Labradorite stone: review of its useful properties for man


Stone Labradorite (or Labrador) is called so in honor of the half-core with the same name, which is located in the northern part of America. It was there that the gem of the first time was discovered in 1770. You can also meet a labradorite under other types of titles: black lunar stone, bull'y eyes, spectrolitis and karyatitis.

Stone Labrador photo

General information about mineral

Labrador acts as a kind of tluel. In color, it can vary from dark gray to greenish-gray. If you take pebbles in your hands and start turning from side to the side, then it will arise with sparkling greenish, yellow, red or blue spectacular glare. Gem has a glass matte gloss.

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It should be noted that the main color of Labrador does not represent much attractiveness, because it is gray, almost mournful. But thanks to the bright spyhouses that play on its surface, he acquires a more noble view.

As for the main deposits of the mineral, then Finland is in the first place to import beautiful Labradorites. And then in descending order, such states are located: Germany, Greenland, India, Tibet and Ukraine. In Australia, you can also find a gem that has high jewelry quality.

Historical certificate of Labrador

According to the legend, the first people who have known the great magic power of Labradorite are nations inhabiting the mysterious hyperboree. They made themselves highly valued due to their magic properties and revered as a sacred stone.

Residents of Europe learned about the mineral only at the end of the eighteenth century. The rich representatives of beautiful sex worn earrings, robusts, brooches and necklace with Labrador, not embarrassed to demonstrate their delicious treasures around.

Approximately in the same temporary gap, the mineral acquires fame and in Russia - also at the end of the eighteenth century. When the Hermitage was built, in the depths of the Earth, huge sizes of the block were found, of which Labrador's pearl eye pearl eyes. After that, the glory was separated about the gem throughout Russia. It began to be used to decorate the royal residency and apartments for representatives of the Nature of St. Petersburg.

Ranger with Labrador

Healing properties inherent in gem

  • Lithotherapists argue that Labradorite helps strengthen the protective forces of the body.
  • Gem has an painful effect: facilitates the state of the articular pathologies and diseases of the spine.
  • Also, the stone successfully treats infertility, impotence and part of the diseases of the urinary sphere (in particular, in men - prostate gland).
  • With regular wearing pendants and rings with a mineral, a person will improve his mood, it will be easier for him to cope with the negative effect of stress on the body, a dream is normalized. In addition, the rings (wearable on the middle finger) and pendants with gems are eliminated by drug addicts from terrible dependence due to the fact that they remove stress, soothe, derive from depressive states and allow you to restore the body after nervous voltage.
  • Labrador helps to remove the stones from the kidneys, favorably affects the overall metabolism in the body.
  • If you put a statuette or just a piece of mineral next to your headboard, you are therefore eliminating nightmare nightmares, insomnia, lead to the norm "Natural alarm clock" of your body.
Labrador has an impact on the work of the chakra of solar plexus (manipuras).

Magic properties of Labrador's stone, who is suitable

  1. Labrador is a mystical gem that is inherent in powerful protective properties. It contributes to the expansion of consciousness and allows you to connect to the energy of the universe.
  2. Mineral will protect its owner from negative energy, as well as from loss of vitality. It helps to form an energy "shield", which will remove a person from negative external influence.
  3. Using Labradorites, traveling through other worlds and their past incarnations. This is the mineral of esoteric knowledge, which makes the process of comprehending mystical information more easily.
  4. Also, the action of the stone is manifested in the leveling of physical and essential bodies, and also in opening access to a person's personal spiritual task. With its regular wearing, the level of awareness increases, the faith is growing.
  5. Gem helps to increase intuitive abilities, as well as congenital mental qualities. Due to this, it will be easier for a person to understand the signals sent by His higher "I".
  6. As for psychology issues, here the gem will help to cope with various fears, unbelief in their own strength, doubts, painful memories from the past, disappointments, as well as a variety of emotional garbage, which often stretches from past lives.
  7. It will help to cope with the hyperactivity of the mind, will strengthen the imagination, cleanse consciousness for new ideas. It leads to harmony analytical and rational abilities with internal intuitive knowledge.
  8. Labradoritis acts about the mineral that helps a person to self-extract and observe himself. It helps to distinguish and harmoniously combine intelligence and intuition, will save its owner from unnecessary illusory ideas about the world, allowing you to observe the true essence of things.
  9. It is worth seeking help for help in that period of life when changes come, because he will give a person the spirit of spirit and perseverance. It also contributes to the preparation of the body and soul for subsequent spiritual development.

Bracelet with Labradoritis

Labrador and zodiac signs

Most benefit from the use of products with Labradorites will be able to get aquatic with weights.

And those minerals that distinguish a red-brownish shade are known under the names of the "bullish eye". They are advised to use the ladies who were born under the zodiac constellations of scorpion, cancer or lion. Gem will contribute to the disclosure of their natural personality.

People who are involved in healing, if they relate to the signs of the zodiac Aries and Virgo, will be able thanks to the crystal to develop excellent intuition and good extrasensory abilities.

In particular, it is worth paying their attention to the stone to the people of old age. Labradoritis will be a reliable defender of calm in the house and peace in the home. Traditionally, there is a division of stones on male and female. The first category includes gems of a light shade, and the second - those whose tone is brown-green.

Note! The stone will not help his help envious and unfriendly people, moreover, he will try to harm in every way. Mineral helps exclusively positive personalities who confidently stand on their feet and have the ability to correctly evaluate different life situations and correctly act in them. In addition, Labrador favors all those who love to risk. Decorations with him must be in the arsenal of creative personalities, for which he will present an excellent talisman that helps to attract good luck and success in his life.

We advise you to turn on the informative video about the amazing properties of Labradorite:

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