Stone Coral: Who is suitable, magical and healing properties


The stone coral is not only very beautiful. It has properties that are able to influence the life of a person, so it is often chosen for the manufacture of jewelry with magical and therapeutic properties.

Stone coral: properties and to whom fit

Coral has many shades: the most common color of the mineral is red. But everything in the palette is about 300 diverse colors. Rarely, but still there are white corals, brown, saturated black. And the most valuable species are painted in blue and golden tones.

stone coral

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Important: Since the coral is mined literally from the water, he is most favorable for people who are patronized by the water element. It is worth considering when choosing a talisman.

Magic and healing properties of coral can help each person. But depending on the sign of the zodiac, these properties can manifest themselves in different ways.

For example:

  • Born under the sign of the Virgin is to beware of coral. Only representatives of this sign the stone can bring negative consequences to adversely affect health and life.
  • But the fish that are under the auspices of the element of water, the stone is especially useful. It is desirable to choose red or purple brown corals.
  • Cancers and scorpions are better to give preference to decorations with corals of pinkish shades. Necklaces, earrings, rings - the best choice.

If your element is water, boldly choose the coral - its magical and therapeutic properties will show themselves in all its glory, having favorably affecting your life.

Magic properties of coral

This mineral attached great importance to our ancestors. He was a constant satellite of sea travel, helped calm the power of the water element. It was believed that the coral protects from storms and storms, helping to save lives by sailors.

Stone coral photo

Also, coral has the following magic properties:

  • This stone is a patron of travelers. He protects against trouble on the way, protects against all sorts of dangers, makes health strong and helps return to the native house safe and preservation.
  • Well influences the coral on the person romantic. It is believed that it helps to finely feel and read on the level of Aura all emotions and experiences of other people. Developing fantasy, helps to reveal creativity and talents, take a look at ordinary things through the prism of creative.
  • Protects against troubles, dangers and misfortunes that lie on the life path. Therefore, in ancient times, the combat guns were decorated with corals.
  • Women can wear coral beads. It is believed that the stone protects against the evil eye and adds attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

There are negative qualities: if you wear coral products for too long, the character can be overlooking the capricious, infantile. Therefore, it is advisable to take breaks.

Astrologers are generally advised to wear corals only during the growing moon. To the new moon decorations should be well rinsed under clean running water and postpone the new moon. Mineral "Relax" and will be filled with positive energy.

Value and properties of pink coral

Depending on the color, the mineral properties may vary. For example, red eliminates the attacks of anger and irritability, grants calm.

stone coral properties to whom fit

And the pink mineral has a whole range of favorable qualities:

  • Bringing happiness to life and gives longevity.
  • Fills wisdom, helps to develop intuition and logical thinking.
  • Makes its owner very attractive for the opposite sex.
  • Improves the reproductive abilities of the body: helps to easily conceive a child, and then easily endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

The coral sensibly captures changes in the state of the physical body of a person. Therefore, if the mineral changes the color or begins to collapse without visible reasons, it is worth thinking - if you have health problems.

Therapeutic properties of coral

In addition to magical properties, coral is attributed to the healing qualities. In antiquity it was used for magical medical rituals, when it was necessary to take root and accelerate the healing of deep wounds.

Today, coral properties are used in folk medicine for the following purposes:

  • To accelerate the metabolism and processes of tissue regeneration. Therefore, it is often used in the treatment of skin diseases.
  • The coral hidden in powder helps to heal burns and speed up the recovery of the patient.
  • If wearing coral beads of red, you can get rid of headaches, migraine and cure the sore throat for a long time.
  • It is also believed that the coral is favorably affected by the human psyche and the work of the heart muscle. If you regularly wear coral ornaments, you can stop depression, relieve the nervous voltage and even improve memory.
  • White corals are used in surgery as part of human bone implants.
  • If you suffer from insomnia, put the coral under the pillow, and quickly immerse yourself in the sweet world of night dreams.
  • The properties of the mineral on general well-being are favorable: it helps to remove fatigue and quickly come into shape.
  • Coral powder solutions are treated with osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

Watch the video about all the mystery of the mysterious mineral:

Coral is a symbol of longevity and good health. If we are decorated, mascots and charms with this beautiful stone, you can quickly experience improvement in well-being, filled with vital energy and strength to realize life goals.

Very remarkable is the fact that the coral adapts to the floor of its owner: girls give femininity, men - masculinity. Develops the best quality of the individual who are initially laid in it.

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