Sultanite stone: properties, meaning and photo of mineral


All precious stones (although they are not living matter) in reality possess their "character", their own energy and even have their own fate. At the same time, the bigger age of a particular mineral will be, the more severe influence on the fate of its owners it will be.

As a rule, it is difficult to determine who in this pair will be the main thing - a person or mineral, because it is not in vain that stones in one way or another affect our life, helping to direct it in the right direction. One of these amazing creatures of the Earth is charmingly beautiful, mystical and simply fantastic Sultanite stone (there is also another name - "Diaspora").

Stone Sultanit Photo

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More wise men in the ancient East knew about the outstanding and sometimes magical properties of this mineral. Initially, the Sultanite was discovered and produced to date in hot Turkey.

The stone received its name due to the fact that the decorations with him adored the Turkish sultans, who themselves wore a huge amount of products with this gem, and also presented him as a gift to their numerous wives and concubines.

It should be noted that the stone does not lose its popularity from those ancient times. Mineral has so unique and peculiar properties, which is able to fall in love with her first glance.

Its main feature that causes interest and attracts increased attention - the ability to change its color. In addition to Sultanit, the same amazing opportunity has yet been inherent to Amethystam and Alexandrites. But compared to them, the sultanite has a striking and diverse color palette of shades.

Photos of the mineral are attaching to themselves, and it is already impossible to tear it off. You can admire the beauty of the mineral for many hours, renovated from what is happening around.

In color variations you can meet the sultans of purple, pink, raspberry, olive, cognac and greenish-gray flowers. No one natural mineral boasts such a color manifold.

At the same time, all the colors of the sultanite belong to the category of universal, so that the decorations with it are suitable for any clothes or accessories.

Do not forget that the Sultanite is a stone-chameleon, so before choosing an outfit for it, you need to find out what color it changes with a different lighting.

Properties and Sultanite

The word "diaspora" translated from the Greek denotes "dispersion". For a stone with this title, an impressive fragility is characteristic: so, under the influence of even minor external factors, Sultanite begins to crack and falls on the smallest pieces (high temperatures affect it).

There is a belief that the mineral cracks when he tries to inform the news of the disease of his owner or the danger that lies in it.

Sultanit is ideal for creative personalities: it contributes to their development, awakens new fantasies and causes creative impulses.

In addition, the mineral helps people develop intellectual inclinations, craving for knowledge, reflections and reasoning on philosophical subjects. Allows you to find a non-standard solution for different problems. Those people who wear jewelry with Sultanite have a well-developed fantasy and have a creative imagination.

Rose Sultanitis Rosten

Who from the signs of the zodiac is suitable

Many know that you need to wear jewelry only with those stones that are suitable for your zodiac sign. And otherwise, you can suffer from different unpleasant consequences.

Who will suit the mysterious Sultanit on the horoscope?

Along with many other transparent crystals, the mineral is most of all helps representatives of the fiery element. Therefore, they are recommended to use Aries, Lions and Strels. These people thanks to the mineral will be able to become more balanced, they will operate in themselves intuitive abilities and the gift of the prediction of the future.

But also the Sultanite has harmoniously affects the earth signs of the zodiac: Tales, virgins and Capricors. In most cases, representatives of these constellations from nature have some emotional limitations. And having enlisted with the support of Sultanite, they will go away in themselves stunning sensuality and cheerfulness.

It is difficult to overestimate the value of the diaspora for a person:

  • It has a very beneficial effect on the lives of people;
  • configures a positive wave;
  • reliably protect against negative energy, which comes from others;
  • will be an excellent assistant for speakers, scientists, philosophers and all those who are associated with science;
  • Also, the mineral is an inspirer of representatives of all creative professions (actors, singers, musicians, artists, and so on).

Who should use this stone

This precious mineral is a vital necessity for all those who are tired to cope with adversities of fate and are ready to surrender. Sultanite imperceptibly for the person himself will give him strength for further struggle and will help achieve a positive result.

Absolutely incomprehensible way, gem helps to solve various problems and exit from the difficult position, finding the right solution to even very complex tasks.

It is not surprising that jewelry with sultanites enjoy specially popular with psychics. Many predictors of the future talk about the upcoming events, peering into cracks at the magic ball of this mineral.

Not so long ago - in the 80 years of the last century, only famous collectors could afford decorations with diasporas. Now you can do it every one, but, of course, the cost of products with the sultanite will be rather big.

The high price is due not only to the fact that the stone is quite rare, as well as not only by its unique properties, but also the difficulties of its prey.

Therefore, on average, for a set of sewages with diaspora, I will have to post about 400 dollars. And the ring with this stone will cost a little cheaper and will cost about 200 dollars.

Earrings with Sultanitis

How to distinguish fake?

To have decorations with Sultanite would like, probably, very many, but not everyone can afford such a luxury due to the high cost of the gest. Therefore, scientists came up with grown hydrothermal sultanite, which in terms of its indicators is very similar to the original. The production of hydrothermal sultanites works exclusively in Turkey, for this use a special strictly classified technology.

Processing synthetic stone is much easier than natural, so it is used in most of the jewelry. The cost of natural sultanite exceeds the value of diamonds.

How to distinguish the original from the fake?

  1. First of all, check out the product label - "G / T" is present on products with synthetic stones.
  2. Do not acquire the mineral in dubious places, because there you risk getting a fake certificate.
  1. It is also necessary to take a picture of the purchased stone: if in the photo it will have a homogeneous color, it means that you risk buy a fake, because the real stone has such multifaceted overflows, which are simply not able to fix the camera's matrix.

And finally: it is important to provide decorations with the Sultanite proper care:

  • Rinse them only in flowing cool water, into which you can add a couple of droplets of a soap solution;
  • Do not use aggressive chemical and heat treatment for washing, so as not to harm the tender diaspora;
  • Keep gem needed in dense boxes, on a piece of soft tissue.

At the end of the article, browse an interesting video about this mineral:

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