Stone Malachite: who suits the stone and what properties in it are hidden


Stone Malachite is a real miracle of nature. He fascinates its endless patterns on a background of deep green. This magic stone has the ability to absorb any negative and fill the human body with harmony and positive emotions.

Photo of Malachite:


Properties Mineral

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Malachite is a stone of amazing beauty. Its rich green color is combined with various shades of light green, turquoise and even streaks of black.

Mineral received its name from ancient Greek Malakos, which means "soft." Indeed, it refers to very soft stones. It can easily split into parts or get damage.

Malachite is a water carbonate of copper, which in nature is found in the form of solid reservoirs. Its hardness is about 4 units on the Moos scale.

Today, Malachite is mainly mined in Africa, Australia and Kazakhstan. The most beautiful and valuable stone has not been mined not so long ago in the Urals, but today its reserves are practically exhausted.

In 17-18 centuries, the mining of the gem flourished in Russia. Ural masters created from this gem of unusual beauty - vases, caskets, figurines, decorations. Malachit even retroved the premises, manufactured furniture and interior items. So, in the Hermitage there is a whole malachitic hall, where you can see a lot of real works of art with this gem.

Today, it is a valuable semi-precious stone and is used to make jewelry, various decorative interior items - VAZ, lars, candlesticks.

Very often inserted into noble metals - silver or gold. It is believed that Malachite in a gold frame will give his owner happiness and success, bring good luck and family well-being.

A gem, having a rim of silver, will help make a right decision, improve physical well-being and emotional state, will help you find a second half. And also, malachite helps to get rid of various phobias and mental illness.

Do you know that there are no two identical gems in nature? Each stone is unique on its painting and pattern. Therefore, your malachite decoration will be the only and unique.

How to care for a product with malachite?

If you decide to purchase a product with this gem, do not forget about the high brittleness of the mineral. It is necessary to protect it from the effects of elevated temperatures, various chemicals, scratches and shocks.

It is possible to clean the product in warm water with soap. And then you need to wipe it with a dry cloth.

It is believed that malachite absorbs negative energy, so sometimes it needs energy purification and recharging. To this end, it must be buried in the ground for several days, but just do not forget where this place is.

If you use a mineral in lithotherapy, after sessions, it is best to put it into a silk or velvet bag.

Bracelet with Malachit

History of Gem

On the amazing properties of Malachite, people were known with deep antiquity. So, two and a half thousand years ago in Egypt there was an outbreak of cholera. A lot of people suffered from it, but the epidemic was not touched by the workers who mined the stone. Very soon, this news has spread among people, and Malachit acquired a reputation of the overag from various diseases.

Also, the mineral began to use for cosmetic purposes: it was made of shadows and eyeliner for the age. But soon it was noted that people who used these means began to suffer from mental disorders.

It turns out that copper has destructive effect on the psyche, which in large quantities is contained in this mineral. But it could not stop universal love for gem.

Thus, the ancient Egyptians considered him a stone of Goddess Hathor, who was a patronage of life, love and fertility. Therefore, to protect the baby from the evil eye and damage, over his crib hung a malachite suspension.

In ancient Rome, Malachite was considered a stone of the goddess of beauty and love Venus. People believed that gem had special properties and could make his owner mystically attractive for representatives of the opposite sex.

Magic properties

Since ancient times, people have been well aware of the magical properties of gem

It was believed that this mineral could make a person invisible, will give the ability to understand the language of animals and enter into contact with the various entities of the fine plan. To do this, it was necessary to drink a special infusion from Malachite, over which magical conspiracies were read.

Gem has an amazing property to change the color under the influence of the state of its owner. He is able to absorb negative emotions of the host and display them on himself. Therefore, it is undesirable to wear a malachite product during periods of depression and aggressive mood.

Malachite opens new opportunities in man, pushes him to changes for the better. It destroys internal locks that do not allow a person to move in the right direction and change the usual behavior model.

Mineral also has the ability to overcome fear, indecision and various phobias. It is recommended to carry people who cannot overcome timidity, as well as to representatives of acting professions and speakers.

If you want the magic of this stone to fully manifest themselves, choose for it a rim from copper or silver.

Decorations with Malachit

Healing properties

Malachite is also known for its healing qualities. It normalizes pressure, helps with "marine" disease and dizziness, improves mood.

It is used in the treatment of arthritis and epilepsy, it has a positive effect on the thyroid and pancreatic gland, heals bruises and fractures.

One of its most valuable properties is the ability to derive toxic substances and reduce the likelihood of cancer. He also strengthens the immunity and nervous system.

It is believed that the stone is capable of protecting from a small radioactive and electromagnetic effect.

It helps to reduce the symptoms at PMS and relieve childbirth. So that the healing properties of the stone were as pronounced, it is best to choose a copper frame for him.

Interestingly, the quality of malachite can manifest itself in different ways. It depends on where you will wear it. For example, beads or necklace will open your heart the highest and clean feelings. And bracelets will reduce the risk of allergic reactions and tumors. They can be worn on any hand, but the ring is preferably on the left.

Who comes up with malachite?

The best energy of this stone will suit lions, calves and weights. These signs, as a rule, have some rigidity in character. Malachite will smooth these qualities and will open cordiality and sincerity in them.

The scales under the influence of this mineral will become more confident, calves are softer and mental. And the Lions Malachite will remind you that it is impossible to be too egocentric and worth paying attention to others.

It is not recommended to wear products with malachite cancer and devices. Usually he does not like it and does not correspond to their energy.

Malachite as an amulet

Amulet with this stone will develop spirituality in his owner, will awaken all the highest feelings, gives wisdom and love to the whole world.

It is believed that Malachite helps to get rid of nightmarish dreams, magical influences and a bad eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to put a stone or hang the suspension with a mineral near the baby bed to sleep calmly and not cry in a dream.

If you want to become successful and achieve recognition of others, wear a talisman with a malachite in a rim of silver or platinum.

On the amazing properties of Malachite you will learn more by looking video:

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