Love Talismans

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Gems can help in love affairs, and each stone has its own characteristics: Some soothemes the flour of undivided feelings, others fill the heart of passion, the third harmonize relationships. There are stones that can attract a loved one to a person, and there are stones preventing the disclosure of love feelings.

Stones to attract love:

  • Garnet;
  • ruby;
  • tourmaline.

All red and pink minerals affect the senses of a person, reveal his mental potential. For girls, the gems of pink tones are better suited for men - red shades.

Stones to strengthen feelings:

  • cornelian;
  • sapphire;
  • turquoise;
  • topaz;
  • chalcedony.

These minerals will not give feelings to fade, but to deal with the routine. Turquoise is not just a stone of love: she gives eternal love.

Forbidden Stones for Love:

  • Alexandrit (Widow Stone);
  • opal - you can not give your beloved;
  • Pearls - brings misfortune in love.

Alexandrite enjoys bad glory. It is customary to wear in a pair (pendant and earrings, ring and earrings). If the pebbles are lost, the woman is waiting for separation from his beloved. It is believed that the owner of Alexandrite will never marry or early widow. If you have lost the decoration with Alexandrite, then you will soon marry! This is a favorable sign.

Never give opal to your beloved person - you will soon part with the scandal. This gem causes negative feelings to its partner, and the partner has to you. Pearls are called "tears of the goddess". Never wear pearl ornaments, if you are alone, they do not help the acquisition of mutual love. You can soften the action of the stone by buying a pair decoration.

Stone love hairstyle

Lokon Venus - Hair

The very first in the list of love talismans is a gem with a loud name "Arrow Amur" or "Hair Venus". This is quartz hairstyle. The ability of the gem is so great that in the royal court of Russia, all the court ladies and cavaliers were worn. What can having hair:
  • Attracts the soul mate;
  • Harmonizes relations in the current pair.

According to the legend, the goddess Venus, swimming in the lake, dropped the strand of his hair. Having discovered the loss, the goddess returned to the lake to pick up curls. However, by the time they have already frozen into ice. The goddes liked how beautifully her curls are looking at a transparent coating, and it turned ice into a crystal. Since then, a stone hairstyle appeared, an assistant in amur affairs.

Quartz Hair has a different structure - thread interference can resemble curly curls, and may have pointed outlines. In this case, gem is called "Arrow Amur", assistant goddess. It is believed that possession of both stones brings a person happiness in love, however, and one mineral is enough. Hairvillets are giving their loved ones for the reciprocity of feelings, worn to attract love and faithful partner.


This gem is suitable not only to women with blue eyes - he gives happiness in love everyone, if you ask for a pure heart. Turquoise fills the human aura with special energy impulses, endowing charm and attractiveness. Turquoise gives a loved one, believing that she brings happiness in love. This blue gem has both the properties - it protects lovers from the troubles and adversity. No one will be able to separate the pair, which has jewelry from turquoise.


This gem helps the girls to find their soul mate, and not only girls. Mages use carnol in promotional affairs, considering it one of the strongest love mascots. To find your destiny, you need to wear a decoration with carnela for 30 days - you will certainly meet the narrowed. But there is a condition - the gem cannot be removed for a minute. If you do not have carnela, it can replace it Rodonit.

Avenue and pink quartz

These gems help keep the tender feelings in a pair for a long time if we carry them from the very beginning of the acquaintance. Pink Quartz will help to return the tenderness of the senses if they were already lost. Your relationship will be filled with the aroma of romantics of the first meetings, and the hearts will get into the beat of each other. Putting the earrings or pendant with these gems, and your favorite will be fascinated again, like on the first date. Pink quartz has another ability - it gives courage in the manifestation of feelings.

Love Talisman - Granat


This is also a love mascot who gives the purity and sincerity of feelings. If you constantly wear a pomegranate necklace or bracelet, you can forever get rid of depression and doubt in your loved one. The decorations made of grenade look solid and respectable, but this mineral is considered to be "cheerful", as it eliminates heavy and oppressive thoughts. Previously, pomegranate decorations were given to young girls hoping to achieve retaliatory feelings.


This mineral is given in the event that you are going to spend your whole life with a person. Cherdelik is the keeper of family happiness and loyalty of spouses. If a woman wants to preserve his attractiveness and youth for many years, she needs to have decorations with a carnelian. Pebbles gives his owner with irresistible charm, and the spouse will always admire their chosen, as at the first meetings.


A handsome transparent mineral gives a long happy love with a pair, emphasizes strong feelings, protects the world and rest, eliminates jealousy. If you give a decoration with aquamarine to your beloved person, he will never be able to forget you or betray. Aquamarine is a stone of love and loyalty. So that he fully revealed his amure qualities, you need to buy a gem in a gold frame. Aquamarine in silver helps strengthen health.


We looked at the magic meaning of love talismans. Now it remains to find out how to activate gems to disclose their natural properties? To do this, you need to enter the telepathic contact with the mineral, that is, to establish a mental connection. Talking with gem need to mentally, holding in hand. The answer from the stone will come at the level of sensations.

After the acquisition, the mineral is purified in salted water or simply left under running water for 30-40 minutes. Then the mineral is dried and charged by sunlight. Cleaning stones need not only after purchase, but every three months. Sometimes minerals can warn their master about threatening trouble, changing the color or becoming heavier. With a tight communication with gem you will already distinguish the change in its structure and color.

If the pebbles are lost or crawl, it means that he served his time and decided to leave you. Do not be saddened, thank the mineral for help and say goodbye to him. It is time to choose another assistant in love affairs.

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