Stone Alatyr - Symbols and Magic


All stones stone, cornerstone, king stone, white fuel stone - so called Alatyr in Russian folk tales. Stone Alatyr seemed to be powerful in a popular understanding, the magical properties were attributed to him. The sorcerers and wizards turned in their conspiracies to the powerful strength of Alatyre, believing in his magical power. The word "altar" also comes from the name "Alatyr". What is this shrine that the ancient Slavs worshiped?

Stone Alatyr

White fuel stone alatyr

Where is the Alatyr, to which our ancestors are treated for help? By popular legends, this stone is located in the middle of the sea on the famous Island of Buyan. In all likelihood, this place is the spiritual center of the Earth. From under white, the stuffing stone flows rivers with healing water, sometimes they were called "dairy".

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At Alatra is a world tree, symbolizing the center of world domination. The stone itself personified the world wisdom, being a legislator and a vertex of the universe. According to the beliefs of the Slavs, the king stone fell from heaven with the laws of God's arms already written on it. This legend echoes the beliefs of the Jews (crucified covenant) and Muslims. The followers of these religions also worship stones with the words of God's law written.

In Russian folk art, there are many beautiful legends associated with the origin of Alatyra. One of them says that the king stone existed from the beginning of time and it took it from the bottom of the world world duck. Duck intended to carry pebbles in the beak, since it was small sizes. Seeing this, the welsh read the magic spell, and the stone began to increase. Duck dropped a stone from the beak, and he fell to the middle of the sea-ocean. According to the ideas of Slavs, it was this moment that served as the beginning of the creation of the universe.

Stone Alatyr

Another legend explains the origin of Alatyra and. In the Urals, the ancient people lived. They were hardworking, workers and good people. She worshiped his deity at the Alakira stone. He was hidden from a curious eye in the sovereign. But they were about the stone and the people of Judid the hostile tribes and decided to take a wonderful shrine. The elders prayed and asked the Council Stone. Alatyr lit up solar rays and pointed out the people where to leave. Since those times, no one else has seen, and Alatyr cannot find.

From the legends we see that the king stone was an intermediary between people and the Creator's God. He worshiped him, he asked advice. In the ancient Slavs there was a holiday dedicated to Alatyry, - Igor Day. He fell on September 14. It is noteworthy that in the Christian tradition, it is 14 September, an exaltation is celebrated.

Center of the Universe

The sacral and most important meaning of Alatlar is the center of the world, the beginning began. Along with the symbolism of stone, Slavs honored the eternal non-moving fire of the Svary. When God is wiring beats a golden hammer in Alatyra, the gods and the sacred army are born from his sparks. The phrase "Spark of God" exactly from here and takes the beginning: In the beliefs of Slavs, the spark from under the Svarog hammer gives man talents to art.

In Christianity, the Alatyr stone has its meaning, which is described in the legend about the Apostle Peter. One day, Deviced by Christ, Simon saw the Savior in the sea. Having reached a meeting with the Lord, he swam on the waves to him. At that moment he turned into a rock and climbed over the waves. Christ, having seen the loyal heart of the believer, called him Peter.

Stone Alatyr - Symbolism

Symbolism of Alatyra

The eight-meal star is considered a symbol of tsar-stone. It is also called the cross of the Svarog. Sacred sense of the symbol - unfolding and folding the universe. Alatyr is a divine altar for rest of the gods. The embroidery of an eight-point star on clothes could afford only the victims of the victims, since this sign could bring this sign: the energetic of a simple person can cope with the power of universal wisdom.

The symbol was embroidered on the tanks that were in the temples. It is believed that all symbols, runes and other sacred signs originate in an eight-parliamentary star. She began the beginning, the source of things. Eight petals are eight worlds of the Universe, the energy of birth and creation. Opened petals - the world's world manifested.

Rune Alatyr - another sacral symbol of the Slavs. This rune is considered to be the beginning and completion of all things, alpha and omega, the equilibrium symbol of the universe. There is an endless struggle of the belly and blacks around this rune, and world chaos acquires world order. In Magic, Rule Alatyr decorate altars, which are the prototype of Ston Alatyr.

Amber or not?

One of the names of Alatyrea is a fighter stone. The fuel is called a substance that is subject to melting. It is amber who has these properties. Scientists have long sought to learn about the fate of the island of Buyan - is it present or exists only in folk legends? Scientists managed to prove that Buyan is the island of Ryugen (Ruyan), located in the Baltic Sea. According to Yantar's scientists and there is a mythical stone Alatyr, because in the old Name, the Baltic Sea was called Alatyrassk.

True, or not, no one can say for sure. Are there any pieces of hardened resin (amber) symbol of a mighty tsar-stone? The answer to this question is covered with thick dust of antiquity, and the legend remains alive in the hearts of our compatriots.

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