Black Onyx Stone: Medical and Magical Properties


The black onyx stone is a very rare mineral, which is highly valued for decorative qualities, and for properties. It is believed that it is endowed with magic properties, so often used for the manufacture of amulets.


In ancient times, people believed that the black onyx was endowed with magical and healing properties. According to ancient Greek legend, the stone patronizes the goddess of Love Aphrodite itself - it is from the tips of her nails and a mineral formed. The Greeks believed that only a person was highly expensive and clean in his aspirations can find.

Black Onyx.

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Here are some more believes of different nations:

  1. In the tenth century, decorations with black onyx were popular among Georgian aristocracy. It was believed that the stone protects against enemies.
  2. In the Transcaucasia it was believed that onyx protects the people from war and ruins.
  3. Black Onyx is embarrassed next to the entrance to the sacred place - the oppose Mosque in Mecca, as well as in the Kaaba corner. It was believed that Allah himself gave people a magic mineral to people.
  4. The peoples of Egypt, France, Italy and Israel adorned onyxes of luxury objects - perfume bottles, wine cups, furniture and decorations.
  5. But in the east and in India, to Onyx treated with caution. He personified the eyes of a dead beauty and was a symbol of sadness.
  6. Indians believed that onyx kills love, and in China, they refused the mining of the mineral and tried not to attend places where he was found.

But in the modern magic world, the stone is quite popular. Let's talk about his magic properties.

Lithotherapy: the healing properties of Onyx

In civilized world, minerals are used as a decorative element in most cases. Only a few know that special energy is laid in each stone. The evils were treated onyx bleeding, dementia, articular pains, prepared from the healing superconduct into powder.

Onyx black stone

The black onyx stone has such healing properties:

  • Positive affects the psycho-emotional state of a person. It makes character more calm and balanced, gives its owner generosity and ability to restrain emotions in a critical situation.
  • Soothes nerves, which is especially useful if you lead active, rich in events, intense lifestyle.
  • Positively affects the mineral on the health of the elderly people - with his help you can stop depression and insomnia, calm the consciousness, abstract from problems and difficulties.
  • Onyx is a patron saint of students. If we are decorated with him, you can develop logical thinking and attention to learn to concentrate and better memorize new information from textbooks and lectures, get rid of stress on exams.
  • Stone helps to eliminate the negative qualities of the personality: weak to give strength, lazy to endorse the workability and fill the vital energy that will go to good goals.
  • Improves musical hearing and develops creative abilities.
  • Helps cure throat, nose and respiratory tract.
  • It helps to remove headaches, quickly eliminate dizziness and weakness.
  • If the decoration with onyx is made of silver, it will be favorable to influence the cardiovascular system.

Important: The stone literally absorbs whole pain, negative energy and illness, so it must be cleaned regularly. Make it just - rinse enough decoration under clean running water.

Who comes up black onyx?

Not every person can use black mineral. There is an easy way to check how favorable the impact of stone on your personality and health.

Stone Onyx Black Properties

Tie a small size onyx to the left shoulder from the outside and go to bed:

  1. If a nightmare dictates, the stone is not suitable for you and can only have a negative impact.
  2. If you do not see sleep, the effect of onyx will be neutral, it is suitable as an ordinary decoration.
  3. If you see a good, happy dream, onyx is an excellent talisman for you.

Watch video about the magical properties of Black Onyx:

Methods of using Onyx

You can choose the most suitable way to use onyx. For example:
  • Take a stone in your hands, close your eyes, turn on relaxing, pleasant music. Enjoy the state of tranquility and peace. This will be a kind of meditation that can be practiced for 20 minutes daily.
  • Attach the stone to the patient and rotate it counterclockwise. Soon the pain subsight. Stone helps to heal wounds or diseases of the joints.
  • Make imaginary massage stone. Movements should be made at a distance of ten centimeters from the body. Rotate onyx clockwise. This method helps to relax, filled with positive energy.
  • Put the stone into a glass with clean water and leave overnight. On an empty stomach, send water from the glass. This drink will be charged with cheerfulness, improve the mood and well-being, favorably affects the health of the intestine.

Magic properties of black onyx

As for magic properties - there are many. For example:

  • Onyx is a patron of businessmen. Attracts financial success and helps to achieve success in any endeavor. It is important not to overdo it - if you wear an amulet too often, you will find yourself in the mercy of the greed and thirst for profit.
  • If you are engaged in extreme sports and recreation, constantly carry an amulet with onyx. It will protect against danger and help avoid accidents.
  • People who often speak in public, onyx will help develop eloquence, establish contact with audiences.

A person who constantly carries jewelry with onyx on himself receives a tremendous magic defense. It is inseparable for damage and evil eye, diseases and vital difficulties. You can also put the houses a statuette or black stone candlestick to protect your home and loved ones.

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