Amulets, charms and talismans - what is similar to and difference


Ancient people noticed that some natural objects bring good luck either possessoca properties. So amulets appeared, charms and talismans. What is the difference between all these magical items and what function do it? Why is all times a person hopes to help ordinary items or stones, what are their power? Consider in detail all the properties of artifacts in the article.

amulets, charms and talismans

Charming and amulets

These artifacts have a protective function and are intended to protect their owner from negative energies and influences. However, the charm is somewhat different from amulet.

Functions of charms:

  • protect against evil and unclean;
  • protect against diseases;
  • protect against accidents;
  • Protect the success of the owner.

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There may be part of the body of the animal (horn, tooth, wool), the plant is either just a tree or stone figurine. The bird feather or land from the native threshold can be a faith. There is a challenge challenge and simply drawn on any subject.

Externally, charms, amulets and talismans may not differ from each other. Their difference is in the magic program invested when creating or charging. Sometimes there will be some entity in the artifact, and it becomes a house for her. At the right moment, the essence is activated and performs the necessary program - but always one.

Amulets are also called upon to defend a person from malicious forces and from personal negative qualities. For example, an amulet can save from the explosion of emotions, if a person succumbed to any impression. Breathing into the inner gusts, the amulet protects against incorrect actions and the adoption of hasty decisions.

Some amulets have a quasi-mind and can lead a person from danger: to make off some unrealized place or do not go there at all. Amulets can save the lives to their owner, "forbidding" to appear at the crash or natural phenomenon.

On amulets can be written words of a protective spell, but not necessarily. Mostly inscriptions are applied to the talisman. The simplest example of amulet - Ladanka with words of prayer or coasting herbs.

What is the difference between the amulet from the overag? If the charm has a person passive protection, then the amulet can change the space around the owner. For example, an amulet can affect people in the aura of its attraction. Such amulets include natural stones: they are able to influence the human psyche.

Amulets and talismans


The word "Talisman" has arabic origin and denotes "written text". Talisman can also protect its owner, but, unlike amulet and overag, has active protection. What is it expressed? The most famous talisman was the sword of the Eccalibur, who endowed the King Arthur with an incredible force. That is, talismans can give their owner with some qualities that they have not had before.

The talisman must be conspired, that is, to broadcast the magic program. If the charm protects due to its natural properties, the talisman protection is completely different - initiative. Some talismans may have such an incredible power of impact on their owner, that the cavity is under their control.

The talisman can accumulate a huge amount of energy and at the right moment give it to its owner. If, of course, it will be programmed on this action. For example, a cash talisman can attract financial flows to man. Good luck's talisman catches good luck in the universe and directs to man.

How does the talisman differ from the overag? For example, a wolf fang as an overlap can protect the owner from the attack and trouble. And the wolf fang as a talisman gives a man with a beast and snarling. The charm with religious symbols gives a person's defense, and the talisman with the same symbols provides higher patronage.

Amulets, charms and talismans - what is the difference?


Let's summarize - what is the difference between the specified artifacts from each other and what is their similarity? Alers, amulets and talismans are similar in one - they are all defenders of a person. The difference is in the nature of protection and some properties. So, amulet, in addition to protection, can organize the attraction of the necessary energies - health, good luck, finance, beauty, self-confidence.

Talisman is always a means of attracting or changing anything in a person or its surrounding environment. Typical talismans are based on religious traditions and are tied to certain egregional formations. The talisman can be a cult sacred animal, a symbol of religion, the symbol of the gods or a cult sign.

In the modern world, the boundaries between these artifacts are erased, and many people perceive these items as one indivisible integer. Nevertheless, the amulet continues to carry protective properties, and the talisman is to actively influence the environment.

How to understand what artifact is a carrier of any information? To do this, do not part with the subject of force for a few days, and then try to enter the mental contact. Hold the subject in your hand, press to heart - what do you feel? Your mascot or amulet will surely give some sign either inside you will have a special feeling. This is called telepathic bond. And it is not necessary to be a magician to feel it.

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