What is the magic inherent in London Stone Topaz, who is suitable


London Topaz (having another name - London Blue) is one of the most beautiful minerals for which a very rare blue color is characteristic. In addition to London topaz, only sapphires, spinels and tanzanites possess similar color.

Topaz London Blue occurs quite rarely, according to this indicator, it corresponds to the wine-yellow and golden-pink varieties of topaz. Many people agree that London Topaz is the most spectacular and attractive variety of this mineral, and probably their opinion is truthfully. After all, it is Topazy London Blue that have a kind of unique charm, and also differ in unique energy properties. In this article, we offer you more detailed to explore this beautiful and mysterious mineral.

London topaz photo

Characteristics of London Topaza

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Gem relates to a group of semi-precious stones, but its luxurious color has no natural origin, but it turns out due to the treatment of natural topaz. In nature, you will not be able to find stones with such a bright shade, and the natural color of most of the topaz is a gentle blue.

London Topaz is an order of magnitude more expensive than his other blue "tribesmen" - its price can vary from 10 to 20 American dollars per cards. But the stones of bright red, pink, green and wine flowers have a greater value.

It should be noted that the color gamut of London Topaz is truly amazing: in different photos, it is possible to observe the change in its shades from gray-azure to restrained smoky-blue, and sometimes even almost black. Thanks to this appearance, the mineral becomes even more mysterious and mysterious.

From the characteristic features of the gem, it is possible to distinguish its amazing hardness (only curonds and diamonds can compete with it. But with this, the basal spidity of the stone makes it quite fragile, and as a result of a significant impact force, he splits into small pieces.

In his type, London topaz is very similar to Aquamarine, but the first inherent is the richer light game and, of course, it has a more saturated dense of the shade.

Pendant with London Topaz

Therapeutic properties of topazy London Blue

People since ancient pores noted that the mineral is inherent in certain healing properties, thanks to which it successfully copes with various diseases:
  • Mineral will help eliminate mental illness, promotes the strengthening of the nervous system, protects a person from the negative impact of various stress factors;
  • Topaz will save from the lack of sleep, the decline of forces will contribute to the strengthening of immunity and improving vision;
  • In addition, London Topaz has a favorable effect on the internal organs;
  • removes symptoms of increased blood pressure, successfully fights migraines and headaches;
  • Experts in the field of esoteric and lithotherapy are convinced that blue topases slow down the processes of aging in the body, they are also advised to be used in the presence of depressive and melancholic states;
  • In its energy sector, London Topaz is a strong mineral, the action of which can be equated to the magical: it will save from the negative impact from the outside, will increase intuitive abilities and adds a man of insight;
  • Traditionally, Topaz London Blue is the perfect version of the talisman for those people who develop spiritually and try to know the secrets of the surrounding universe;
  • Topases also make their owners more prudent, allow to eliminate conflicts;
  • Antiquities Sailors always took with her slices of topaz to protect themselves from natural disasters.

What signs of the zodiac will fit

  1. Thanks to its magical properties, the London Topaz will cope with the riot of marine elements. Every person who is going to go to the sea journey must take with him this stone.
  2. Topaz London Blue contributes to the development of insight, inspireness and strengthening intuitive abilities. It can be recommended to use it for detectives, criminologists, as well as all those whose professional activities concerned the disclosure of secrets and mysteries.
  3. Thanks to the insight and ability to harmoniously cope with conflict situations, the mineral will allow successfully to conduct business, which means that the person will promote a person on a career ladder, will help to establish a business, increase financial income, will provide prosperity.
  4. All those who seek to comprehend the truth are forced to understand the intrigues and various intricacies, must have topases of a saturated blue shade with them. This rule is equally refer to representatives of both sexes who have reasons for doubt whether they are true to them the second "halves".
  5. As for the signs of the zodiac, the London Topaz is ideal for scorpions, and especially for young girls. Mineral will add confidence in their own forces and feeling freedom and ease in any life conditions.

Also stones are suitable for those who have been born under the constellation of cancer. Cancers with London Topazi will determine for themselves clear plans for life and will begin to implement them faster.

And women fish using Topaz London Blue will gain a more optimistic look at life, they are confused, due to the improvement of their physical and psychological well-being will occur, they will become more harmonious.

Sagittars London Topazi will help concentrate their energy and slightly fit natural enthusiasm, due to which the goals will be achieved much more quickly and simply.

Earrings with London Topazami

How to determine the naturalness of the stone

  • First of all, pay special attention to the appearance of the mineral. Unlike, for example, Aquamarine, topaz is brighter and rich, is characterized by more thick colors and an extensive colors. Although, of course, a non-specialist to establish the difference with the unarmed look will be quite difficult.
  • Also distinguished London Topaz from Aquamarine will help compare their mass. So, the first mineral will be approximately three times easier. The difference is more than obvious, and most importantly, it is not necessary for it to use special devices.
  • If you want to have 100% confidence that mineral is in front of you, it is necessary to sign up for a specialist jewelry industry, which will use a special device - a refractometer. If the human eye is still really real, then the device will never let go!

At the end of this topic, we bring to your attention an informative video, which also describes the amazing properties of London Topazes:

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