Olivine stone - in what purposes it is worth using


The Olivine stone is called so due to the fact that it is very similar in its appearance with the fruits of the Olive tree. Notable is the fact that the word "Olivine" began to be used not so long ago with the fan of the Frenchman Alfred Verner.

It happened so for the reason that the stone was previously related to the varieties of chrysolite, and now changed the opinion on the opposite. It turns out that in reality, chrysolites are lighter species of olivines.

Stone Olivin

General information about Olivine

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The stone is also found under a different name - Peridot. He often participates in the scientific literature. Jewelers rarely use Olivin, not so many decorations are made of it, but it is rather popular in applied as an amulet, talisman or charm. This is largely contributing to his amazing magical properties that we will look more further in the article.

Olivine has several color variations. The greatest value for jewelers is chrysolite - the type of olivine, which is characterized by transparency, color shades from yellow-green to saturated olive. In addition, you can observe even pistachio or completely yellow stones. The shade of the gem is obtained by the ratio of metal ions in it.

As for the features of the composition of Olivine, it is an iron orthosilicate with magnesium. In natural conditions, you can meet prismatic crystals with a pyramidal form. For Olivina, elevated fragility is characterized, so it is very important to prevent his contact with solid objects.

On the famous scale of Moos, the hardness of the gem is equal only to 6.5 units. Because of this, scratches and other types of damage arise on the stone very quickly, and the effects of acid for it are completely destructive. For the most part, heterogeneity is characterized for chrysolites, which greatly complicates the processing process of mineral.

Olivine is one of those stones that are common around the globe. Its main places of production are destroyed breeds or volcanic education.

Based on the location of Olivina, its color variations will be distinguished. For example, gems discovered in the Hawaiian Islands are distinguished by a brown tinge with the addition of greenish inclusions. And those who found in Sri Lanka, have so gentle color that it is possible to consider all the nuances only under the conditions of special illumination.

In addition, from the main countries in Olivin suppliers, you can call Kenya, the United States of America, India, the Canary Islands, Mexico, Tenerif, and this is not the entire list of places where these species are found. As for the Russian Federation, here the locations of Olivin are coming to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Eastern Sayan (Buryatia), the Zeya River Basin (Amur Region), as well as on Sakha-Yakutia and Kola Peninsula.

Ring with olivine

Mineral healing abilities

Olivine, as well as all other minerals, has characteristic healing properties.
  1. Especially popular as a gem service in residents of Armenia and Vietnam. Olivine is used to heal the organs of vision, - for this they are advised over a long period of time simply consider the stone crystal (it supposedly increases visual acuity).

If a person suffers from scabies eyes, a stone should be frozen into small pieces, and the resulting mass is made directly to the eyes. The Vietnamese also distinguish the stone as an excellent means eliminating liver pathologies.

In addition, Olivine will help heal from a number of other pathological processes:

  • eliminates disorders associated with nervous activity;
  • Heals the cardiovascular system of the body;
  • will assist in the presence of gynecological pathologies, stimulates the contractions and facilitates the process of childbirth;
  • The stone favorably affects the overall state of metabolism in the body;
  • Mineral contributes to more active wound healing;
  • It is believed that Olivine will have a positive effect on the potency in men. He will make a strong sex representative more passionate and energetic. This was spoken by another famous antiquity doctor Avicenna, who assured that those men who would come out of the Cup, in which Olivin crystals were lying before, will demonstrate maximum successes on a love bed;
  • Babies that have just appeared to light, advised to hang on the neck of Olivine crystals to give them more power and ability to cope with various diseases;
  • The stone treats headaches and migraines;
  • will help to normalize the flood process;
  • It is very helpful to wear decorations with olivines to those people who suffered a stroke;
  • The stone will contribute to the stabilization of the state in the presence of multiple sclerosis;
  • Also, the mineral is favorable on the psychological state of people. Using products with it, a person gets rid of anger, tension, jealousy, indignation and hysteria.

Folk doctors are confident that the stone should be placed as close as possible to the patient, it will contribute to more active healing. But at the same time, it is very important from time to time to conduct sessions to cleanse the gem, for this purpose it is put into a glass with water and leave for a short time in it.

Magic Olivina

  1. It is believed that Olivina with a saturated green tinge have a special energy - they open secret knowledge, contribute to the implementation of important plans. Olivina allows you to embody those things in the life that before that seemed impossible.
  2. Decorations with gems are a powerful amulet who will protect its owner from making incorrect, rash solutions, will make it more confident in its abilities, will save him from negative and strengthen intuitive abilities.
  3. Mineral will tear any negative energy that is directed from the outside.
  4. It is noteworthy very pleasant ability of Olivina - the stone actively attracts finance to its owner.
  5. Mineral will help all those who practice financial activities - they will become more successful and will be able to embody all their plans in life. The decisions taken on business transactions will be correct, they will be able to competently invest finances, avoiding ill-conceived and risky events.
  6. A sufficiently large number of people are convinced that Olivine will increase human morality, and also keeps the rashness. Therefore, he is advised to wear lawyers, financiers and judges.
  7. In addition, the crystal will be the most favorable way to influence the relationship with the relatives and friends of its owner, will help him harmonize relations with the surrounding world.

Earrings with olivine

Who from the signs of the zodiac is suitable

The stone makes a person stronger in morally, for this reason it is just perfect for the sign of the zodiac lion. Lions thanks to Olivina will always be active, emotional and active. A fine sex representatives attributable to this constellation will become more successful in the love sphere.

Men will improve their careers - will be able to get a high position and other benefits. In addition, they will improve their communicative skills, they will be able to put a large number of people to themselves, the place of a collective pet will occupy.

Olivine and devans will help very help. The thing is that Virns are distinguished by increased practicality, but often cannot achieve the desired, because they are not very keen and impatient. And thanks to the gems, it will be much easier to achieve the desired.

To draw your attention to the crystal must be a bit passive fish. They are distinguished by closedness and dislike, and gem adds to them a special spark, playfulness, which will make fish more attractive for other people (meaning people in general, in particular, representatives of the opposite sex).

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