Stone selenite - what denotes and what signs of the zodiac is suitable


The lunar stones fascinate with their mystery. The ancient Greeks, noticing the inner light of the mineral, corrected these qualities with the moon goddess Selena. Hence the stone and gave the name - selenit. This is a mineral of sentimentality and sensuality, dreamability and fantasies. What properties is the stone selenit, what signs of the zodiac is suitable? Consider everything in detail.


Stone Description

Selenite is a translucent type of gypsum. This breed originates in the metamorphization of sea water and represents the mineral precipitate on the seabed after drying.

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The moonstone has many titles and paintings. The mineral found at the White Sea is called the leather, and the black stone is Labrador. The most common selenite has a milky white color, but you can meet the minerals of yellow, bluish or pink tone.

The lunar stone is characterized by a rather fragile structure and does not tolerate the neighborhood of solid rock minerals. The softness of selenite is so large that its surface can damage the scratch of a man's nail. Due to the soft structure, the stone is well grinding, so it is widely used for diverse work.

So that the stone selenite does not lose its natural properties, the finished products are covered with transparent varnish. It protects the surface of the mineral from scratches and other defects. The fragile and gentle stone is very suitable for girls. To emphasize your femininity, the girl is recommended to wear selenites in full moon. Mineral has the opposite effect on men - gives the hardness of the spirit and courage.

Magic properties

The stone is suitable as a talisman to eliminate sharpness and rudeness in character. Natural softness of selenite soothes the violent temper and gives his owner of prudency in actions and words. The lunar stone is well suited to eliminate conflicts in the family - Aura Stone spreads around him calm and harmony. In the zone of the mineral fluids acquires a pacification and loses aggression.

The lunar stone has the ability to attract love to his owner, so he will not stay alone. And seven elephant from selenite, transmitted from generation to generation, become real guards of the genus.

Selenite connection with moon is used to cause prophetic dreams. If we put a stone under the pillow and think about your problem before bedtime, at night will certainly be a response to the question. If the answer is not received on the first night, it will surely come in the next dream.

However, the lunar stone has a negative property - it enhances an emotional beginning in man, especially in the full moon. Therefore, people susceptible to Lunatism, wearing selenite is not recommended as born in full moon. People with a healthy psyche selenite helps strengthen intuition and private abilities.

Healing properties of selenita

Healing properties

Selenite, like other minerals, has a number of healing qualities. In ancient Egypt, the moonstone was used for elasticity of the body, Tibetan medicine applies selenites to derive sand and bile duct stones. Ancient Sumerians widely used the properties of the mineral for the splicing of bones and eliminate post-traumatic edema.

In modern lithotherapy, the stone is used for:

  • reducing body temperature;
  • elimination of tract pathologies;
  • treatment of diseases of the endocrine system;
  • treatment of visual bodies;
  • elimination of depression and apathy.

The stone strengthens the bone structure, so it is used when softening bone tissue and fractures. Also, the mineral helps to be moving joints, and binders - elastic. Long-term contemplation of selenite improves eyesight.

Stone Selenite - Magical Properties

Zodiac signs

Who comes the stone selenit? First of all, this mineral is suitable for watermarks - cancer, fish and scorpion. The lunar stone has a diverse influence on the data representatives of the signs of the zodiac: Scorpions pacifies, the fish gives confidence in their abilities, cancers emphasizes in taking the right decisions.

Mineral fits all people of creative professions, as well as devoted themselves to serving God. The stone strengthens the intuitive perception of the world, develops a mystical worldview and spirituality.

Moon stone care

To decorate or artifact from selenite served a long period, it is necessary to relate to them. Stone products should be stored in a separate case with a soft upholstery. In bright sun, the mineral loses its natural properties, so it should be protected from ultraviolet.

Clean the crafts can be mixed in the soap solution with a soft cloth or sponge. It is not recommended to wash the stone in the water, after wiping the sponge, it is necessary to wipe with a towel or a napkin. Careful attitude will retain the stone at an initiated form for a long time.

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