What valuable properties is the amber stone, who is suitable


Amber is an amazing precious mineral, which has organic origin, and about his unusual healing and magical properties knew from the era of Neolithic. In fact, Amber is a piece of petrified wood resin, the age of which can withdraw from several tens to hundreds of millions of years.

In this material we will look at the valuable properties of the Amber stone, and also to whom it fits.

Amber photo

Historical certificate of amber

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During the times of Neolith, people already had tools to make the processing of precious stones. Archaeologists found that primitive people revered amber for his natural attractiveness and unusualness.

For the first time on wood resin, an amazing yellow shade was written in the 10th century BC. These descriptions can be found in London at an ancient writing exhibition.

Amber received the name of the "Solar Gem" due to its saturated yellow shade, very similar to overflows a bright shone. You can also meet this mineral and under other names - so, it is still referred to as the gift of the sun and the sea tears.

The stone attracted attention since it was discovered. But in different countries he was perceived differently:

  • In ancient Egypt, special smokers were created, in which the Pharaoh's embarrassment ritual was carried out with the help of amber.
  • Residents of ancient Rome, using solar gem, created excellent jewelry and other luxury items that were intended for rich residents of the state.
  • In ancient Greece, Yantar was known as "electro", which is translated as "radiance" or "shining". Slices of mineral took with them the warriors, going on the battle, they believed that the stone would help win the battle.

And the famous ancient Greek healer of Hippocrat first described the amazing properties of the mineral. His work was continued by an outstanding physician from Persia - Avicenna.

Thanks to the efforts of other scientists: Plinia (in ancient Rome) and Biruni (in Ancient Asia), the ability of stone was established to be favorably affected by the kids.

  • But the greatest popularity of "Sunny Stone" found in the 17th century. During this period of time, none of the representatives of the nobility could refuse to apply products with amanders.

Therapeutic properties of the stone amber, who fits

Since the time of antiquity, people were confident that amber heals almost all the diseases. Mineral and today is actively used in domestic medicine, providing such positive healing properties:

  • eliminates migraine, angina;
  • It makes it easier to carry magnetic storms;
  • Improves the work of the heart;
  • eliminates dental pain;
  • Heals articular pathologies.

In addition, gem has a beneficial effect on the state of the inner glandular system (represented by blood, lymph and tissue fluid).

Mineral eliminates varicose veins, successfully fights with inflammatory phenomena and normalizes the activities of venous valves.

Modern doctors love the mineral for his ability to deal with hemolysis (condition, when red blood cells are destroyed - red blood calves).

Also, the solar stone will help in mastopathy, the presence of cyst, misa, other formations, which also include malignant, with zob and wen. His healing effect in this situation determines the stopping of the pathological division of cells, due to which the pathological cells die and the formation is dissipated.

Jewelry with amber

In Yantar, the increased content of iodine, for this reason it is recommended to wear beads with a stone in order to eliminate the pathology of the thyroid gland arising when iodine lacks in the body.

In addition, the amber is rich in another number of other valuable elements (iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and other, succinic acid salts), accelerating the metabolic process, as well as the operation of the digestive tract, have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobic effects.

Amber Acid is characterized by a very extensive spectrum of healing effects: it activates the functioning of the nervous system, increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and intestines. It is an excellent anti-stress and counter-toxic agent.

And the amber crumb with its salts is used in the process of producing valuable medicines (vitamin D3, corntsonacetate, antiseptics and other). In Poland, the amber tincture is used as a remarkable means to get rid of the cold, pathologies of the throat and the respiratory sphere.

They advise to rub whiskey whiskey with migrants. And the kids, when teeth are beginning to cut through, it is necessary to give to bother a piece of mineral.

Stone Amber: Magic properties and to whom

Amber personifies happiness and health. His magical properties are the same extensive as healing.

  1. Since ancient times, stone is honored as the strongest mascots and amulets. They believe that amber will give creative inspiration, faith and optimism.
  2. It contributes to the strengthening of intuitive abilities, the implementation of the plans, gives his owner to good luck, joy and calm, will save from many pathologies.
  3. Women in position should be decorated with amber for lungs and prosperous labor. And the use of mineral in the lactation period (in the form of beads) gives the baby excellent character.
  4. Raw amber was placed next to the pillow to scare the evil forces.
  5. Also in the house it was necessary to have at least a couple of products from this gem (to protect against fire and lightning).
  6. Stone acts as a symbol of spiritual communication. His lower varieties are used in religious rituals due to its property to be patched and sourcing Fimiam (pleasant smoke). This haze was previously fured in newlyweds to give them a happy marital life.

Necklace with amber

Interesting information about the stone

Amber has a positive effect on all human energy centers, but most of all on the manipuer (chakra of the solar plexus), Vishudhu (throat chakra) and Sakhasrara (root energy center).

Mineral has a projective yang energy (activating, able to allocate energy).

Refers to the fiery element, his Patron Planet is the sun.

Stone will help people born under the names of Andrey, Yaroslav, Anna, Nina, Olga, Raisa and Julia.

Who from the signs of the zodiac is suitable

Astrologically, the mineral has its greatest patronage of the lions.

So, seelings and rings with a mineral will protect women liones from a negative flow of information. And amber key chains and cufflinks will increase the vital energy of men-lions.

In the case when, in the person's personal horoscope, the Ascendant is in the sign of the lion or the moon, then the solar gem will also present a magnificent talisman.

Amber filled with the strength of the planets of the sun and Venus. Therefore, to maintain all its magical properties, the mineral must be mandatory, otherwise they are lost.

Wearing products with amander can generally representatives of all zodiac constellations with the exception of calves. This is a completely logical explanation - the Taurus has a very close relationship with Porto Inferno, due to which it is blocked.

Therefore, the Taurus stone will constantly "brake", distract from the main goal, will make evil and irritable.

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