Celtic Symbols and Signs: Application Methods


Celtic symbols are not only beautiful decorative patterns, but also signs with a deep meaning. These are chambers that protect their owner from negativity, and talismans that attract love, happiness, good luck and well-being.

The value of Celtic patterns

Most often, Celtic patterns are an ornament imitating weaving. They may look like braid, fabric structure or basket. Magical meaning is that any witchcraft is the weave of energy threads, which personifies patterns.

Celtic patterns

Interesting fact: It is believed that the nodes concluded in the inscription of Celtic Weaves are a symbol of a life of life that passes through human life. Therefore, the ornament symbolizes the life path, all its stages and key events. Change the ornament is impossible - it is given by the gods themselves.

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In ancient times, the Celts decorated the manuscript patterns of books, cut on the stones or engraved on precious metals.

If you are planning to purchase a mascot with Celtic symbols, you should carefully examine from the value and choose the most suitable for you.


The most important Celtic signs are charms. It was in this quality that they were most often used. Consider the most popular protective symbols and their meaning.

Celtic symbols


  • Symbolizes the life path of man, from beginning to end.
  • It personifies the universe from the point of view of its immeasibility and continuity.
  • Indicates the connection of objects and phenomena occurring in the world.
  • It helps to disclose talents and abilities, sends opportunities for the knowledge of the world, develops intuition.
  • Excellent assistant in meditations and other spiritual practices.

Celtic crosses:

  • Symbol of unity of opposites: land and sky, male and female energy.
  • Attracts harmony and happiness.
  • Helps enlist the help and support of the highest strength.
  • Expands the boundaries of consciousness and helps to go beyond the usual perception of reality.


  • Symbol of spiritual development and growth.
  • Indicates the relationship between the inner world of man, his environment and the universe as a whole.

All other classic Celtic weaving is a symbol of fate in all its manifestations.

Figures of animals

According to the teachings of the ancient Celts, each animal has its own characteristics and symbolizes a certain spiritual connection with a person. Depending on the type of animal, the amulet with its image has individual properties.

Celtic signs


  1. Pheasant and Raven develop extrasensory abilities, help to see the future and solve the intentions of other people. But sometimes Raven is a symbol of death of something extra, unnecessary. It may be a refusal of old habits, destruction of painful relationships, getting rid of offenses and soothed negative emotions.
  2. Dove - traditionally love symbol. The mascot depicting this bird attracts harmony, happiness, peace and love in all its manifestations.
  3. Partridge - the most stern bird. An excellent assistant of an innocent man who suffers from intrigue surrounding.
  4. Duck - fills the vital energy that is necessary for the development and achievement of goals.
  5. Heron - develops vigilance and ability to see important in trifles. Protects its owner from deception, betrayal and goat flaws.
  6. Albatros is suitable for those who seek constant self-improvement. Gives wisdom.
  7. Snake - Healing Amulet. Fills the body with health, helps to heal from evil thoughts, develops the ability to heal. Also, the snake symbolizes wisdom and tremendous power, resistance and desire to achieve their goals, no matter what.
  8. Deer - attracts patronage and helping the highest strength. With such a talisman, your guardian angel will always stand behind your back and prompt faithful solutions. Gives prosperity, good luck, success, activity.
  9. Horse is a powerful protective symbol. Wraps from magical negative intervention, helps to endure and give birth to a healthy child. Mostly feminine mascot: Increases attractiveness, helps to preserve beauty and youth for many years.
  10. Dolphin is a symbol of spiritual cleansing. Ensures bad karma, the solar negative, which was in consciousness and interferes calmly live.
  11. The dog is a symbol of loyalty, dedication and protection. Patronizes travelers - gives good luck on the road, gives strength and energy, helps to meet on their way only benevolent people.
  12. Fish develop magical abilities.
  13. Boar - Sign of Communication. It helps to easily find a common language with people, make useful contacts. Develops hospitality and friendliness. But at the same time helps to defend the borders in communicating with critics and those who love to condemn and give unborn tips.

Check out the video about Celtic patterns:

Other symbols

Figures filled with Celtic patterns can be the most different. For example, the dragon, according to believing, gives extrasensory skills and empowers magical abilities. And also protects the owner of the talisman from all sources of external evil.

The tree is an analogue of the Celtic Tree of Life, fills the energy and forces, develops the gift of foresight and the sixth sense, improves health.

All sorts of leaves, intricately intertwined, - a symbol of coquetry. Easy, careflaim. Amulet with them is almost neutral - it can be worn as a decoration.

Anyone can find something suitable for themselves among the variety of Celtic symbols. It is important to choose an amulet, relying on your own feelings. The image of the weaving and the silhouette of the figure in which he is concluded should like and visually.

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